100字范文 > 粒状珠光体 granular pearlite英语短句 例句大全

粒状珠光体 granular pearlite英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-19 23:53:18


粒状珠光体 granular pearlite英语短句 例句大全

粒状珠光体,granular pearlite

1)granular pearlite粒状珠光体

1.09% ,however,a low temperature annealing process with waving type of temperature holding resulted in the structure ofgranular pearlite plus tempered graphite and the tensile strength was more than 300MPa,the elongation was more than 6% .09%时,不可能得到铁素体基体,而用低温波动式保温退火工艺,得到了粒状珠光体+团絮状石墨组织,其σ b大于 300MPa,δ大于 6%,机械加工性能良好,这不失为一种挽救含铬高的可锻铸铁件的可行工艺。


1.The Process of Heat Treatment for Particle Pearlite Malleable Cast Iron获得粒状珠光体可锻铸件的热处理工艺

2.Effect of Formation of Granular Pearlite on Wear Resistance of Troostite Classifier Blade粒状珠光体形成对屈氏体分级机叶片耐磨性的影响

3.lamellar annealing形成片状珠光体的退火

4.A rock formation that resembles beads, found in glassy igneous rocks.珍珠云母一种存在于光滑的火成岩岩层中的呈珠粒状的岩层

5.Influence of Rolling Reduction on Pearlite Grain Size in Heavy Rail of Steel U75V轧制变形对U75V重轨钢珠光体晶粒度的影响

6.The arrangement of each pearl in a strand be in harmony in termes of shape, luster, surface quality and size.匹配性是指饰品中各单粒珍珠之间在形状、光泽、光洁度、颜色、大小等方面协调程度。

7.A mixture of ferrite and cementite forming distinct layers or bands in slowly cooled carbon steels.光体,珠铁在慢慢冷却的碳合金中的层状铁素体和碳素体的混合物

8.One of the serially aligned beadlike granules of concentrated chromatin that constitutes a chromosome during the early phases of cell division.染色粒在细胞分裂早期,一条顺序排列的珠状染色质颗粒链构成了染色体

9.sago ground into small pearl-like grains.磨成珍珠状小颗粒的西米淀粉。

10.With the light microscope these stacks are just visible as grains (grana).可以用光学显微镜观察到这些堆积成颗粒状的物质(质体基粒)。

11.A Damage Constitutive Relationship for Pearlitic Steel with Fine Laminar Microstructure;基于细片层状微结构珠光体材料损伤本构关系的研究

12.optically oriented clay of fibrous form纤维状光性定向粘粒

13.optically oriented clay of laminated form叠层状光性定向粘粒

14.optically oriented clay of fluvial form流胶状光性定向粘粒

15.optically oriented clay of diffuse form扩散状光性定向粘粒

16.Assessment of Mitochondrial Metabolic Oxidative State in Living Cardiomyocytes with Cardiomyocyte Autofluorescence应用心肌自发荧光评估存活心肌线粒体氧化代谢状态

17.The reconstructing of soot agglomerates in propene ozonolysis and photooxidation systems团簇状碳黑颗粒在丙烯臭氧氧化和光氧化体系中的重构

18.The most common method to "pump" a gas laser-that is, to invert the population in the states that give rise to light amplification-is to use a gas discharge.“发射”气体激光(也就是反转能产生光放大的那些状态的粒子数)的最普通方法是运用气体放电。


spheroidal pearlite粒状珠光体

1.After normalizing,spheroidal pearlite is gained in this material.由于石墨的存在 ,阻碍了碳化物的溶解 ,加大了奥氏体中碳浓度的不均匀程度 ,使得基体组织最后转变形成粒状珠光体。

3)sphere pearlite(granule)球状珠光体(细粒状)

4)particle pearlite malleable cast iron粒状珠光体可锻铸铁

1.This paper studies the process of heat treatment ofparticle pearlite malleable cast iron by the way of microstructure.采用金相法研究了获得粒状珠光体可锻铸铁的热处理工艺。

5)pearlitic grain珠光体晶粒

6)lamellar pearlite层状珠珠光体


