100字范文 > 适应性调整 adaptability adjustment英语短句 例句大全

适应性调整 adaptability adjustment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-13 00:59:45


适应性调整 adaptability adjustment英语短句 例句大全

适应性调整,adaptability adjustment

1)adaptability adjustment适应性调整


1.Facing Challenges from Entry into WTO Directly,Controlling Adjustment of Transitional Character and Adaptability Effectively;直面入世挑战,把握好过渡性和适应性调整

2.On Adaptive Adjustment for Programs Establishment of the Vocational Schools in China under Financial Crisis论金融危机下我国职校专业设置的适应性调整

3.Research on Dynamic Adaptive Architecture for CSCW in Ubiquitous Environment;普适环境下协同体系结构动态适应性调整的研究

4.Training of high-level personnel how to make higher education in the discipline structure readjustment?培养高层次人才的高等教育如何在学科结构上做出适应性调整?

5.A Study on the Adaptive Adjustment of Chinese Entrepreneurship in the International Context:Cases from Wenzhou;国际创业背景下企业家精神的适应性调整——以温州企业为例

6.Adaptability Adjustment of Enterprise Growth Pattern;企业成长模式的适应性调整——基于演化理论的表述

7.A REGIONZL ADAPTABLE ADJUSTMENT OF VACATION TOURISM AND IT S PRODUCTS IN CHINA --A Case Study of Zhaoqing in Guangdong Province;度假旅游及其产品的区域适应性调整——以广东省肇庆市为例

8.Vegetation response to active accumulated temperature patterns from 1960-2000 in China中国区域1960~2000年活动积温年代变化和地表植被的适应性调整

9.A Study on Agent Adaptability and Regional Industrial Structure Adjustment;主体适应性与区域产业结构调整研究

10.Agricultural Machanization and Adaptability of the Agricultural Structural Adjustment Studying;农机化与农业结构调整的适应性研究

11.To change so as to match or fit;cause to correspond.调节,调整改变…以相适或适应;使与…相适

12.On Adaptability of Deyang Vocational Education to the Readjustment of Industrial Structure;德阳职业教育对产业结构调整的适应性研究

13.Higher Education Must Meet the Need for Strategic Restructuring of the Nation s Economy;高等教育要适应我国经济结构的战略性调整

14.Analysis of the Adaptability of the Level of Social Security and Industrial Restructuring;社会保障水平与产业结构调整的适应性分析

15.Adaptive Optimization of Half-rate Based on Periodic Traffic Model Analysis基于周期性话务模型分析的半速率自适应调整

16.Optimization and Adiustment of Regional Layout and Assessment of the Ecological Adaptability of Fruit Trees in Northwest China;西北地区果树生态适应性评价与区域布局优化调整研究

17.The Research on Applicability between the Agricultural Mechanization and Adjustment in Agricultural Structure;湖南省农业机械化与农业结构调整的适应性研究

18.The Adaptability Research of Agricultural Mechanization and Agricultural Structure Adjustment in Hunan Province;湖南省农业机械化与农业结构调整的适应性分析


social adaptability adjustment社会适应性调整

1.The resettlers moving to new settlement to live and work in peace and contentment and become rich is asocial adaptability adjustment process.移民非自愿搬迁到在安置区安居乐业、发展致富 ,是移民长期进行社会适应性调整的过程 ,关心和支持移民的社会适应调整过程 ,对于恢复和发展移民社区的生产、生活、社区文化和社区网络结构都有重要的意义。

3)adaptive adjustment自适应调整

1.Using RBF neural networksadaptive adjustment algorithm to predict production capacity of reservoir;利用RBF神经网络自适应调整算法预测储层产能

2.Method ofadaptive adjustment weights in multi-attribute group decision-making;多属性群决策中权重自适应调整的方法

3.Improvement genetic algorithm has been proposed about these problems, thought theadaptive adjustment of the mutation probability, and the position of crossover and mutation in chromosomes, the pro.针对这些问题作者提出了一种改进算法 ,通过变异概率和交叉、变异范围的自适应调整 ,改善两代竞争遗传算法的搜索性能 。

4)adaptive adjust自适应调整

1.In order to reduce computation complexity and improve codebook performance,some fast search methods are used in SOFM iterations during searching for the winning neuron and decompose theadaptive adjusting process of network weights into two steps of sequencing and convergence.对输入训练矢量以及连接权矢量进行归一化,为降低计算量和提高码书训练质量,采用快速的网络学习决定获胜的神经元并对网络权值分阶段进行自适应调整,最后应用于低延迟语音编码中。

5)adjust to调整以适应

6)the ability of adaption and adjustment适应与调整性能力

1.Athletes competitive ability is recognized as one kind of integrative capabilty and this paper has made a preliminary analysis of its composing abilitites like cognitive ability,foundamental ability,the ability of adaption and adjustment as well as creative ability.对构成这种综合能力的认识性能力、基础性能力、适应与调整性能力、创造性能力进行了初步分析。


