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后女权主义 post-feminism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-30 18:46:21


后女权主义 post-feminism英语短句 例句大全



1.A sort ofpost-feminism, bearing the more moderate political attitudes toward the patriarchy, is just under way in its formation.西方的女权主义话语在上世纪60、70年代之后有了某种逆转,一种更强调政治倾向温和性的后女权主义潮流正在形成,并且它与世界范围内的男权回潮还有了一定联系。

2.The contemporary“post-feminism” in the West does not mean the end of feminism but the theoretical transformation of feminism.当代西方出现的所谓“后女权主义”并不意味着女权主义/女性主义的终结, 而是女权主义/女性主义理论的转型。


1.From Feminism to Post-Feminism: The Theoretical Transformation of Western Feminism;从女权主义到后女权主义——西方女性主义/女权主义的理论转型

2.On the Main Consciousness Female Education under the Post-feminist View;论后女权主义视阈下的女性主体意识教育

3.Reconstruct Women"s Subjectiveness:A Theory of Post-modern Feminism重构女性主体性:一种后现代女权主义理论

4.Post-patriarchical Society on Post-modernist Feminist Model of Society;后父权制社会——后现代女权主义的理想模式述评

5.Chris Weedon s:Feminism and the principles of poststructura ltist Theory;克里斯·威顿:女权主义与后结构主义原则

6.On Spivak s Postcolonial Feminist Criticism;斯皮瓦克的后殖民女权主义诗学批评

7.Spivak and Her Criticism on the Post Colonial Feminism;斯皮瓦克和她的后殖民女权主义批评

8.The Multi-angle Representations of New Journalism, Feminism and Postmodernism in Joan Didion"s Works;琼·狄第恩作品中新新闻主义、女权主义和后现代主义的多角度展现

9.Feminism and Ecofeminism:A Common Battleground;女权主义与生态女权主义:共同的阵地

10.Agunah,Patriarchal Theology, Post─patriarchal Theology──Reading the Ancient Works of Judaism from the Aspect of Feminism阿戈娜·父权制神学·后父权制神学──对犹太典籍的女权主义解读

11.Post-colonial Feminism Theory and Others--The Foundation of Theory about Negative;后殖民女权主义及其他——论一种阴性批评的诞生

12.Maxine Hong Kingston"s short story No Name Woman is analyzed by the theory of feminism, post-colonialism and post-modernism.运用女权主义、殖民主义和后现代主义的理论分析美籍华裔作家汤婷婷的短篇小说《无名女人》。

13.The Frameworking of the Subject and the Speech Act of Subject Behavior--A Postmodernist Theory of Feminism主体建构性和主体行为宣成性——一种后现代女权主义理论

14.Marxist Feminism: the Concept, Development and Significance马克思主义女权主义:概念、发展与意义

15.Feminism","the Third World Women" and "the Post-Colonialism;“女性主义”、“第三世界女性”与“后殖民主义”

16.Interpretation of the Wife of Bath"s Mode of Subjectivity Construction从后现代女权主义视角阐释巴斯妇主体性建构模式

17.the extremism of some feminists有些女权主义者所持的极端主义观点.

18.Women Rights,Human Right and Legal Rights--Raping in the Marriage in Feminine Doctrine Respect;女权、人权、法定权益——从女性主义视角看婚内强奸


Postmodern feminism后现代女权主义

1.Postmodern feminism no longer with" feminism value" is the one purpose, but try hard to emerges a kind of existence method and the words method, since not macho, is also not the pure feminization" the third mode" thinking.后现代女权主义不再以“女权主义价值”为单一鹄的,而是力图展现一种作为存在方式和话语方式,既非男性化的,也不是纯粹女性化的“第三态”思维。


1.The Feminism in The Da Vince Code;《达·芬奇密码》中的女权主义(英文)

2.Creative treason offeminism in literature translation;翻译文学中的女权主义创造性叛逆

3.From "Sex" to "Love":Feminism,True or False?——A Comparison between Sex and the City and I Want to Fall in Love Very Much;从“性”到“情”:女权主义,孰真孰假?——比较电视剧《欲望都市》和《好想好想谈恋爱》


1.The more you desire,the more you dread——A probe into the image of "fox" by thefeminist point of view;慕也悠悠 惧也切切——女权主义关照下的狐形象探析

2.In addition,through the contrast between Sybylla and Jane Erye,it delineates thefeminist ideology reflected on the heroine Sybylla.爱的对比,揭示了西比拉身上所反映出的女权主义思想。

3.Toni Morrison is an Afro American culturalfeminist with strong feelings for her nation.托妮·莫里森是一名具有强烈民族感的黑人民族文化女权主义者 ,其小说深刻探索了黑人妇女的特殊境遇及觉醒解放问题。

5)Post-modernist feminist narratology后现代主义女权主义叙事学


1.Feminism, Post-feminism and the Female Image in Advertisement;女性主义、后女性主义与广告中的女性形象


