100字范文 > 经理人市场 manager market英语短句 例句大全

经理人市场 manager market英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-03 21:17:04


经理人市场 manager market英语短句 例句大全

经理人市场,manager market

1)manager market经理人市场

1.Research on China"s Professional Manager Market Based on the Competency Model;基于胜任力模型的中国职业经理人市场研究

2.Amanager market is an important part of the labor market and a significant mark for market maturity.经理人市场是劳动力市场的重要组成部分 ,是市场经济发育程度的重要标志。

3.This paper introduces the present situation of Chinese professionalmanager market,analyzes on causes of the shortage of the credit in themanager market,establishes the credit guarantee model,and points out that establishing the perfect credit system and providing the effective legal support system is the path of guaranteeing the professionalmanager market.介绍了我国职业经理人市场信用现状,分析了经理人市场信用缺失的原因,构建了信用保障模型,提出建立完善的信用体系和提供有效的法律体系支撑是保证职业经理人市场有效性的主要途径。


1.Factor Liberalization and Implicit Incentive of Managerial Labor Market;要素市场化与经理人市场的隐性激励

2.Senior Employeesc Salary,Enterprise performance,and Equilibrium of Manager s Market;高管薪酬、企业绩效与经理人市场均衡

3.Pricing efficiency theory study of handlers market and empirical analysis to China interior handlers market;我国经理人市场定价效率及实证分析

4.Discussion about Training and Developing Our Country s Professional Manager Market;培育和发展我国职业经理人市场刍议

5.On Mechanisms of Motivation and Restriction in the Manager"s Market in China中国经理人市场的激励约束机制研究

6.An Expended Application of Reputation Effects Model in Interior Handlers Market;代理人市场—声誉模型在内部经理人市场中的拓展应用

7.Research on Implicit Incentives to Managers Based on Managerial Labor Market;论经理人市场对企业经营者的隐性激励

8.Theoretical and Empirical Study of the Professional Manager Market in China;中国职业经理人市场的理论与实证研究

9.Manager Market Failure and Institutional Dilemma of Family-Oriented Management Transition;经理人市场失灵与家族管理转型的制度困境

10.Logical Order of Management Buyout(MBO) and Managerial Labor Market Construction in the Perspective of Factor Liberalization;要素市场化视角下的MBO与经理人市场建设的逻辑次序

11.Research on China"s Professional Manager Market Based on the Competency Model;基于胜任力模型的中国职业经理人市场研究

12.The Study of Design and Efficiency of Incentive Contract of China Handler Market;我国经理人市场激励契约设计与效率研究

13.The Study on Problems of the Professional Manager Market and Its Countermeasures in China;中国职业经理人市场的问题和对策研究

14.The Research on the Founding and Operational Mechanism of the Professional Manager Market in Hebei Province;河北省职业经理人市场构建与运营机制研究

15.The Broker Theory and Developing The Broker Market in China;从经纪人理论谈发展我国经纪人市场

16.market manager [wholesale vegetable market]市场经理〔蔬菜批发市场〕

17.Market-Oriented Training Talent with the Business Philosophy;以市场为导向 用经营理念培养人才



managerial labor market经理人市场

1.An orderlymanagerial labor market is the carrier for the liberalization of managerial labor, whilst the implicit incentive from the managerial lab.企业家才能市场化的载体是有序运转的经理人市场,经理人市场所内含的隐性激励与约束机制是对以业绩报酬为基础的显性激励与约束机制的重要补充。

3)interior handlers market内部经理人市场

1.Under the assumption that outer handlers market does not exit,this paper researches the effecting factors and ways provided byinterior handlers market,and proves that assessment criteria,opportunity for advancement and recessive profits furnished by different position have a great influence on a handler.文章在假设不存在外部经理人市场的前提下,研究了内部经理人市场对经理人产生激励的方式和影响因素,认为内部经理人市场的考核晋升机制和不同职位的隐性收益对经理人的行为有重要影响,提出了优化企业考核晋升机制、降低隐性职位收益、进一步完善外部经理人市场的建议。

4)professional manager market职业经理人市场

1.Theprofessional manager market is a new way to distribute human resources.职业经理人市场是为适应社会主义市场经济发展的内在需求而产生的一种新的人力资源配置方式。

2.The environment faced by theprofessional manager market in Shanxi Province has important significance on the construction ofprofessional manager market of Shanxi Province.山西省职业经理人市场面临的环境对山西省职业经理人市场建设具有十分重要的意义。

5)manager market经理市场

1.This text begins with the meaning of the manager and themanager market, analyzes supply and demand of manager, in the perspective ofmanager market of narrow and broad sense , puts forward measures on how to perfectmanager market, primarily.但经理人需求与供给的曲线在经理市 场的空间内却无法有规律地相交,说明中国经理市场还不完善。

2.The demand of a professionalmanager market comes from the enterprises home and abroad.职业经理市场对职业经理的需求来自于企业的国内与国外经营的需要。

6)agent market代理人市场

1.Its theoretical core rests with the construction of the incentive compatible set about corporation governance main body which includes the shareholders,the agents and so on and the governance optimization of theagent markets.双重委托代理理论的逻辑起点在于基于股权集中的公司治理关系异化与股东利益协调均衡目标的实现,其理论内核在于股东与代理人等公司治理主体激励相容集的构建与代理人市场治理机制的优化,其治理要义则在于优化大股东的控制权配置结构与构建切实可行的中小股东权益保护机制。


证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。
