100字范文 > 邓拓 Deng Tuo英语短句 例句大全

邓拓 Deng Tuo英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-21 16:24:21


邓拓 Deng Tuo英语短句 例句大全

邓拓,Deng Tuo

1)Deng Tuo邓拓

1.A Statesman s Image: onDeng Tuo and "Statesmen-Publishing Newspapers";论邓拓的“政治家办报”

2.OnDeng Tuo s Poetry and Ci;高情消尽千秋怨 碧血凝成万古诗——论邓拓诗词


1.Deng-Tuo: A Voluntary Practitioner of Marxist News Outlook邓拓——马克思主义新闻观的自觉实践者

2.On Deng Tuo s Poetry and Ci;高情消尽千秋怨 碧血凝成万古诗——论邓拓诗词

3.On the Hard Exploration of New Socialism by Deng Xiao-ping;邓小平对社会主义新道路的艰辛开拓

4.DENG Xiao ping s Succession and Development on MAOZe dong s Thought of Fairness and Effciency;邓小平对毛泽东公平效率观的新拓展

5.The New Expansion of the Study Field of Deng Xiao-ping Theory--A Summary of People′s Livelihood Thoughts by Deng Xiao-ping in the New Period邓小平理论研究视域的新拓展——新时期邓小平民生思想研究述评

6.Deng Xiaoping s Rehabilitating and Extending the Governing Legitimacy of the Party;邓小平对中国共产党执政合法性的修复与拓展

7.Globalization of Deng Xiaoping Theory and Its Extending and Deepening;邓小平理论的全球化视野及其拓展和深化

8.On DENG Xiao-ping s Inheritance and Development of Marx World History Theory;邓小平对马克思世界历史理论的继承与拓展

9.Deepening and Developing of Deng xiao ping s Theory of Restructuring Culture and Ethics;邓小平精神文明建设理论的深化与拓展

10.The five years have been a period in which we have held high the great Banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and kept Blazing new trails in a pioneering spirit.这五年,是我们高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜不断开拓创新的五年

11.The writer is Marketing and Sales Director,Templeton Franklin Investment Services (Asia) Limited.作者是邓普顿富兰克林投资服务的市场拓展及营业董事。)

12.The Theory of DengXiaoPing is Inheritant and Develop at Present-day Chinese Diplomacy;邓小平国际战略思想在当前外交中的运用和拓展

13.Deng Xiaopings Arduous Exploration on the Way to Chinese-style Socialism;论邓小平对中国特色社会主义建设道路的艰辛开拓

14.Setting up the harmonious society thought is expanding and deepening Deng Xiaoping socialism essential theory;构建和谐社会思想是对邓小平社会主义本质论的拓展和深化

15.Deng Xiao-ping s Theory on Marxism in China;马克思主义中国化理论的丰富与拓展——邓小平论马克思主义中国化

16.To seek truth from practice and creation--A brief analysis of contemporary features of Deng Xiaoping s legal thought;实事求是 开拓创新——浅论邓小平法制思想的时代特征

17.Socialist Modernization:from Mao Zedong s Foundation to Deng Xiaoping s Development;社会主义现代化:从毛泽东的奠基到邓小平的开拓

18.Breeding and Spreading of Deng Xiaoping s Local Economic Ideology;邓小平区域经济思想的孕育与拓展——论重庆直辖市的崛起




4)Deng Yi邓沂

1.ProfessorDeng Yi experience on treating chronic fatigue syndrome;邓沂教授治疗慢性疲劳综合征经验

5)Dengchi gully邓池

1.Dengchi gully located in the Baoxing county Sichuan Province.邓池沟位于四川省宝兴县境内,在历史上曾发生过几次大规模的泥石流。


1.Analysis of Game Theory onDengxi s "Liang Ke Shuo;邓析“两可说”的博弈论分析


