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粒状体 granular material英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-21 12:29:53


粒状体 granular material英语短句 例句大全

粒状体,granular material

1)granular material粒状体

1.Microscopic shear mechanism ofgranular materialsin simple shear by DEM;用离散单元法分析单剪试验中粒状体的剪切机理(英文)

2.Soils are typicalgranular materials.土体是一种典型的粒状体,建立土体的结构模型有利于进一步认识土体的力学性质。

3.A direct box shear test ongranular material is successfully simulated by means of distinct element method.用离散单元法模拟了粒状体的直剪试验。


1.Study of Failure Mechanism of Granular Soil Slopes and Soil Nail Reinforcement Technique;粒状体斜面破坏机理及土钉加固技术研究

2.bridging solid shape暂堵剂固体颗粒形状

3.massive coarse grained porphyritic granite块体粗粒斑状花岗岩

4.Mineralogy of psammoma bodies in papillary thyroid carcinoma甲状腺乳头状癌中砂粒体矿物学研究

5.an opening that allows the passage of liquids or grain.一个能使液体或细粒状物体出入的口。

6.Analyse of the Filament of the Lens Epithelial Cell in the Human Cataract;白内障晶状体上皮细胞的线粒体分析

7.a solid substance in the form of tiny loose particles.呈细小而疏松状微粒的固体物质。

8.Modeling the Methanobactin in Particulate Methane Monooxygenase (pMMO);粒状甲烷单氧化酶中铜载体(Methanobactin)的模拟

9.Synthesis of Plate-like Single-phase α-Al_2O_3 Particles片状α-Al_2O_3颗粒粉体的制备

10.Research on Tempering Process in Granular Bainite Steel 25SiMoVB粒状贝氏体钢25SiMoVB回火过程研究

11.To make(a liquid or granular solid) stream or flow, as from a container.倒使(液体或颗粒状固体)从一容器中流出

12.Influence of strength of ferrite matrix on yield strength of granular structure steels铁素体基体强度对粒状组织钢屈服强度的影响

13.With the light microscope these stacks are just visible as grains (grana).可以用光学显微镜观察到这些堆积成颗粒状的物质(质体基粒)。

14.The results indicated that the grain volume of the large-grain mutant was quantitative trait controlled by multiple genes.结果表明,大粒型突变体的籽粒大小(籽粒体积表示)现为受多基因控制的数量性状。

15.Test method for the bulk density of granular refractory materialsGB/T2999-1982粒状耐火材料体积密度试验方法

16.The oxaloacetate level in the mitochondria is determined by the redox state.线粒体中草酰乙酸水平又取决于氧化还原状态。

17.Analysis of Efflux Pulverization Dynamics and its Influence on the Shape of the Powder Particles射流粉碎动力学分析及对粉体颗粒形状的影响

18.The Process of Heat Treatment for Particle Pearlite Malleable Cast Iron获得粒状珠光体可锻铸件的热处理工艺


granular solids粒状固体


4)pellet floc粒状絮体

5)granular bainite粒状贝氏体

1.Effect ofgranular bainite in microstructure after welding on impact toughness for micro-calcium steel;微钙钢焊后显微组织中的粒状贝氏体对韧性的影响

2.Research ongranular bainite of 12CrNi3 Steel;12CrNi3钢粒状贝氏体的研究

3.A study on the tempering ofgranular bainite in25SiMnMoV steel;25SiMnMoV钢粒状贝氏体回火过程研究

6)spheroidal pearlite粒状珠光体

1.After normalizing,spheroidal pearlite is gained in this material.由于石墨的存在 ,阻碍了碳化物的溶解 ,加大了奥氏体中碳浓度的不均匀程度 ,使得基体组织最后转变形成粒状珠光体。


