100字范文 > 方剂配伍 prescription compatibility英语短句 例句大全

方剂配伍 prescription compatibility英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-24 22:28:15


方剂配伍 prescription compatibility英语短句 例句大全

方剂配伍,prescription compatibility

1)prescription compatibility方剂配伍


1.Research on Effectiveness and Material Basis of Formula Compatibility of Huanglian Bolus;古方黄连丸方剂配伍的药效学及物质基础研究

2.A Mathematical Method for Analyzing the Coupling Effects of TCM Prescriptions方剂配伍作用“耦合效应”的数理分析方法

3.Historical Document Inspection about Ginseng Whose Capability Changed in Prescriptions of Traditional Chinese Medicine;人参在方剂配伍中性能改变的历史文献考察

4.Application of Data Mining Technology to Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula Composition;数据挖掘技术在方剂配伍领域的应用研究

5.Research on Pharmacokinetics of Formula Compatibility of Huanglian Bolus;千金黄连丸方剂配伍的药代动力学研究

6.Research on Composition Rules Mining of Traditional Chinese Prescription Based on Association Rule基于关联规则的中药方剂配伍规律挖掘研究

7.Study On the Material Foundation of Compatibility of Categorized Formula on Fingerprints-Material Foundation of Compatibility of Ermiao Wan Categorized Formula应用指纹图谱研究类方方剂配伍物质基础——二妙丸物质基础在配伍类方中的变化研究

8.Results:There are important functions of Fresh Ginger、Chinese Date and Liquorice Root being as "Adjuvant drug".结果:姜、枣、草作为佐助、佐制、反佐药,对方剂配伍起重要作用。

9.Theory of Formulae Compatibility and Design and Realization of Database Query System;方剂配伍理论及其数据库查询系统的设计与实现

10.The Study of Meridian Tropism Theory (Lung Meridian Tropism) and Compatibility of Medicines in Lung System Prescription & Its Application in the Study of Traditional Marine Chinese Medicine中药归经(肺经)理论和肺系方剂配伍规律的解析及在海洋中药研发中的应用

11.Research on compatibility chemistry of acid-alkaline pair medicines in formulas of traditional Chinese medicine中医方剂中酸碱对药的配伍化学研究

12.Research on Compatibility of Tonic Formulae in Prescriptions of Peaceful Benevolent Dispensary《太平惠民和剂局方》补益剂配伍规律研究

13.The Research of Literature on Couple-Medicine Match in the Prescriptions of Yi Fang Ji Jie;《医方集解》方剂中对药配伍应用的文献研究

14.The optimal formula was warming Yang in high dosage, promoting diuresis and reinforcing Qi in middle dosage, activating blood in low dosage.最优配伍方案为温阳药高剂量、水药和益气药均中剂量、血药低剂量。

15.Research on the Compatibility of Regulating Sweat Medicine in Disease and Syndromes of Heart调汗药在治疗心系疾病方剂中的配伍应用研究

16.Effects of Compound Compatibility on Biopharmaceutical Characteristics of Panaxnotoginseng Saponins复方配伍对三七总皂苷生物药剂学性质的影响

17.Effects and Mechanism of Formula Composed by Active Fraction of Chinese Medicine on Myocardial Ischemia Reperfusion Injury;中药有效组分配伍方剂对心肌缺血再灌注性损伤的干预机制

18.Study on the Characteristics of Composition and Synergy of Prescriptions for Cervical Spondylotic Radicu lopathy based on Literature Reviews基于期刊文献研究神经根型颈椎病治疗方剂用药、配伍特点的探讨


compatibility of formula方剂配伍

1.We explore the application of data mining in thecompatibility of formula .探讨数据挖掘在方剂配伍规律研究中的应用,并给出例子和一些研究思路。

3)TCM Prescription Composition rules方剂配伍规律

4)suitable compatibility of pesticide adjuvant助剂配伍

5)compati-bility dosis剂量配伍

6)An Analysis of the Theory of the Prescription Compatibility浅析方剂配伍理论


方剂配伍方剂配伍 方剂配伍 方剂学术语。方剂是在辨证立法的基础上,按照组方原则,选择适当剂量的药物配伍而成。方剂配伍的原则,是按各药在方中所起的作用,君、臣、佐、使四部分。参见君臣佐使条。
