100字范文 > 经理人 manager英语短句 例句大全

经理人 manager英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-26 05:37:10


经理人 manager英语短句 例句大全



1.Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation mode ofmanager"s competence of coal enterprise;煤炭企业经理人胜任力模糊综合评判模型

2.Analysis on trusts cyclical process between owner andmanager;所有者与经理人建立信任的循环过程分析

3.The incentive & restrictive model ofmanagers under linear return;线性收益条件下经理人的激励约束模型


1.Everyone works, from the lift boy up to the President.从电梯工人到总经理人人都工作。

2.The Study on the Competency of Professional Managers in the Budget Hotels;经济型酒店职业经理人胜任特征研究

3.One, such as the manager of a business, who acts for another.代理人代理他人职务的人,如业务经理

4.A Review of the Theory of Economic Man-A Query about Rational Economic Man“经济人理论”述评——对“理性经济人”的质疑

5.senior manager高级管理人员,高级经理

6.She works as PA to the managing director.她给总经理作私人助理.

7.Gestor negotiorum财产经营人(无因管理人)

8.Thoughts of Economic Man: The Theoretical Basis of Economic Ethics;经济人思想:经济伦理学的理论基石

9.The Broker Theory and Developing The Broker Market in China;从经纪人理论谈发展我国经纪人市场

10.The management structure shall have one president and several vice-presidents, who shall assist the president in his work.经营管理机构设总经理一人,副总经理若干人。 副总经理协助总经理工作。

11.He"s a bank manager or something.他是银行经理这类的人.

12.He is a white-haired Boy of the general manager.他是总经理的大红人

13.Have you had any practice in nursing the sick?你有护理病人的经验吗?

14.I would like to talk to the manager himself.我要和经理本人谈一谈。

15.A hotel manager is a business executive.旅馆经理是业务负责人。

16.Arcane economic theories.鲜为人知的经济理论

17.an agent in the buying and selling of stocks and bonds.代理买卖股票的经纪人。

18.The manager" s arrival galvanized the workers into activity.经理一来, 工人闻风而动.



1.Research onmanagers investment action of the listed manufacturing companies;制造业上市公司经理人投资行为研究

2.Two Specially Related Classes in Civilian-run Economy——Comparison Between Wenzhou Private-run Business Owners and the Managers;民营经济中两个关系特殊的阶层——温州私营企业主与经理人的比较

3.Analysis about Family Enterprises: How to Evade Managers Moral Hazard;经理人的道德风险:家族企业如何规避


1.Rethinking of Theory and Practice of Executive Incentive;对经理人激励理论与实践的重新思考

2.Study on the Evaluation and Promotion of Executive s Performance in China;我国经理人绩效评价及业绩提升研究

3.The Research on Executive s Incentive Compensation Mechanism of Private Enterprise in China;我国民营企业经理人报酬激励机制研究


1.Under the modeling-analysis, we point out the critical factors in the incentive management on theexecutives.用一个激励效果衡量模型研究了企业管理中的人力资源激励管理,把激励手段分为激励效果因素和保健效果因素,指出了经理人激励管理中的关键因素并给出了基于模型分析的激励策略指导。

2.Modern companies need a large sum of professionalexecutives with spirits of loving occupation and innovation.现代公司制企业需要一大批具有敬业和创新精神的职业经理人,为此需要一套有效的制度安排对以经营管理企业为职业的经理人进行长效激励。

3.This article studied incentive effects of stock option onexecutives in terms of external economic environment changes of enterprises.本文结合企业外部经济环境变化 ,探讨股票期权对经理人的激励效应及其问题。


1.It illustrates necessary conditions of manager in process of large & middle constructive enterprises building up modern enterprise system under conditions of socialistic market economy and puts forward countermeasures to selectmanagers in enterprise well.阐述了大中型施工企业在建立社会主义市场经济条件下的现代企业制度过程中,企业经理所要具备的条件,并提出选好企业经理人员的对策。

2.This paper does some analysis from themanagers angle,in the belief that the existence of the trust-and-agency connections is the system prerequisite,for themanagers to provide false accounting information,the difference of the effectiveness functions between the company s owners and its operators is the.文章从经理人员的角度进行分析,认为委托—代理关系的存在是经理人员提供虚假会计信息的制度前提,企业所有者与经营者效用函数的不一致是经理人员提供虚假会计信息的现实基础,成本—效益原则是经理人员决定是否提供虚假会计信息的判断标准,会计政策和会计方法的可选择性,为虚假会计信息的产生提供了便利。

3.As an important derivative financial means and an inspiring system formanagers, the executive stock option is now under heated discussion.股票期权制度作为一种重要的金融衍生工具和公司经理人员的激励机制 ,在我国受到了越来越多的关注。


1.The achievement orientation ofmanagers at different levels was studied by structural interview and behavioral event interview.通过结构化访谈、行为事件访谈等方法 ,较为全面、深入地考察了企业各层次经理人员的成就取向及特点。

2.The establishment ofmanagers controlling power bases on the emergence of modern companies.经理人员控制权地位的确立,是以现代公司的诞生为前提的。

3.Based on the needs ofmanagers financial decision-making and the development of the company over a long period of time,and reducing the phenomena of financialmanagers loaf on the job,and the behavior of opportunism,we should introduce the incentive item,such as stock right,etc.基于经理人员的财务决策与公司长期发展的需要,并减少财务经理人员“偷懒”和“机会主义”行为,应引入股权期权激励项目,优化资本结构,规范经理市场的运作机制,构建上市公司经营者的有效财务激励约束机制。


