100字范文 > 颗粒状物质 granular substance英语短句 例句大全

颗粒状物质 granular substance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-16 13:35:01


颗粒状物质 granular substance英语短句 例句大全

颗粒状物质,granular substance

1)granular substance颗粒状物质


1.Sprinkled or covered with meal or a similar granular substance.沾满粗粉的沾满或涂有粗粉或类似小颗粒状物质的

2.A granular substance produced by grinding.颗粒物经过碾磨制成的粒状物质

3.Pulverized particulate matter ejected by volcanic eruption.火山灰火山爆发喷射出来的粉末状颗粒物质

4.Study on Physical and Fractal Structure Charateristics of Floc Sludge and Granular Sludge颗粒污泥和絮状污泥物理性质与分形特征研究

5.With the light microscope these stacks are just visible as grains (grana).可以用光学显微镜观察到这些堆积成颗粒状的物质(质体基粒)。

6.An absorbent material, such as granulated clay, for covering the floor of an animal"s cage or excretory box.粗沙粒为动物的笼子或排泄箱铺地的吸收性物质,如颗粒状粘土

7.Particulates are particles of solid or liquid substances in a wide range of sizes, produced primarily by stationary fuel combustion and industrial processes.颗粒污染物是大小不一的颗粒状的固体或液体物质,主要产生于固定的燃烧燃料和工业加工。

8.Made of or resembling grain; granular.颗粒状的包含颗粒的或类似颗粒的;颗粒状的

9.Flow Characteristics of Ceramic Balls and Pulverized Biomass Chars in a Vertical Tube管内陶瓷球与粉状生物质半焦颗粒流动特性的研究

10.Pelagic sediment contains tiny grain of material.远洋沉积物包含了微细物质颗粒。

11.ceramic materials in particulae form,for use as filltering media用作过滤介质的颗粒状陶瓷材料

12.After fertilization in vitro,the CGs discharged completely and the Mi restored round shape in most cases,Both the male and female pronuclei were formed and with compact nucleoli.受精后皮质颗粒内容物外倾或颗粒完整外排,线粒体多呈圆形。

13.Study of Frictional Property on the Granular Materials Surface and the Factor of Cavity Effect in Granular Matter;颗粒物质中空洞效应的影响因素及颗粒表面摩擦性质的研究

14.A granular protein found in the endosperm of many seeds or forming the outermost layer in cereal grains.蛋白质微粒许多种子胚乳中存在的颗粒状蛋白质或构成谷类最外层的颗粒状蛋白质

15.microscopic particles in the interplanetary medium.行星际物质中极小的颗粒。

16.a sedimentary rock formed of coarse-grained material.一种由粗颗粒物质形成的沉积岩。

17.something used to bind separate particles together or facilitate adhesion to a surface.用于粘合分离颗粒或表面黏着的物质。

18.Lungs retain relatively insoluble particulate material.肺脏内留有不溶解的颗粒物质。


particulate matter粒状物料;颗粒物质

3)granular material颗粒物质

1.Viscoelastic response of pressurizedgranular materials;不同条件下颗粒物质的粘弹性响应

2.Effects of subharmonic motion on size segregation in vertically vibratedgranular materials振动颗粒物质中倍周期运动对尺寸分离的影响

4)Particulate matter颗粒物质

1.Detecting methods of particulate matters in water by coagulation/filtration/ultrafiltration process;混凝/砂滤/超滤组合工艺对水中颗粒物质的去除

5)granular matter颗粒物质

1.Static friction on different shape rod immersed ingranular matter;不同形状的棒在颗粒物质中受到的静摩擦力

6)granular materials颗粒物质

1.Law of pressure changing with height ingranular materials;颗粒物质中压力随高度的变化规律

2.The heaping ofgranular materials at different vibration frequencies颗粒物质在二维竖直环仓内的输运及隆起现象

3.Drawing a round rod immersed ingranular materials,the sliding friction force between the rod andgranular materials are measured.通过提拉插入颗粒物质中的圆棒,测量并研究了圆棒与颗粒物质之间的滑动摩擦力。


颗粒分子式:CAS号:性质:指小而圆的物质。最简单的颗粒形状是圆球。粒径在40~500μm范围内,气固密度差在1400~4000kg/m3之间的颗粒称粗颗粒(coarse particle);粒径在20~100μm范围内,气固密度差小于1400kg/m3的颗粒称细颗粒(fime particle);由许多个粒度间隔不大的粒级颗粒构成的颗粒系统称颗粒群(particle swarm)。
