100字范文 > 传媒职业经理人 professional manager of the media英语短句 例句大全

传媒职业经理人 professional manager of the media英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-16 16:08:06


传媒职业经理人 professional manager of the media英语短句 例句大全

传媒职业经理人,professional manager of the media

1)professional manager of the media传媒职业经理人

1.Probing into producing stage, producing the mechanism and training the way of theprofessional manager of the media, is a new subj.现代传媒业呈现出企业化、市场化、产业化、集团化的主要特征,资本的进入以及加入WTO后面临国际传媒集团的挑战,加速了我国传媒业的变革,同时也对传媒业的经营管理提出了更高的要求,这直接影响了国内传媒职业经理人的出现和发展。


1.A Study on the Cultivation Pattern of Professional Media Managers in China;我国传媒职业经理人的培养模式研究

2.The Analysis on Creating and Ultivating System of Domestic Professional Media Manager;国内传媒职业经理人生成机制与培养途径分析

3.An Analysis of the Environmental Supporting System for the Cultivation of Professional Media Managers传媒职业经理人培养的环境支持系统分析

4.The group of journalists and others who constitute the communications industry and profession.传播业者组成传媒业或传媒职业的一群新闻记者和其他人

5.MarCom Manager will be dressed in business attire or smart casual to meet the media personnel.公关部经理将着职业装或半正式装与媒体人士会面。

6.On the Promotion of Professional Capacity of China s Professional Managers;试论我国职业经理人职业能力的提升

7.One, such as the manager of a business, who acts for another.代理人代理他人职务的人,如业务经理

mentary on the Loses of the Media Jobholders’ Occupational Ethic from the Aspect of the Neglected Dissemination Effect;从传播效果弃置看媒体从业人员的职业道德缺失

9.Enhance the Propagandistic Function of Sci-tech Periodicals Among Vocational Construction of Population and Family Planning;在人口和计划生育职业化队伍建设中发挥科技期刊的传媒作用

10.Suggestions and Strategies on Improving Media Worker Occupational Accomplishment,Ability and responsibility全面提升传媒人职业素养、能力与责任的建议和对策

11.Enhancing Professional Competence and Innovating the Cultivating Mode of Secretarial Profession--Exemplyfied by Hunan Mass Media Technical and Vocational College提升职业能力 创新文秘专业人才培养模式——以湖南大众传媒职业技术学院为例

12.On Teaching of Ancient Literature in Mass Media Vocational Education;论传媒职业教育中的古代文学课教学

13.The Professional Ethics of Journalists in the "Post-modern" Media Context论“后现代”传媒语境下记者的职业道德

14.The Study on the Competency of Professional Managers in the Budget Hotels;经济型酒店职业经理人胜任特征研究

15.Research into Corporate Culture Motivation of Professional Executive in China;我国职业经理人的企业文化激励研究

16.Simply analyse how make good use of professional manager;浅析职业经理人的忠诚度与家族企业

17.On the Misunderstandings about Integrating Professional Managers of Private Enterprises;私营企业整合职业经理人的误区探究

18.Briefly Discussing the Professional Managers System of the State-owned Enterprises;略论构建国有企业职业经理人事制度


professional manager职业经理人

1.Concept and Ability: Cornerstone of Fusion between the Professional Manager and Family Business;理念与能力:职业经理人与家族企业融合的基石

2.Research on the Introduction of Professional Managers in the Growth of Enterprises:A Relationship Analysis Model;企业成长中的职业经理人引入:一个关系分析模型

3.On trust relationship between entrepreneur andprofessional manager in family business;家族企业创业者与外来职业经理人之间的信任关系

3)professional managers职业经理人

1.Problems and Countermeasures of Professional Managers′ Draining in Private Enterprises;民营企业职业经理人流失问题及对策研究

2.The Construction of Growth Environment of Chinese Professional Managers from the System of the Professional Managers in US;从美国职业经理人制度看中国职业经理人成长环境建设


1.Research about Professional Managers Problems under Duo-Targets of Private Firm Owner;民营企业主双重目标下的职业经理人问题研究

2.Based on the structure ofmanagers competency model, the Assessment System of Managers Competency was constructed.在职业经理人索质结构理论模型的基础上,研制了职业经理人素质测评系统。

3.In resent years there is a new group in China - professionalmanagers.职业经理人群体在中国的出现还是近几年的事情。

5)professional executive职业经理人

1.An Empirical Research of Professional Executive Compensation Incentive;职业经理人薪酬激励实证研究

2.Research of Professional Executive Compensation Incentive Mechanism in China;我国职业经理人薪酬激励机制研究

3.Research into Corporate Culture Motivation of Professional Executive in China;我国职业经理人的企业文化激励研究

6)media industry occupational传媒职业化


传媒纠纷传媒纠纷传播媒体或称“传媒”、“媒体”或“媒介”,指传播信息资讯的载体,可以是私人机构,也可以是官方机构。传播管道有纸类(新闻纸,杂志)、声类(电台广播)、视频(电视、电影)还有现代的网络类(电脑视频),现在已成为各种传播工具的总称。第一类传媒,即人们面对面传递信息的媒介,主要指人类的口语,也包括表情,动作,眼神等身体语言。口语与体语实现了人与人之间最早的信息交流。 第二类传媒,包括绘画,文字,印刷和摄影等。在这种信息交流方式中,信息的接受者人绕要靠感官接受信息,信息的发出者则开始使用一定的传播设施。 第三类传媒,无论是信息的发出者还是接受者,都必须借助传播设施。这类传媒包括电话,唱片,电影,广播,电视,计算机通讯,等等。 大众传媒视之为普通大众所使用的传媒。 现今有人喻手机视频将成为第四类传媒。而自从计算机的普及化,网上媒体在计算机网络中亦成为一种新形式的传播媒体.纯正的广告设计公司并不能算是传媒机构,只因有些广告公司也拥有自己的传播管道,所以也成为传媒公司。在资讯传播过程中,传媒之间因著作权产生的争议、传媒与报道对象之间因名誉权、肖像权、隐私权等产生的侵权争议都属于传媒纠纷。
