100字范文 > 可适应性 adaptability英语短句 例句大全

可适应性 adaptability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-26 21:49:45


可适应性 adaptability英语短句 例句大全



1.Theadaptability is a sticking point of the workflow system.可适应性是工作流系统能否成功应用的重要因素。

2.Adaptability includes reconstructable structure,renewable function,upgradeable technology and expandable capability.城市大型基础设施的可持续性应当具备可建造性、可维护性和可适应性三个因子。


1.Adaptive Web Information Extraction Based on DOM Tree基于DOM树的可适应性Web信息抽取

2.The Research and Implement of Web Based Adaptive Workflow Management;基于Web的可适应性工作流的研究与实现

3.Enterprise adaptive total IT maturity model and its evaluation;可适应性企业级整体IT成熟度模型及其评价

4.Phenotypic plasticity and adaptability of the invasive alien species表型可塑性与外来入侵植物的适应性

5.While the latter works well and could be applied widely in engineering peace.长序列法的适用性较好,可以广泛应用。

6.Familiar with domestic and oversea bisness travel.可适应经常性的国内及国际出差。

7.Study on Phenotypic Selection and Adaptive Plasticity of Arabidopsis Thaliana;拟南芥的表型选择及适应可塑性研究

8.Design of the Self-adaptive Questionnaire Designer具有可自适应性的问卷设计器的设计

9.Research on Adaptability Design of Product Based on Extensible Transformation基于可拓变换的产品适应性设计研究

10.Reiable operation, no coal adhering and blockage. Good adaptability to various coal powder.性能稳定可靠,不结粘、不堵粉,对煤粉适应性强。

11.Some comments on adaptability to other environment and software reliability are also presented.对其它环境的适应性和软件可靠性提出了看法。

12.A Study on the Adaptive Phenotypic Plasticity of Two Elsholtiza Species;青藏高原两种香薷的适应性表型可塑性研究

13.The Well-Posedness Analysis of the Reliability Model for the Supply Chain;一个供应链系统的可靠性模型的适定性分析

14.The Adaptability and Coordinately of the High Professional Education with the Development Continue Possibility;高等职业教育的适应性和协调性与可持续发展

15.adaptive control适应控制;适应性控制;自适控制;自适应控制

16.Fully sealed structure leaves a good protective property,suitalbe for the requirement of 24-hour duty.全封闭结构,防护性能好,可适应全天候要求。

17.Do intelligent women need to understand that there is a limit to how far they can outdo and outshine their husbands?聪明的女性是否应该懂得收敛、适可而止?

18.flexible wire;the word can also refer to adaptability to change or the need for change(软金属丝);这个词也可指对变化的适应性或需求(



1.The design of intermediate representation (IR) is the core technology in building optimizing compilers, whose implementation plays an important role in theflexibility of the whole compiler.中间表示是构造优化编译器的核心技术 ,其设计方式对整个编译器的可适应性影响很大 。

3)adaptive plasticity适应可塑性

4)adaptability n.适应性;可塑性;自适应性

5)adaptability and variability适应性与可变性

1.In addition, elaborated introduction is made according to graphic design, space utilization,adaptability and variability, kitchen and toilet design and other details in order to improve the service function and quality of residence.介绍了小康住宅设计的目标、内容和方法 ,通过对平面模式、空间利用、适应性与可变性、厨卫布置等诸多环节的精心设计 ,提高了住宅的使用功能和质量。

6)adaptive infeasibility degree适应性不可行度


