100字范文 > 引种适应性 Adaptability英语短句 例句大全

引种适应性 Adaptability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-09 21:54:30


引种适应性 Adaptability英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on theAdaptability of Induced Ophiopogon Japonicus in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtse River;日本矮生沿阶草在长江中下游地区的引种适应性研究


1.Adaptation research on perennial ryegrass varieties in Beijing.多年生黑麦草在北京引种适应性研究

2.Study on the Adaptability of 54 Introduced Alfalfa Varieties in Chengdu;54个紫花苜蓿品种在成都的引种适应性研究

3.Research of Drought & Salt Adversity Stress of 3 Atriplex L. and the Evaluation of Their Introduction Adaptability;三种滨藜的旱盐逆境胁迫及其引种适应性评价

4.Osmanthus Fragrans Cultivars in East Henan Province and Their Suitability for Introduction豫东地区桂花品种调查及其引种适应性研究

5.Study on the Species of Rhododendron L. in Hunan and its Adaptability in Hunan Forestry Botanical Garden湖南杜鹃属植物种类及引种适应性研究

6.Study on the Adaptability of Several Cool Season Turfgrass in Jingtai Area,Gansu Province几种草坪草在景泰地区的引种适应性研究

7.The study on the adaptation of introducing varieties of Cut-rose in the Yinchuan area银川地区不同品种切花月季引种适应性研究

8.Studies on Adaptability of Introduction and Rooting Mechanism of Cuttings of Feijoa (Feijoa Sellowiana. Berg)费约果引种适应性及扦插生根机理的研究

9.Studies on Adapability of Wine Grape Introduction in Chongqing;重庆地区酿酒葡萄引种的适应性研究

10.Studied on Introduction and Drought Resistance of Atriplex Canescens in Zhangye City;张掖市四翅滨藜引种抗旱适应性研究

11.The Research on the Ecological Adaptability of Introduced Barely Germaplasm Resources;引进大麦种质资源的生态适应性研究

12.Evaluation for Adaptability of Cultivars of Exotic Potato in Yunnan Conditions引进马铃薯品种在云南的适应性评价

13.Studies on Cultivation and Adaptability of Several Introduced Colored-leaf Plants;几种彩叶植物的引种栽培及适应性研究

14.Study of Cultivation and Adaptability of Several Introduced Ground Covers;几种地被植物的引种栽培及适应性研究

15.Adaptability of Four Timber/Latex Clones Introduced for Trial Planting4个引种试种胶木兼优品系适应性初步研究

16.Adapatability and Application in Urban Greening of Maple Introduced into Shanghai;上海引种槭树的适应性及其城市绿化应用研究

17.Adaptable Studies on Introduced Betula Pendula x Betula Pendula Var. Carelica Sok;欧洲白桦优良无性系引种的适应性研究

18.Adaption Study of Introducing Small Tail Han Sheep in Wuqi County of Shaanxi Province陕西省吴旗县引种小尾寒羊的适应性研究


turfgrass introduction adaptability草坪草引种适应性

3)adaptive engine适应性引擎

4)Variety Adaptability品种适应性

5)coal applicability煤种适应性

1.Investigation oncoal applicability for corner-tube boilers;角管式锅炉煤种适应性研究



