100字范文 > 邓沂 Deng Yi英语短句 例句大全

邓沂 Deng Yi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-31 15:52:35


邓沂 Deng Yi英语短句 例句大全

邓沂,Deng Yi

1)Deng Yi邓沂

1.ProfessorDeng Yi experience on treating chronic fatigue syndrome;邓沂教授治疗慢性疲劳综合征经验



1.This is Deng-Robert Deng from Tai-wan.我姓邓,台湾的罗伯特?邓。

2.Answer: I am quite insignificant.邓:我算不了什么。

3.Tizzie Dunn was dead, too,蒂兹?邓恩也死了,

4.Duncan of that ilk.邓肯那个地方的人姓邓肯

5.Guiding the Teaching of Deng Xiaopin s Theory with Deng Xiaopin s Theory;用邓小平理论指导邓小平理论课教学

6.During games, Shelley would ask his father questions, and Dave would explain what was happening.球赛进行中,邓肯总是问邓肯爸问题,邓肯爸会跟他解释发生什麽事。

7.Dumfries & Galloway阿邓弗里斯-盖洛韦

8."The Exterior of Tang Chi Ngong Building, the University of Hong Kong"香港大学邓志昂楼外部

9.Answer: It was collective effort.邓:这是集体的力量。

10.Deng: We do not encourage that.邓:我们不提倡这个。

11.Deng: I am a Marxist.邓:我是个马克思主义者。

12.Answer: I am not in favour of changing it.邓:我不赞成把它改掉。

13.Deng: Yes, I am aware of these things. They do exist.邓:我了解,是有这种现象。

14.Hello. My name"s Frank Duncan.你好,我是法兰克?邓肯,

15.Dantes raised the earth carefully.邓蒂斯小心扒开泥土。

16.Good morning. I"m Susan Dunn.“早上好,我是苏珊?邓恩。

17.This is the Dempster Quinn residence.这是邓普斯特·奎因公馆。

18.Crocodile Dundee鳄鱼邓迪/鳄鱼先生




1.Resource-based advantages of ecological protection project ofLinyi Riverside Wetland and its benefit analysis;临沂滨河湿地生态保护工程资源优势及效益分析

2.Study on the Construction of Eco-city inLinyi;临沂市生态城市建设初探

3.Analysis on the engineering characteristic of expansive soil inLinyi;临沂膨胀土的工程特征分析


1.The distribution of the middle upper Zhangxia Formation, Cambrian inYishui area, Shandong, is controlled byYishui rift (including F 4 and F 3 faults).山东沂水地区寒武系张夏组中上部地层的分布,受控于沂沭断裂(F4和F3断裂),分为西区、中区和东区。

2.Yishui County takes measures to optimize fisheries economic development.为了促进山东省沂水县渔业经济的发展,该县采取多种措施来确保实现:第一,换位思考,提升"服务"动力;第二,自我加压,苦练"业务"内功;第三,贴近实际,突出"创新"内容;第四,动态考核,加快"高效"运转;第五,凝心聚力,优化"和谐"环境。


1.Epidemiological investigation on clonorchiasis inXinyi City;新沂市华支睾吸虫病流行病学资料分析

2.Colonization and Emigration of the Reproductive Population of Heron at Jiuli Hill in Xuzhou City and Yaowan Town inXinyi City;徐州九里山和新沂窑湾鹭鸟繁殖种群的建群与迁出

3.Investigation of Landscape Tree Species and Their Application inXinyi江苏省新沂市城市园林绿化树种应用调查

6)Chen Yi陈沂


邓处中邓处中 邓处中 宋代人。自号应灵洞主探微真人。此人生平事迹及履贯不详,曾为旧题华佗《中藏经》题序一篇,序中所言颇为怪诞不经之事。邓自称华佗之外孙,而称华佗为先生,后世论者疑其为宋代人,伪托华佗之名而著《中藏经》。
