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山水画 Landscape painting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-26 14:10:16


山水画 Landscape painting英语短句 例句大全

山水画,Landscape painting

1)Landscape painting山水画

1.The tendency towards conscious simplicity in landscape paintingsduring the song Dynasty;试论两宋时期山水画的自觉简略化倾向

2.On Cultivation of Ability and Concept of Students in Landscape Painting Teaching;谈山水画教学中学生能力和观念的培养


1.Interpretation on Mature Form of the Theory of Landscape Painting: Huashanshui Xu and Xuhua解读山水画理论的成熟形态——《画山水序》和《叙画》

2.He was admired for his landscape, bird-and-flower and occasional figure painting.他的山水画、鸟画和人物画受人仰慕。

3.We have landscape painting,figure painting and flower and-bird painting.我们有山水画、人物画和花鸟画。

4.Landscape is an important branch of traditional Chinese painting.山水画是中国画中重要的画科。

5.This landscape painting is a consummate work of art.这幅山水画已臻化境。

6.Landscape painters of different styles emerged in large numbers.山水画家灿若群星,

7.his are always the kind you often really see. On one such picture he wrote:他一张山水画上题:

parison and Research of Real Scene Landscape and Chinese Modern Landscape;真景山水画与中国现代山水画的比较研究

9.Brief Analysis on the Developing State of Landscape Painting in the Early Reriod of Qing Dynasty and Landscape Painting Education;清初山水画发展格局浅析及山水画教学

10.See the Ecology Aesthetics of Chinese Mountains-and-Waters Painting from 《Hua Shanshui xu》;从《画山水序》看中国山水画的生态审美观

11.On the Formation of the Idea of Adoring Abstraction in the Landscape Paintings and the Poems for Them in Song Dynasty;论宋代山水画及题山水画诗中尚意观的形成

12.The Scenery Has the Boundary--Song Yuan Landscape Painting Composition Evolution and Drawing Thought;山水有境——宋元山水画构图演变及绘画思想研究

13.The Comparison between Traditional and Modern Chinese Landscape Painting;传统中国山水画与现代中国山水画之比较

14.The Skills of Paintings of Traditional and Modern Mountains-Waters --On the Development of Painting Skills;传统山水画与现代山水画——试论笔墨的发展变化

15.The Comparative Study of the Landscape between Dunhuang Frescoes and the Traditional Painting of the Central Plains敦煌壁画山水与中原传统山水画之比较研究

16.Talk of Traditional Chinese Landscape Paintings and Modern Landscape of the Aesthetic Characteristics谈中国传统山水画与现代山水画之审美特征

17.Natural Landscape Painting and Naive Landscape Painter;山水清音 平淡天真——翁同龢山水画赏析

18.On the Spatial Consciousness of Chinese Landscape Poetry and Landscape Paintings;略论中国山水诗与山水画之空间意识



posing features of Chinese landscape painting reflected in the aesthetic ideal of "roaming and residing";从“可游可居”的审美理想看中国山水画的构图特点

2.A Degage and Natural Writing Brush,New and Graceful Calligraphy——Ni Zan s calligraphy and landscape;逸笔草草——倪瓒书法与其山水画

3.New ideas based on tradition Appreciation on Zhang Wenjun s landscape painting;立足于传统基础上的创新——读张文俊教授山水画

3)landscape paintings山水画

1.Fu Baoshi and his Chineselandscape paintings;傅抱石与他的雨景山水画

2.Thelandscape paintings and classic gardens in China both display natural mountains and waters,they are very similar in theories The thesis emphatically compares and analyses in the respect of conception,accepting or rejecting,false or true,perspective,piled up hills and rocks,the method of showing the shades and texture of rocks and mountains by light ink strokes,plant disposition and building山水画与中国古典园林表现的都是自然山水,两者理论上极为相通。

3.Bai Qianshen s books "Fu Shan s Social Intercourse" and "Fu Shan s World",the author proposes some individual views on such issues as the social pictures,Fu Shan slandscape paintings,the ugly writings and Fu Shan s political inclination in his calligraphy.通过研读白谦慎先生《傅山的交往与应酬》和《傅山的世界》两本书,对"应酬作品与‘心画’"、"傅山的山水画"、"关于丑书"、"傅山书法的政治倾向"等问题提出了个人看法。

4)Chinese landscape painting山水画

1.Some thoughts about the modernization of contemporaryChinese landscape painting中国现代山水画的发展历程及其思考

2.By analyzing development ofChinese landscape painting’s history comes to revel the basic making garden law and characteristic of classic gardens in southern china, to stimulate more ideas from others.本文试图通过对中国山水画发展历史的分析来揭示江南古典园林的基本造园规律与特点,以起到抛砖引玉的作用。

3.Wang Zhenzhong sChinese landscape painting art imitates nature and life.王振中的山水画艺术师法自然与生活 ,继承传统 ,是“李家山水”中引人注目的一枝 ,并以自己的艺术个性超越传统而继续奋进。

5)mountains-and-waters painting山水画

1.Chinesemountains-and-waters painting and its theory contains harmonious,inseperable aesthetics conception between human being and nature.中国山水画艺术及其理论包含着人与自然和谐融洽、共生共荣的美学思想。

2.In the creation of Chinesemountains-and-waters painting, "Xujing" is one kind of special psychology which the creator achieved through the clear bosom static worry it is the prerequisite which artistic idea can carry on smoothly.“虚静”是中国山水画创作中创作主体通过澄怀静虑所达到的一种特殊的心理状态,它是艺术构思活动得以顺利进行的前提条件。

3.Mountains-and-waters painting, a distinctive artistic expressive form in Chinese painting, evolved into two different styles, the south and the north, in the period of Tang Dynasty and Song dynasty.山水画在唐宋之际演变成南北两种不同的画风。

6)landscape;land-scape-painting山水画; 山水


