100字范文 > 配伍机制 compatibility英语短句 例句大全

配伍机制 compatibility英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-06 11:33:20


配伍机制 compatibility英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on thecompatibility and therapeutical basis of composite herbal medicines of Lingguishugan Decoction;苓桂术甘汤配伍机制及药效物质基础研究

2.Objective: To study thecompatibility of composite herbal medicines of the Ling Gui Zhu Gan Decoction.目的 :研究《伤寒论》名方苓桂术甘汤的配伍机制 ,确定方中各药味的君臣佐使关系。


1.Studies on the Compatibility Mechanism, Therapeutic Basis, and Quality Control Methods of Xiaochengqi Decoction;小承气汤配伍机制、药效物质基础及质量控制研究

2.Mechanic Study on Regulating RALP"s Toxicity by Changing Compatibility Environment配伍环境改变调控附子毒性的机制研究

3.Experimental study on pyretolysis mechanism of compatible application of Japanese Honeysuckle Flower Bud and Weeping Forsythia Fruit金银花与连翘配伍退热机制的实验研究

4.A Comparative Study of Pharmacological Mechanism of Components and Combinations of Qingkailing on Rats after Experimental Stroke;清开灵组分配伍治疗小鼠脑缺血的药理机制比较研究

5.Effects and Mechanism of Formula Composed by Active Fraction of Chinese Medicine on Myocardial Ischemia Reperfusion Injury;中药有效组分配伍方剂对心肌缺血再灌注性损伤的干预机制

6.Influence of Borneol to Drug Permeability of BBB and Neuroprotective Mechanism of Borneol Combined with Salvianolic Acid B and Saponins of Panax Notoginseng;冰片及配伍对血脑屏障通透性的影响和脑保护作用机制研究

7.Experimental Study of the Mechanism to Preventing Hepatic Fibrosis and Compatibility by Gexiazhuyutang;膈下逐瘀汤抗肝纤维化的作用机制及配伍实验研究

8.Effects of Manchurian Dutchmanspipe Stem and Its Compound Compatibility on Renal Toxicity and the Mechanism Research;关木通及其复方配伍对肾毒性的影响和作用机制

9.Low Molecular Cos and It s Compound Improve the Symptom of Diabetic Mouse and Research the Effect Mechanism;低分子量壳寡糖及其不同配伍改善2型糖尿病大鼠作用机制研究

10.Researches of the Influence and Mechanism of Musk with Borneol on the Rats with Focal Cerebrallschemia/Reperfusion Injury麝香配伍冰片对缺血再灌注后血脑屏障损伤的影响及机制研究

11.Study on the Pharmacokinetics Mechanism of Chinese Herbal Component(SSTG) Compatibility from a AUC Value Perspective从AUC值角度探讨中药复方双参通冠配伍的药代动力学机制

12.The Research about Reducing the Toxicity and Mechanism of Dioscorea Bulbifera L. Matching Chinese Angelica;黄药子配伍当归的减毒及机理的研究

13.The Research on the Principle of Liver Toxicity and Detoxification of Compatibility;黄药子肝毒作用机理及配伍减毒研究

14.The Research of Compatibility Mechanism of "Restoring Normal Coordination between Heart and Kidney" of Jiaotai Pill;交泰丸“交通心肾”的配伍机理研究

15.The Study on Combination Formula、Immunity Effects and Molecular Mechanisms of Anti-fibrosis Herbs and Selenium on Rats with Hepatic Fibrosis;抗纤Ⅰ号方剂和硒抗实验性大鼠肝纤维化的配伍机理、免疫调节及其分子机制的研究

16.The Effect of the Combination of Sal B and PNS on Rats with Myocardial Infarction and the Molecular Mechanism of Limiting Myocardial Apoptosiss;丹酚酸B/三七总皂苷配伍对心肌梗死大鼠的影响及抑制心肌细胞凋亡的分子机制研究

17.Mechanism study of action on compatible using of total alkaloids of Radix Aconiti Praeparata and total glycosides or polysaccharides of Radix Paeoniae Alba therapy on rheumatoid arthritis in rats制川乌总碱与白芍总苷、白芍多糖配伍治疗类风湿性关节炎大鼠的作用机制研究

18.Study on Chemical Constituents of Processed Radix Astragali and Combination of Radix Astragali and Radix Angelicae Sinensis;中药黄芪炮制及复方配伍的化学研究


compatibility mechanism配伍机制

1.In this experiment thecompatibility mechanism of enriching blood of SiWu Tang was studied by observing the effects of SiWu Tang and its three ingredients of the prescription on the hematopoiesis in mice with blood deficiency induced by 60 C\-0 γ irradiation.本研究用γ射线照射制备小鼠血虚证模型 ,通过四物汤及其三味药组方对血虚证小鼠造血系统的影响探讨了四物汤补血作用的配伍机制。

3)coordinate sewing缝制配伍

1.The paper also provides guide scheme oncoordinate sewing of smooth fabric.从而得出滑爽类服装面料缝制配伍的指导性方

4)compatibility mechanism配伍机理

1.The Study on Nouring Blood Effect of Shengyu Decoction in Blood Deficiency Mice and Its Compatibility Mechanism;圣愈汤补血作用及其配伍机理研究

5)Different level enzymes不同配伍酶制剂


1.Determination of Loganin,Gallic Acid and Schisandrin Contents before and after the Combination of Fructus Corni with Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis;高效液相色谱法测定山茱萸与五味子配伍前后马钱苷、没食子酸及五味子醇甲的含量

2.Analysis of Domperidone Used in Combination with Other Drugs;多潘立酮与其它药物的配伍应用分析

3.Effects of ZhiGanCao Decoction,Its Effective Ingredients and Their Combinations on Triggered Activity of Isolated Myocardium Induced by Ouabain and High Ca2+;炙甘草汤及其有效成分配伍对哇巴因所致心肌触发活动的影响


