100字范文 > 女权主义法学 feminist jurisprudence英语短句 例句大全

女权主义法学 feminist jurisprudence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-17 15:26:04


女权主义法学 feminist jurisprudence英语短句 例句大全

女权主义法学,feminist jurisprudence

1)feminist jurisprudence女权主义法学

1.As a kind of rising jurisprudent trend of thought, the Americanfeminist jurisprudence separated from the critic law research movement in the late of 1980s and constitutes a new phase of critic jurisprudence along with the race critic jurisprudence, namely, the socalled “Post Critic Jurisprudence,” which has greatly been concerned by the American society.作为一种异军突起的法学思潮 ,美国女权主义法学于 2 0世纪 80年代后期从批判法律研究运动中分离出来 ,并与种族批判法学一起构成了批判法学的新的发展阶段 ,即所谓“后批判法学” ,业已引起美国社会的极大关注。

2.This article discusses the different perspectives of feminist legal theories on gender equality,varying from liberalfeminist jurisprudence,through radical and outcome equality and com-prehensivefeminist jurisprudence,to postmodernfeminist jurisprudence,in order to inform Chinese legislative practices.女权主义法学兴起于20世纪六七十年代,其理论流派众多,解析性别平等的视角和重点也各有不同。


1.The Studies of Equality and Difference Theories under the American Feminist Jurisprudence美国女权主义法学平等与差异观研究

2.Viewing China"s Legislation from the Perspective of Gender Equality in Feminist Jurisprudence女权主义法学的性别平等观对中国立法的启示

3.The Study of Equality of Employment from the View of Feminist Legal Theory;女性主义法学视角下的平等就业权思考

4.Women Rights,Human Right and Legal Rights--Raping in the Marriage in Feminine Doctrine Respect;女权、人权、法定权益——从女性主义视角看婚内强奸

5.An Uneasy Feminist Writer--Explore Feminism in Beverley Farmer s Novels;尴尬的女权主义作家——贝弗利·法默小说中的女权主义解读

6.From Feminism to Post-Feminism: The Theoretical Transformation of Western Feminism;从女权主义到后女权主义——西方女性主义/女权主义的理论转型

7.Feminism and Ecofeminism:A Common Battleground;女权主义与生态女权主义:共同的阵地

8.Patriarchy Culture and Feminist Psychology in the West西方父权制文化与女性主义心理学

9.On Spivak s Postcolonial Feminist Criticism;斯皮瓦克的后殖民女权主义诗学批评

10.On the Creative Infidelities Employed by Feminists in Literature of Translation;女权主义在翻译文学中的创造性叛逆

11.Discussion on the Feminist Tendencies of Fowles from The French Lieutenant s Woman;从《法国中尉的女人》看福尔斯的女权主义倾向

12.The regulation has been criticized by humans rights groups and women activists.法规受到了人权组织和女权主义者的批评。

13.The Critique and Deconstruction of Feminism on Feminine Images in Western Culture;女权主义对西方文学中女性形象的批判与拆解

14.Gender and Feminism--Research of a misunderstanding feminist literature;性别与女权主义——探讨女性文学的一个误区

15.China s Women Literature Influenced by Feminism;谈西方女权主义思想对中国女性文学的影响

16.Guarantee of Women Rights by Legislation during the New Democratic Revolution;论新民主主义革命时期立法对妇女权利的保障

17.Agunah,Patriarchal Theology, Post─patriarchal Theology──Reading the Ancient Works of Judaism from the Aspect of Feminism阿戈娜·父权制神学·后父权制神学──对犹太典籍的女权主义解读

18.Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar: A Critical Review of Their Theory of "Feminist Poetics评吉尔伯特和古芭的“女权美学”──美国著名女权主义批评家巡礼之三


A Review on Feminist Jurisprudence女权主义法学评述


1.The Feminism in The Da Vince Code;《达·芬奇密码》中的女权主义(英文)

2.Creative treason offeminism in literature translation;翻译文学中的女权主义创造性叛逆

3.From "Sex" to "Love":Feminism,True or False?——A Comparison between Sex and the City and I Want to Fall in Love Very Much;从“性”到“情”:女权主义,孰真孰假?——比较电视剧《欲望都市》和《好想好想谈恋爱》


1.The more you desire,the more you dread——A probe into the image of "fox" by thefeminist point of view;慕也悠悠 惧也切切——女权主义关照下的狐形象探析

2.In addition,through the contrast between Sybylla and Jane Erye,it delineates thefeminist ideology reflected on the heroine Sybylla.爱的对比,揭示了西比拉身上所反映出的女权主义思想。

3.Toni Morrison is an Afro American culturalfeminist with strong feelings for her nation.托妮·莫里森是一名具有强烈民族感的黑人民族文化女权主义者 ,其小说深刻探索了黑人妇女的特殊境遇及觉醒解放问题。

5)Feminist Jurisprudence女性主义法学

1.Postmodern feminist jurisprudence is the development of the traditional feminist jurisprudence in the contemporary, and the aim of it is to overcome the limitations, to promote feminism improve and develop.女性主义法学是西方法理学的一个流派,是女性主义与法学相结合的产物,伴随着女性主义运动而产生。

6)Feminist Criticism女权主义文学批评

1.Feminist Criticism,which is to so popular now,is no literary criticism at all,and it is advisable to suspend its use as a critical approach in literary studies.目前盛行的“女权主义文学批评”其实并不是“文学批评”,因此,至少在现阶段,我们应该慎用这一所谓批评方法。

2.It rectifies the improper tendencies by case feminist criticism through analyzing their misreading about Zweige s love stories.本文主要以茨威格情爱小说作为切入点,通过辨析女权主义文学批评对茨威格小说的误读指出:他的小说中的“爱情理想国”并不能简单地认为是具有男权意识形态性质的,他的“爱情理想国”实际上是爱情乌托邦,在他的情爱小说中,爱本身已经成为一种信仰、一种宗教,成为通往其乌托邦世界的理想道路。


