100字范文 > 粒状铁 granular iron英语短句 例句大全

粒状铁 granular iron英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-28 00:18:15


粒状铁 granular iron英语短句 例句大全

粒状铁,granular iron

1)granular iron粒状铁

1.Column experimental studies on effects of benzene,toluene on reductive dechlorination of PCE bygranular iron.;苯、甲苯对粒状铁去除四氯乙烯影响的柱实验研究

2.This paper presents some column experiments which were conducted to evaluate the effects of benzene, toluene on reductive dechlorination of trichloroethene (TCE) and perchloroethene (PCE) bygranular iron, and to discuss the competition law for reductive dechlorination of TCE and PCE in this column system.现有的单一修复技术很难同时去除两类物质,需要将以粒状铁为介质的渗透反应格栅技术与生物技术联合使用来达到治理混合污染羽的目的,联合技术中各因素之间的相互影响是研究的关键因素。


1.The morphological textural features and genesis of pelletoidal pumpellyite(Fe~(2+))(?)球粒状铁绿纤石(?)的形貌结构特征与成因

2.Study on the Treatment of Mixture Pollutions of Hydrocarbons and Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Granular Iron System;粒状铁系统处理氯代烃—苯系物混合污染物的研究

3.Column Studies on Effects of Benzene, Toluene on Reductive Dechlorination of TCE, PCE by Granular Iron苯、甲苯对粒状铁去除三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯的柱实验研究

4.Study on the Dispersion Character of Fine Oolitic Hematite Ore Particles微细粒鲕状赤铁矿颗粒分散特征研究

5.Study on Abrasion Resistance of the Columnar Grain Zone in High Cr Cast Iron铸态高铬铸铁柱状晶粒区耐磨性研究

6.Influence of strength of ferrite matrix on yield strength of granular structure steels铁素体基体强度对粒状组织钢屈服强度的影响

7.Research Progress in NiMnGa Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloy Particles/Polymer Smart CompositeNiMnGa铁磁性形状记忆合金颗粒/树脂智能复合材料的研究进展*

8.a granular brown substance composed of ferric oxide; left from the breakdown of hemoglobin; can be a sign of disturbed iron metabolism.一种由氧化铁组成的粒状褐色物质,在血色素损坏后留下,是铁的代谢紊乱的体症。

9.Study on Deformation Induced Ferrite Transformation of the Grain Boundary Allotriomorphic Ferrite/granular Bainite (FGBA/Bg) and Nb-Ti Microalloyed Duplex Steel铌、钛微合金化仿晶界型铁素体/粒状贝氏体复相钢的形变诱导铁素体相变的研究

10.The hepatocytes and Kupffer cells here are full of granular brown deposits of hemosiderin from accumulation of excess iron in the liver.图中肝细胞和枯否细胞内充满由肝脏中过多的铁积聚造成的含铁血黄素的褐色粒状沉着。

11.pellet-bioclastic grainstone球粒生物屑粒状灰岩

12.made grainy or formed into granules.粒状的或由颗粒形成的。

13.Made of or resembling grain; granular.颗粒状的包含颗粒的或类似颗粒的;颗粒状的

14.LL group chondrite低铁低金属群球粒陨石

15.sideroblastic anemia铁粒幼红细胞性贫血

16.A coarser grade of iron will lower the yield of ferrocene.粗粒的铁将降低二茂铁的产量。

17.having a granular structure like that of chondrites.有像球粒状陨石一样的粒状结构。

posed or appearing to be composed of granules or grains.细粒状的,颗粒状的由细粒构成的或看来似乎由细粒组成的


granular ferrosilicon粒状硅铁

3)Divorced pearlite粒状波来铁

4)Granular pearlite粒状玻来铁

5)spherulitic Fe-minerals球粒状铁质矿物

6)particle pearlite malleable cast iron粒状珠光体可锻铸铁

1.This paper studies the process of heat treatment ofparticle pearlite malleable cast iron by the way of microstructure.采用金相法研究了获得粒状珠光体可锻铸铁的热处理工艺。


钨铁电炉出铁(吉林铁合金厂)钨铁电炉出铁(吉林铁合金厂)吻 他排由帕中桩了士朴屏人乙曰“
