100字范文 > 文人山水 Writer landscape painting英语短句 例句大全

文人山水 Writer landscape painting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-22 14:16:08


文人山水 Writer landscape painting英语短句 例句大全

文人山水,Writer landscape painting

1)Writer landscape painting文人山水


1.The Rustic Poetry in Chinese Scholarly Landscape;论中国文人山水画中的神农氏之诗境

2.Zhaomengfu s Misreading of Chinese Landscape Painting in Jin Dynasty, Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasty Caused Scholarly Landscape Painting Schema Style to Form;赵孟頫晋唐五代山水画误读对文人山水画图式风格形成的促动

3.On Landscape and Humanities of Wenshan--A Summary of Rice Growing Culture of Wenshan Zhuang Nationality;山水和人文——文山壮族稻作文化略论

4.Perfect Prose of a Poet & Philosopher--Research on FengZhi s Prose Collection "Waters & Mountains;诗人和哲人的美女——冯至《山水》散文集

5.Different views of men of letters on describing mountains and rivers in the Weijin and late Ming dynasties;笔底林泉 古镜照神——从山水散文比较魏晋及晚明文人对山水的观照

6.The Cultural Characteristic of Chinese Ancient Scholar s Personality and Chinese Landscape Painting;中国文人人格的文化特质与山水画艺术

7.On the Traveling of Scholars in Tang and Song Dynasties and the Formation of Humanistic Scenic Spots;唐宋文人的游历与人文山水名胜的形成

8.In the Song Dynasty, the poet Fan Chengda once described the scenic beauty of the region in glowing terms as follows:宋朝诗人范成大曾著文,推崇桂林山水:

9.On the Influence of “Midian Scenic Painting” Upon the Later Scholar Painting;论“米点山水”对后世文人画的影响

10.Wang Wei,Li Bei,DuFu and Chinese Paintings of Men of letters;王维、李白、杜甫山水诗与中国文人画

11.The Chinese landscape painting art develops to Yuan Dynasty again a big change, is scholarly of the landscape painting to turn, personify.中国山水画艺术发展到元代又一大变,是山水画的文人化、人格化。

12.People in the landscape and the landscape in the heart of people -Cultural interpretation of character interpersion in China s traditional landscape;山水里的人与人心中的山水——中国古代山水画中人物点缀的文化解读

13.The Distained Landscape and the Alienated Human Nature:On D.H. Lawrence s Sons and Lovers;《儿子与情人》中的自然山水与人性异化(英文)

14.Viewing People s Awakening and Self-conscious of Literature Through Su Shi s Creation of Landscape-poems;从苏轼山水诗创作看“人的觉醒”和“文的自觉”

15.Literators s Triple changes to Mountains and Rivers in WeiJin Dynasty;浅论魏晋文人看待自然山水的三重变化

16.Japanese" and "Japanese Landscape" as in Contemporary Literary Works on Japan by Chinese Living There;中国当代留日文学中的“日本人”与“日本山水”

17.Sightseeing of Literati and Evolution of Mountains-and- Waters Poems in Wei, Jin, the Northern and Southern Dynasties;魏晋南北朝文人的游赏活动与山水诗之发展

18.On Flourishing Reasons of the T ang Dynasty s Landscape And Pastoral Poetry;从文人心态看盛唐山水田园诗兴盛的原因


humanistic scenery with hills and waters人文山水

3)landscape painting of ancient Chinese literrati文人山水画

4)Literati Impressionistic Garden文人写意山水园

1.On "Garden as Painting" Reflected in theLiterati Impressionistic Gardens of Ancient China;试论“以画入园”在中国古代文人写意山水园中的体现

5)Cultural Garden with Hills and Water in Song Dynasty宋代文人山水园

6)the art of China classic garden人文山水园林


文人1.古称先祖之有文德者。 2.知书能文的人。
