100字范文 > 经理层 Managers英语短句 例句大全

经理层 Managers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-04 08:34:43


经理层 Managers英语短句 例句大全



1.On the Mechanism of Constraint on and Encouragement toManagers;论经理层的激励与约束机制

2.With capitalizing of intellectual property rights, the managers in a corporation play double roles:the owners of intellectual capital and senior employees.在现代股份公司中,随着股东结构的日趋分散,经理层已在相当大的程度上拥有了公司的实质性控制权,在这种格局下,股东财富最大化目标的实现,越来越取决于经理层的素质与能力。

3.The framework of managers should be based on the establishment of the effective motivation and restraint mechanics.经理层的构建在于建立对经济层有效的激励与约束机制。


1.On the Remuneration Composition of Management in Corporations;关于股份公司经理层薪酬构成的思考

2.The Research of Tianyi Corporate Governance s Mode and the Encourage Mechanism to Manager s;天一实业公司治理模式及经理层激励机制研究

3.Analysis of the Top Managers Incentive Mechanism Based on the CCGINK;基于公司治理指数的经理层激励机制分析

4.Looking at the Improvement of the Incentive and Restraint Mechanisms of the Managers from the Governance Index;由公司治理指数看经理层激励约束机制的改进

5.Discussion on Manager s Wage in Private Economy;刍议私营经济中经理阶层的工资问题

6.Large shareholder, manager s market and the benefits of ag ents;公司股权结构、经理市场与管理层激励

7.The wire have been phosphate coated and uniformly,coincidently.钢丝经磷化处理,且磷化层均匀,一致.

8.Be dealed with separating smear coat, convenient to use and no shrink.经离型剂涂层处理方便应用,不会收缩.

9.The Theoretical Level of Deng Xiaoping s Econnomic Thought and Its Characteristics;邓小平经济思想的理论层次及其特征

10.The Law and Economics Analysis on the Yellow Light Effect of Management Buy-outs;管理层收购黄灯效应的法经济学分析

11.Discussion on Operation and Management of the Basic-level Commercial Banks after Joining WTO;论加入WTO后基层商业银行的经营管理

12.Theoretic Research and Optimization of FNN;多层前向神经网络的理论研究与优化

13.A Study on Improving Middle Managers Execution;提高中层经理营销战略执行力之探讨

14.The Biological Origin of Chinese Channel and Mesodorm Theory;中国经络的生物学来源与中胚层理论

15.On the Relationship of the U.S Enterprises Owners and Their Managers Stratum;美国企业所有者与经理阶层关系透视

16.Incentives for Top-Management and Performance of Listed Companies;高级管理层激励与上市公司经营绩效

17.Study on the system of achievement evaluation mechanism in the private enterprise professional executives;民营企业经营层职业经理人绩效考核体系研究

18.An Economic Analysis on Senior Executive Credit lapse;高层经理人员诚信缺失的经济学分析及启示



1.Research ofManagement Remuneration Incentive Mechanism of China Listed Companies - Theoretical Model, Empirical Data and Recommendations;我国上市公司经理层报酬激励机制研究——理论模型、经验数据及改进建议

2.Modern enterprises have adopted various methods to eliminate agent behavior, ranging from management selecting mechanism, incentive mechanism, market competition mechanism and information supervision mechanism.现代企业一般通过建立经理层选择机制、激励机制、引入市场竞争机制、信息监督机制等方式来克服代理人行为。


1.See from the form,the performances that the board of directors governance risk toexecutive are the risk of constructing board of directors oneself,the board of directors decision and control risk toexecutive,and theexecutive s poerating risk etc.从形式上看,董事会对经理层治理风险主要表现为董事会自身建设风险、董事会对经理层决策与控制风险以及经理层执行风险等,因而理性构建董事会对经理层治理风险预警指标体系十分必要。

2.Based on the review ofexecutive governance appraisal research at home and abroad, we construct the Chinese corporate governance appraisal system aboutexecutive and apply it to Chinese listed companies.本文在对国内外经理层治理评价研究进行述评的基础上,构建了中国公司经理层治理评价系统,并对中国上市公司经理层的治理状况进行了指数化评价。

4)management stratum经理层

1.Themanagement stratum is the coupling point of corporate governance and corporate management.经理层是公司治理与公司管理的联结点。

2.Firstly, based on the Abraham Maslow s needs layer theory, we put forward to the three make-up of themanagement stratum incentive mechanism: the remuneration mechanism, the manipulation mechanism and renown mechanism.文章基于马斯洛的需要层次理论,提出上市公司经理层激励机制的组成并分析了它们的相互关系,概括了我国上市公司经理层激励机制的现有模式并提出改进建议,指出了在充分发达的经理市场环境下经理层激励机制的理想选择应该具备的模式。


1.Theexecutive stock option mechanism connects manager s personnel and the market value of the company to lower the agency cost,increase the social welfare,stock option was subjected to worship with the western nation of the American leader.高层经理股票期权机制将经理人员的报酬与公司的市场价值联系在一起,从而达到降低代理成本,增加社会福利的目的。

2.There exist many differences between American and Japaneseexecutive incentive modes, though work efficiencies of these two countries sexecutives are first level.美国、日本高层经理激励模式客观上存在很大的差别 ,但两国经理效率都是世界一流的。

6)intermediate management中层经理

1.Based on an analysis of the performance appraisal of theintermediate management as well as the incentive mechanism of a listed Chinese company, the paper puts forward such suggestions as how to improve the available performance appraisal of theintermediate management and the incentive mechanism in listed Chinese companies as a whole.在对中国一家上市公司的中层经理业绩评价与激励体系分析的基础上,提出了上市公司中层经理业绩评价与激励体系的建议,并从公司治理角度对该公司相关体系出现各种问题的原因进行剖析。


