100字范文 > 配伍组 compatibility group英语短句 例句大全

配伍组 compatibility group英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-03 21:46:48


配伍组 compatibility group英语短句 例句大全

配伍组,compatibility group

1)compatibility group配伍组


1.Study of combination methods for formula composition of Chinese herbal medicines and their components中药及其成分配伍组方的研究方法探析

2.Effect of Modified Taohe Chengqi Decoction and Its Composition of Prescription on Diabetes Mellitus Endothelium Dysfunction;加味桃核承气汤及其不同配伍组方对糖尿病血管内皮损伤的影响

3.The Study of Experiments on Detemination of Aristolochic Acid A in Daochi San and Compatibility Groups by HPLCHPLC法测定导赤散及其配伍组中马兜铃酸A含量的实验研究

4.Detection on contents of aristolochic acid A in Daochi powder and its combination group with high performance liquid chromatography高效液相色谱法测定导赤散及其配伍组中马兜铃酸A的含量

5.Exploration on the Origin and Development of the Prescription for Treating Epilepsy & The Regular Pattern of Making up the Prescription;癫痫方源流发展与组方配伍规律探讨

6.The Best Combination of Effective Screening Component参知健脑片有效组分的最佳配伍筛选

7.Study on the Compatibility Law of Materia Medica in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis with TCM;中医治疗类风湿性关节炎组方配伍规律探析

8.Experimental Study on the Compatible Effect of Wendan Decoction s Chemical Constiuent and their Fixed Quality and Fixed Quantity Analysis;温胆汤化学组分的定性分析及配伍作用的研究

9.The Study on Rules of Syndrome Differentiation and Making up a Prescription in Treatment of Epidemic Febrile Disease by Yetianshi;叶天士治疗温病的辨证及组方配伍规律研究

10.The Research on Medcine Compatibility and Formula-Syndrome Relationship of Danggui Shaoyao Powder当归芍药散组方配伍规律及其方证相关性研究

11.Influence of Combination of Schisandra Chinensis with Ginseng on Brain Protein and Nucleic Acid in Mice and Analysis of Compatibility五味子与红参配伍对小鼠脑蛋白质及核酸含量的影响及组方分析

12.Experimental Study on Effects of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch Combined with Daphne genkwa on Cardiac,Hepatic and Renal Functions and Tissue Forms in Rats甘草配伍芫花对大鼠心肝肾功能及组织形态的影响

13.A Comparative Study of Pharmacological Mechanism of Components and Combinations of Qingkailing on Rats after Experimental Stroke;清开灵组分配伍治疗小鼠脑缺血的药理机制比较研究

patible Rule of TongMai Oral Liquid (TMOL) and Pharmacological Study of Effective Compound of TMOL;通脉口服液配伍规律及有效组份新复方药效学评价

15.Effects and Mechanism of Formula Composed by Active Fraction of Chinese Medicine on Myocardial Ischemia Reperfusion Injury;中药有效组分配伍方剂对心肌缺血再灌注性损伤的干预机制

16.Research on Pharmacodynamic Characteristics Analysis of Genes" Expression Profile Weighing the Advantages and Disadvantages of Chinese Medicine Prescription Compatibility Treating Cerebral Ischemia;基因表达谱权衡清开灵组分配伍治疗脑缺血药效特征分析研究

17.A Study on the Inheritance and Evolution of Formulation Theory in Shanghan Zabing Lun from the View of Classic Formulation;从经方配伍看《伤寒杂病论》对前人组方理论的继承与发展

18.Research on Effect of Ulcerative Colitis Treatead by Xiang Lian Wan and Its Compatible Characteristics;香连丸治疗溃疡性结肠炎的实验研究及其组方配伍探讨


component compatibility组分配伍

1.Method:one hundred and twenty cases of unstable angina were randomly divided into the conventional therapy group,component compatibility group,Pieces group and Xuesaitong group 4 groups,each with 30 cases.目的:探讨活血药有效组分配伍的不稳定性心绞痛血瘀证患者血清白细胞(WBC),C反应蛋白(CRP)、白介素-6(IL-6)和肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)的影响。

2.Objective: Explore the blood circulation of the drugcomponent compatibility in patients with unstable angina Systems Fas apoptosis factor.目的:探讨活血化瘀药组分配伍对不稳定型心绞痛患者血清凋亡因子Fas系统的影响。

3.In the study,90 unstable angina cases were randomly split into stasis conventional treatment,component compatibility,and Xuesaitong treatment,with 30 cases for each treatment.方法:将90例不稳定性心绞痛血瘀证患者随机分为常规治疗组、组分配伍组和血塞通组3组,每组30例;观察患者治疗前后纤溶酶原激活剂抑制剂(PAI)、纤溶酶原激活剂(t-PA)和反应蛋白(CRP)的变化及PAI、t-PA与CRP、血脂指标的相关性。

3)Combination and compatibility组合配伍

4)Composition of Prescription配伍组方

1.Effect of Modified Taohe Chengqi Decoction and ItsComposition of Prescription on Diabetes Mellitus Endothelium Dysfunction;加味桃核承气汤及其不同配伍组方对糖尿病血管内皮损伤的影响


6)K-samples nonparametric tasts配伍组设计


