100字范文 > 女权主义思想 feminism英语短句 例句大全

女权主义思想 feminism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-12 21:49:21


女权主义思想 feminism英语短句 例句大全



1.China s Women Literature Influenced by Feminism;谈西方女权主义思想对中国女性文学的影响


1.The Interpretation of Eco-feminism in Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre;男权·女性·自然——《简·爱》中的生态女权主义思想解读

2.The purpose of this thesis is to explore Erica Jong’s feminist spirit and thinking in the novel Fear of Flying.琼小说《怕飞》中的女权主义思想和精神。

3.A Tentative Study on Virginia Woolf s Feminism;弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫女权主义思想探究

4.The Golden Notebook and Lessing s Feminist Ideas;《金色笔记》与莱辛的女权主义思想

5.Ideological Manifestation of Feminism in Ba Jin′s “Love Trilogy”;《爱情三部曲》中的女权主义思想表现

6.Exploration of The Origin of Feminism by Daphne du Maurier达夫妮·杜穆里埃的女权主义思想探源

7.A Deception to Female of Consumption Society s Ideology;发端于“女性范例”的布希亚女权主义思想

8.China s Women Literature Influenced by Feminism;谈西方女权主义思想对中国女性文学的影响

9.The Argument on Virginia Woolf s Feminist Consciousness and Writing Creation;论弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的女权主义思想和创作

10.Awareness and rebellion:analysis of women s rebellion against conventional morality in The Throne Birds;觉醒与抗争:解读《荆棘鸟》中的女权主义思想

11.Talk on the Origin Reason of the Thinking of Feminism of Virginia Woolf;试论弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫女权主义思想产生的原因

12.On the Ethnic Feminism in the Fictions of Toni Morrison;试论托妮·莫里森小说中的民族女权主义思想

13.The Manifesto of Feminist Literature in the 19th Century--An Humble Opinion about the Feminist Thoughts of The Tenant Wildfield Hall;19世纪女权主义文学的宣言书——小议《维尔德费尔庄园主人》中的女权主义思想

14.Perception of Feminist Thoughts with the Application of the Visual Metaphor and Symbol in Movie The Hours;从影片《时时刻刻》中视觉隐喻与象征的运用看女权主义思想

15.The Male Image of Tie Ning s Works;铁凝小说中的男性形象——兼论铁凝的非女权主义思想

16.Seeking Permanent Harmony--On Ecofeminism and the Construction of “Harmonious Society”;追求永恒的和谐之美——论生态女权主义思想与和谐社会的构建

17.Hawthorne’s Feminism Reflected in Hester’s Personality;霍桑的女权主义思想在海丝特·白兰个性上的体现

18.Rebellious Hester in Hawthone s The Scarlet Letterfrom the point of view of feminism;叛逆的海斯特——试用女权主义思想分析霍桑的《红字》


Black Feminist Ideology黑人女权主义思想


1.Both Virginia Woolf and Simone de Beauvior were the pioneers of the thoughtsfeminism,most of their thoughts are reflected in their separate book“A Room of One s Own” and“The Second Sex-Woman”.伍尔夫与波伏娃都是女性主义思想的先驱人物,她们的女性主义思想集中体现于她们各自的作品《一间自己的房间》与《第二性——女人》中。

2.Thefeminism contained in the Consolation should not be ignored because it has overcome the author\"s radical thoughts in her early works and becomes mature and constructive.《康素爱萝》中蕴含的女性主义思想不应该被忽视,它超越了早期作品的激进,变得视野宽广、成熟而具有建设性。

4)feminist thought女性主义思想

1.This thesis is a tentative endeavor to analyze Woolf sfeminist thought, with a focus on Woolf s androgynous theory.在前人成就的基础上,本文旨在分析伍尔夫的女性主义思想,在此基础上解读了她的重要作品《到灯塔去》。

5)male chauvinism男权主义思想



