100字范文 > 经理 manager英语短句 例句大全

经理 manager英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-28 10:25:20


经理 manager英语短句 例句大全



1.The analysis of IOS effect onmanagers compensation;投资期权对经理薪酬的影响分析

2.Designing and thinking about establishing inspiring system for modern enterprisemanager;关于现代企业经理激励机制的建立及思考


1.The deputy general managers shall assist the general manager in his work and act as the agent of the general manager during his absence and exercise the functions of the general manager.副总经理协助总经理工作,当总经理不在时,代理行使总经理的职责。

2.He isn"t a manager, is he? --- Yes, he is. (No, he isn"t.)他不是经理,是吧?--不,他是经理。(是的,他不是经理。)

3.Is the manager about ?经理在(附近)吗?

4.The factory director (manager) responsibility system厂长(经理)负责制

5.the sales director and her second in command销售部经理和她的助理.

6.Housing Managers Registration Board房屋经理注册管理局

7.The manager is busy on a matter of moment.经理正忙于处理要事。

8.are you General Manager"s assistant?你是总经理助理吗?

9.This is the lost and found department.我是代理销售经理。

10.senior manager高级管理人员,高级经理

11.He is deputizing for the manager.他现在代理经理做事。

12.Who is here in place of the manager?谁在这里代理经理?

13.She works as PA to the managing director.她给总经理作私人助理.

14.after the manager retired,Mr. Wang filled the vacancy in the proper order.经理退休后,王先生递补为经理。

15.The Chief Executive should be experienced in business administration.总经理应有企业管理经验。

16.The general manage raised the clerk to a department manager.总经理将那位职员提升为部门经理。

17.Economic Principles and Economic Statistics经济学原理与经济统计

18.Economic Security Counci经济安全理事会(经安会)



1.The design ofmanagers incentive mechanism based on the theory of principle-agent is liable to makemanagers protect shareholders interests at the cost of other stakeholders interests.以委托代理理论为基础的经理激励机制设计方法容易使经理为了保护股东利益而损害其他利益相关者的利益,不利于公司长期健康的发展。

2.The competency model for human resource (HR)managers is one of the critical issues on human resource manage- ment to this day.人力资源经理胜任力是当前人力资源管理研究的热点问题之一。

3.In view of the present problems existing in the performance evaluation on themanagers in petroleum enterprises,and based on the job analyses ofmanagers in petroleum enterprises,assessment indexes are designed at the following aspects like the total performance of production and business,and the effects of time management,team management and of handling working relationship.针对目前石油企业经理绩效评价存在的问题,在对石油企业经理人员进行职务分析的基础上,从生产经营总绩效、时间管理成效、团队管理成效及工作关系处理成效等方面设定考核指标,构建了一套较完整的石油企业经理绩效评价指标体系。

3)Manager of Dept.(经理部)经理

4)acting manager代理经理

5)claim manager理赔经理

1.Research on the performance evaluation model forclaim managers of life insurers寿险公司理赔经理业绩评价模型研究



