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生态女权主义 ecofeminism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-19 18:39:48


生态女权主义 ecofeminism英语短句 例句大全



1.Feminism andecofeminism have common theoretical roots and they are closely related to each other.欧美女权主义的鼎盛期是20世纪60年代,生态女权主义为世人所瞩目则是在20世纪90年代。


1.Feminism and Ecofeminism:A Common Battleground;女权主义与生态女权主义:共同的阵地

2.The Interpretation of Eco-feminism in Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre;男权·女性·自然——《简·爱》中的生态女权主义思想解读

3.An Ecofeminist Reading of Toni Morrison s Beloved;托尼·莫里森小说《宠儿》的生态女权主义解读

4.Rereading Jane Eyre from the Perspective of Ecofeminism;从生态女权主义视角对《简·爱》的重新读解

5.Two Ecofeminist Texts:A Comparative Study on Gone with the Wind and A Thousand Acres生态女权主义的两个文本——《飘》和《一千英亩》之比较

6.Crisis and Redemption--An Interpretation of Beloved from the Ecofeminist Perspective危机与救赎——《宠儿》的生态女权主义视角解读

7.Ecological feminism is concerned with the relationship between the rule of man and the control of nature.生态女权主义关注的是对妇女的统治和对自然的统治之间的关系。

8.Seeking Permanent Harmony--On Ecofeminism and the Construction of “Harmonious Society”;追求永恒的和谐之美——论生态女权主义思想与和谐社会的构建

9.Deconstruction of Patriarchy: Towards Eco-feminism;男权中心的解构:走向生态女性主义

promise between Isms and Days, and Befween Ideal and Reality--The State and Future of Feminist Literature;和解:主义与日子,理想与现实——中国女权主义文学的生态及出路

11.On Feminine Life Experience and Feminist Epistemology女性的生活经验与女权主义认识论

12.From gender politics to zoology politics: the marching way of western art of feminism;从性别政治到生态政治:西方女权主义艺术的进路

13.The Ecofeminist Beliefs in The Edible Women《可以吃的女人》的生态女性主义思想

14.From Feminism to Post-Feminism: The Theoretical Transformation of Western Feminism;从女权主义到后女权主义——西方女性主义/女权主义的理论转型

15.An Eco-feminist Interpretation of The Secret Life of Bees;《蜜蜂的秘密生活》的生态女性主义解读

16.An Analysis of the Connection between Feminism, Post-colonialism and Ecocriticism;试论女性主义与后殖民主义、生态批评的关系

17.The Double Attack of Ecofeminism to Logosism生态女性主义对逻各斯中心主义的双重夹击

18.An Ecofeminist Reading of Jean Rhys s Wide Sargasso Sea;琼·里斯《茫茫藻海》的生态女性主义解读



1.The essay rereads Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre from the angle ofeco-feminism,explores the relationship between women and nature,and reveals the tragedy which women and nature are oppressed and exploited by men.从生态女权主义的视角分析,夏洛蒂。

3)ecological feminism(ecofeminism)生态环保的女权主义

4)Viewpoint of Ecological Feminism生态女权主义述评


1.Contrastive Study ofEco-Feminism"s and Eco-Marxism’s View of Nature;自然观:生态女性主义与生态马克思主义之比较研究

2.Female and Nature in the Field of Eco-feminism;生态女性主义视野中的女性与自然

3.Alice Walker"s eco-feminism consciousness perceived through The Color Purple从《紫颜色》管窥艾丽斯·沃克的生态女性主义意识


1.The Woman Warrior in the Perspective of Ecofeminism;生态女性主义视野中的《女勇士》

2.Female and Natural Concepts in Early Textures of Ecofeminism;生态女性主义早期文本中的女性和自然观

3.A Pioneering Work of Ecofeminism in Canadian Literature;加拿大文学中生态女性主义的先驱之作


