100字范文 > 社会适应性 social adaptability英语短句 例句大全

社会适应性 social adaptability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-02 13:20:00


社会适应性 social adaptability英语短句 例句大全

社会适应性,social adaptability

1)social adaptability社会适应性

1.The correlation between emotional autonomy andsocial adaptability in adolescence;青春期情感自主性与社会适应性的相关性研究

2.Survey ofsocial adaptability of college P.E majors;高校体育教育专业学生社会适应性研究

3.Emphasize the training of engineering design capability and enhancesocial adaptability of students突出工程设计能力培养 增强学生社会适应性


1.On Social Adaptability and Nationalism of A Ruling Party s Character;论执政党性质的民族性和社会适应性

2.Study on the Adaptation Problems of Kids of Rural-laborsin Cities;进城农民工子女社会适应性问题研究

3.Research on Social Adaptability of Higher Vocational College in Personnel Training高职院校人才培养的社会适应性研究

4.The Investigation and Analysis on the Adaptability of Graduate to the Society大学毕业生社会适应性的调查与分析

5.The Study of the Relationship between Androgyny and Social Adaptability of High School Students;高中生性别角色双性化与社会适应性的关系

6.The correlation between emotional autonomy and social adaptability in adolescence;青春期情感自主性与社会适应性的相关性研究

7.On the Unity of Social and Individual Adaptability in College Moral Education论大学道德教育的社会适应性与个体适应性的统一

8.A Study on Social Adaptability of the Floating Population in Shanghai Outer Suburbs;上海市远郊区外来流动人口社会适应性研究

9.A Study on Development of Social Adaptiveness in Children of Parents with AIDS/HIV;受艾滋病影响儿童社会适应性发展研究

10.The Rsearch in Social Applicability of Modern Chinese Normal Education Model;中国近代师范教育模式的社会适应性问题研究

11.A Research on Social Adaptation and Social Support for Urban Female Marriage Immigrants;城市女性婚姻移民的社会适应和社会支持研究

12.The Research in Behavioral Psychology of Foreign Students Sociocultural Adaptation in China;留学生中国社会文化适应性的社会心理研究

13.Analysis on the Adaptability of the French Civil Code;《法国民法典》对社会的适应性探析

14.Study on the Relationship between Social Connectedness and China College Student Adjustment社会联结与大学生适应性的关系研究

15.The Adaption Analysis Between Transportation Supplies and Economic Society Develop运输供给与经济社会发展适应性分析

16.A Study on the Influence of Adolescent Competitiveness on Social Adaptation青少年竞争性人格对社会适应的影响

17.Study on the Effects of Social Stratum, Social Support, Social Attitude, Adapting Strategy on Male Criminality社会阶层、社会支持、社会态度、适应策略对男性犯罪行为的影响研究

18.Individual Social Emotions Development and Regulation and ITS Social Adaptation;个体社会情绪的发展、调适与社会适应


social adaptation社会适应性

1.In constructing the causal interrelationship between environmental scarcity,social adaptation and acute conflict,Homer-Dixon studies the ontological and methodological issues on environment security.在建构环境匮乏、社会适应性和紧急冲突的因果联系过程中,霍马—迪克逊(Homer-D ixon)探讨了环境安全的本体论与方法论问题,对发展中国家的环境安全问题进行了经验研究,并且建立了较为完整的环境安全理论体系。

2.Based on the pluralism of economical changes,rapidity of Technology upgrade,complexity and comprehension of social structure and transformation of sector structure,this paper advocates to study thesocial adaptation of talents in higher vocational colleges in the perspective of Multi-disciplines,to be in favor of the smooth development of higher vocational education.文章根据经济变化的多元性、技术升级的快速性、社会结构的复杂性与综合性以及产业结构的流变性,提出了从多学科视野研究高职院校人才培养的社会适应性问题,以有利于高职教育的协调发展。

3.The result indicated that significant differences existed between the two groups in terms of self-esteem,locus of control andsocial adaptation.结果表明:留守儿童和非留守儿童在自尊、心理控制源以及社会适应性上都存在着显著性差异。

3)social adaptiveness社会适应性

1.Hyperactivity Disorder decreased Children\"s functioning insocial adaptiveness.本研究旨在探讨多动症儿童的自尊与社会适应性的关系。

2.They gain certain coping approaches through the process in order to form uniquesocial adaptiveness.儿童在与社会环境的交互作用中产生心理适应,倾向一定的应对方式,形成个体独特的社会适应性。

4)socioeconomic adaptability社会经济适应性

1.The author explained the connotation and classification ofsocioeconomic adaptability,and selected DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis) and C2R model as the evaluation method.本文在分析高速公路社会经济适应性内涵及划分的基础上,选取数据包络分析方法及C2R模型作为高速公路社会经济适应性评价方法与模型,该模型能够通过测算输入指标利用率对各输入指标的投入情况进行具体分析。

5)subjective social adaptation主体性社会适应

6)social adaptability adjustment社会适应性调整

1.The resettlers moving to new settlement to live and work in peace and contentment and become rich is asocial adaptability adjustment process.移民非自愿搬迁到在安置区安居乐业、发展致富 ,是移民长期进行社会适应性调整的过程 ,关心和支持移民的社会适应调整过程 ,对于恢复和发展移民社区的生产、生活、社区文化和社区网络结构都有重要的意义。


