100字范文 > 风景画 landscape painting英语短句 例句大全

风景画 landscape painting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-20 08:16:16


风景画 landscape painting英语短句 例句大全

风景画,landscape painting

1)landscape painting风景画

1.With westernlandscape painting creation as example, this paper discusses the importance of observation inlandscape painting creation and also suggests that a Chinese artist should seek a pleasant blend of traditional emotions and artist conceptions and pur-sue harmonious unification of human and nature.风景画创作是绘画艺术的重要组成部分,风景画创作中不同的观察方式,对个人的创作风格有着重大影响。

2.Landscape painting is an important course in painting teaching and also an independent kind of drawing.风景画在美术教学中是一门重要的专业课程,也是一个独立的绘画门类。

3.The French Impressionism rebuilt the relationship between painting and Nature,represented by the creativelandscape paintings in the real sense,based on the pursuit of nature color.法国的印象派绘画重建了绘画与自然的关系,表现在追求自然的色彩,创作了一批真正意义上的风景画,画家不仅在自然中获得了欢乐,而且热情地歌颂着大自然,体现了人的生命与大自然是息息相关的。


1.a view of Paris, done in oils.用油墨画的巴黎风景画

2.She does lovely landscapes.她能画优美的风景画。

3.The painter rendered the landscape very well.这画家长于风景画。

4.He paints landscapes but his wife paints portraits.他画风景画, 而他的妻子则画肖像画。

5.She is good at landscape and still life.她擅长画风景画和静物画。

6.Cindy: She likes painting landscapes best, but she also enjoys doing still lifes.辛迪:她最爱画风景画,但也喜欢画静物。

7.Here"s a beautiful landscape.这是一幅精彩的风景画。

8.a landscape with a timeless quality价值永存的风景画.

9.Landscape painting has been his lifelong endeavour.他一生致力于风景画。

10.Chinese brush painting can be classified into three main categories: landscape painting, bird and flower painting, and figure painting.国画分为三大类:风景画、花鸟画和人物画。

11.Talking about the Law of Creation from the Development of the Western Color of Landscape Painting;从西方风景画的色彩演变谈风景画的创作规律

12.The artist is much looked up to for his landscape paintings.这位画家以风景画受人仰慕。

13.I prefer landscape to still life.我喜欢风景画, 不喜欢静物画.

14.It is by Mr. Zhao, who is skillful in painting landscape.赵先生的,他很擅长画风景画。

15.an exhibition of landscapes by local artists本地画家的野外风景画展.

16.She preferred a good landscape to a portrait.较之人像画她更喜欢美丽的风景画。

17.The Contemporary China Oil Painting Landscape Painting Regional Question Initially Searches;当代中国油画风景画地域性问题初探

18.paint flowers, a girl, a landscape画花卉、 女孩、 风景



1.Research on Contemporary Chinese Watercolor Landscape Painting;中国当代水彩风景画研究

2.Hislandscapes are amiable and mystic,these always give people uneasy feelings of equilibriums.弗利德里希,是早期浪漫主义风景画的代表人物。

3.the viewof western fine art,a modern Japanese artist oflandscape,by traditional painting handling,shows us an oriental art sentiment and depictures us a measured clear and special artistic space.一个当代日本风景画家 ,以西方艺术视角 ,用传统的绘画语言 ,将单纯、简洁的东方艺术情调展现在我们面前 ,并为我们营造了一个有序、明净、独特的艺术空间。

3)landscape painters风景画家

4)pastoral scene风景如画

1.Based on the traditional interpretation mode,this paper analyzes thepastoral scene in The Bor- der Town and Tess of D UrberviUes,known as the typical pastoral works in Chinese and western litera - ture,in the way of eco-criticism.以中外文学作品中极具代表性的有田园文学称号的《边城》和《苔丝》两部文学作品为例,在传统阅读方式基础上,从"生态批评"的角度来解读两部作品中的田园自然环境,分析风景如画的背后其作品中如何呈现难能可贵的生态意识和体现的生态与人文的密切关系,从而赋予作品以新意,丰富作品的内涵,揭示作品的深层价值。

5)landscape oil painting风景油画

1.On the basis of inheriting the excellent tradition of Poussin and Lorrain s landscape in 17~(th) century, he promoted French realismlandscape oil painting forward to a new height.他在继承了17世纪普桑、洛兰风景画优秀传统的基础上,将法国现实主义风景油画推进到一个新的高度。

6)print landscape版画风景

1.Making use ofprint landscape as major clues, illustrating with china local prints such as the Great Northern Wildness print, Yunnan exhausted woodcut and Zhelimu woodcut in Inner Mongolia and adopting theory and practice research method, the paper, containing the creator s own .本文以版画风景为线索,主要以中国的地方版画群体——北大荒版画、云南绝版木刻和内蒙哲里木版画为个案例证,采用了理论和实践并重的研究方法,并结合自己的创作感想,阐述了地域特点及地域文化因素对版画创作的影响。


风景画风景画landscapepainting以风景为题材的绘画。中国画中的山水画属于风景画,但不用此概念。该词约在20世纪传入中国,仅使用于西方传入的油画、水彩画等。西方的风景画、中国的山水画最早只作为人物画的背景,以后才逐步发展为独立的画科。在西方,15世纪风景画独立成科,德国画家A.丢勒的水彩画和A.阿尔 特多费尔的油画中,出现地方志性风景画。该画种成熟于17世纪的荷兰。J.van雷斯达尔、J.维采尔、M.霍贝玛对风景画的发展有较大贡献。与此同时,又产生了海景画、夜景画、街景画主要分科。意大利又有牧歌式的理想风景画,法国有古代神话人物点景的英雄风景画等。18世纪的英国画家J.康 斯特布尔使风景画取得决定性发展。其直接描写自然的写生态度,影响到法风力发电机群国印象主义画家。19世纪的画家还注意表现高山、大海、晚秋、晨雾等前人未描绘过的自然风景。以C.柯罗、J.-F.米莱为首的法国巴比松画派,开始采取自然主义的态度表现风景。19世纪后期,印象主义画家以明暗和色彩的微妙协调使风景画成为绘画中的重要门类。俄国的风景画以I.I.希什金、I.I.列维坦为代表。日本则以东山魁夷为代表。西方绘画传入中国后,颜文梁作为早期的风景画家而知名,吴冠中的风景画富于民族情调。《多云的秋晨·埃拉里》 (作者为法国印象主义画家C.毕沙罗)
