100字范文 > 中国山水画 Chinese Landscape Painting英语短句 例句大全

中国山水画 Chinese Landscape Painting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-15 03:36:01


中国山水画 Chinese Landscape Painting英语短句 例句大全

中国山水画,Chinese Landscape Painting

1)Chinese Landscape Painting中国山水画

1.Inspiration of Landscape Composition Pattern inChinese Landscape Painting;中国山水画景观构成模式的启示

2.Shallowly discusses on the Chinese landscape painting sketch teaching;浅论中国山水画写生教学

3.Graphical Simulation of 3D TS UN forChinese Landscape Painting;中国山水画3D皴法的计算机模拟


1.The Comparison between Traditional and Modern Chinese Landscape Painting;传统中国山水画与现代中国山水画之比较

2.See the Ecology Aesthetics of Chinese Mountains-and-Waters Painting from 《Hua Shanshui xu》;从《画山水序》看中国山水画的生态审美观

3.Similarities and Differences of Chinese Mountains-and-waters Painting and the Western Landscape Oil Painting;中国山水画与西方风景油画比较研究

4.The Comparison in Painting Languages between Chinese Landscape Painting and Western Landscape Oil Painting;中国山水画与西方风景油画绘画语言之比较

5.Discussion on Relation between Chinese Classical Gardens and Chinese Landscape Painting;论中国古典园林与中国山水画的关系

6.About the Coloring View on Ink and Wash,the Mainstream of Chinese Landscape Painting;浅析中国山水画“水墨为上”色彩观

7."Back to Hearts"-Chinese Landscape Painting in Thinking;“回到原点”—中国山水画创作中的思考

8.On Small to Herald in the Role of Chinese Landscape Painting;浅探“以大观小”在中国山水画中的作用

9.The Momentum and the Quality of Chinese Landscape Painting s Creation;试论中国山水画创作中的“势”与“质”

10.On the Secular Tang in the Nature Outlook in Chinese Landscape Painting;中国山水画自然观中的世俗文化情态

11.The Four Most Famous Painters of Chinese Mountains-and-Waters Painting at the End of the 20th Century;20世纪末中国山水画坛中的四强者

12.Talk about the importance of sketch in landscape painting teaching谈谈中国山水画教学中写生的重要性

13.A Comparative Study on the Representative Form of Western Landscape and Chinese Traditional Landscape Painting;中国山水画与西方风景画表现特点之比较

14.Function and Studying of Spirit-resonace in Chinese Landscape Painting;谈气韵对中国山水画绘画上的意义及研究

15.The Comparatively Research of the Changing Time s Chinese Landscape Painting and the European Landscape Painting;流变期的中国山水画与欧洲风景画比较研究

16.Landscape is an important branch of traditional Chinese painting.山水画是中国画中重要的画科。

17.On the Spatial Consciousness of Chinese Landscape Poetry and Landscape Paintings;略论中国山水诗与山水画之空间意识

parison and Research of Real Scene Landscape and Chinese Modern Landscape;真景山水画与中国现代山水画的比较研究


the Chinese landscape painting中国山水画

1.On the Relationships Between the Chinese Landscape Painting and the Thoughts of Confucianism?Buddhism and Taoism;论中国山水画与儒道释思想的关系

2.It is known thatthe Chinese landscape painting is a culture carrier of Chinese national spirit.中国山水画是中华民族精神的文化载体,本次文化广场设计引入中国山水画概念,借鉴中国山水画蕴涵的景观空间营造法,通过巧妙的理水、理石、理树,营造富有中国山水画意境的同和文化广场,使之体现独特的中国文化意味。

3.The Chinese landscape painting, the original natural appearance, with two-thirds of the natural form and the relationship between a target.本文以中国山水画中的人、自然的各自形态以及二者之间的关系为研究对象。

3)Chinese landscape paintings中国山水画

1.The aesthetic spirit inChinese landscape paintings is harmony between human and nature,with philosophical basis of "integration of man and nature".中国山水画的美学精神是人与自然的和谐,它的思维模式和哲学基础是"天人合一"。

2.Trees give a sense of life toChinese landscape paintings,and they also give the paintings endless beautifulness.如何让树的生机感与现代山水画相结合,使树走出传统走向现代,是现代中国山水画家应该思考的问题。

3.Space arrangement inChinese landscape paintings has offs own way and isn t influenced by the perspective ways ,The paper analgses the works of some out standing painters and their paintiy theories and discerns the different ways of the space arrangement inChinese landscape paintings.中国山水画的空间处理不受透视的局限 ,独辟溪径 ,“经营位置”。

4)Chinese traditional landscape painting中国传统山水画

1.Chinese traditional landscape painting,a vision art of plane imaging,the same as western paintings,is by and applies the theory of perspective.中国传统山水画作为平面成像的视觉艺术,与西方绘画一样也依据和应用透视学原理,关于中国传统绘画中的透视理论,后人讨论最多的是宋代郭熙《林泉高致》中提出的“三远法,”即高远、深远和平远。

2.With the long history, tremendous achievements and sophisticated art theory,Chinese traditional landscape painting had acquired a distinctive and important place in the art world.对中国传统山水画进行审美理想的研究,可从一个角度深入其内部,探讨它的意义与价值,不但对艺术、美学研究有所启发,可以澄清一些理论问题;而且对人生存在也有很大的意义,因为其中体现了中国古代智慧的艺术家们和人民对人生、艺术、自然山水世界三者关系的思考。

3.The Western landscape oil-painting andChinese traditional landscape painting are two quite distinct paintings of style and visual effect under different cultural ideology aesthetic concept.西方风景油画与中国传统山水画是在两种不同文化意识、两种不同审美理念的造就下形成的两种不同风格表现、不同视觉感受的绘画形式。

5)the artistic conception of Chinese drawing中国山水画意境

6)ancient Chinese landscape painting中国古代山水画

1.Bixing and Transference——Comparision of theancient Chinese landscape painting and the romantic western landscape painting;比兴与移情——中国古代山水画和西方浪漫主义风景画的比较研究


