100字范文 > 配伍变化 Compatibility英语短句 例句大全

配伍变化 Compatibility英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-22 16:30:24


配伍变化 Compatibility英语短句 例句大全



1.Compatibility of Diammonium Glycyrrhizinate Injection with Common Drugs;甘草酸二铵注射液与常用药物的配伍变化

2.Design and Application of the Database forCompatibility of Hospital Injections医院注射剂配伍变化用药数据库系统的设计与应用

3.Compatibility Results of Lomefloxacin Hydrochloride Injection and 73 kinds of Injectable Drugs;目的考察盐酸洛美沙星注射液与 73种注射剂配伍变化结果。


1.Vigilance for changes of compatibility in the infusion tube while transfusion treatment警惕输液治疗时输液管中的配伍变化

2.Design and Application of the Database for Compatibility of Hospital Injections医院注射剂配伍变化用药数据库系统的设计与应用

3.Chemical and Bioactive Variation of Processing and Compatibility of Radix et Rhizoma Rhei;大黄炮制与配伍的化学变化及生物活性表征

4.Study on main effective component changes in compatibility of Radix Scutellariae with Radix Stemonae黄芩百部配伍过程中主要活性成分的变化研究

5.The research on the change of ginsenoside content after the compatibility of panax and liriope人参与麦冬配伍后人参皂苷含量变化的研究

6.Study On the Material Foundation of Compatibility of Categorized Formula on Fingerprints-Material Foundation of Compatibility of Ermiao Wan Categorized Formula应用指纹图谱研究类方方剂配伍物质基础——二妙丸物质基础在配伍类方中的变化研究

7.Study on the Chemical Change of Compound Compatibility of TCM and Quality Evaluation of the Compound Traditional Chinese Medicine;中药复方配伍的化学变化与复方中药的质量表征

8.Study on the Chemical Change of Diester-type Aconitum Alkaloids in Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii and Radix Aconiti Lateralis after Processing, Heating and Combination;草乌和附子中双酯型生物碱在炮制、加热和配伍后化学变化的研究

9.Study on Chemical Composition Change between Salvia Miltiorrhizaand Platycodon Grandiflorum after Paired in Tianwang Buxin Pills天王补心丸中丹参与桔梗配伍后的化学成分变化研究

10.RP-HPLC study on contents of chemical constituents of Rheum palmatum L. being compatible with Aconitum carmichaeli Debx. de反相高效液相色谱法研究大黄配伍附子后化学成分含量的变化

11.The effects of combining different herbal components on the concentrations of chemical markers:an example with the Dahuang Huanglian Decoction大黄黄连泻心汤不同配伍浸渍剂中主要化学成分变化研究

12.Studies on the Toxicological Effects of Gegenqinlian Decoction and Serum Pharmacochemistry of Main Reconstituent葛根芩连汤配伍毒效及主要成份谱药动学变化的研究

13.Effect of Yupingfeng with Different Compatibility Proportion on the Dissolution Rate of Astragaloside Ⅳ and Trace Element Content玉屏风配伍剂量变化对黄芪甲苷溶出率和微量元素含量的影响

14.The change of insoluble particle before and after qingkailing injection compatibility with four kinds of antibiotics清开灵注射液与4种抗生素配伍前后不溶性微粒的变化

15.Effects of combinations of different-dose of estradiol valerate tabletes and medroxy progesterone acetate on endometrium戊酸雌二醇与醋甲羟孕酮不同剂量配伍对子宫内膜变化的影响

parison of Ginkgo Acid Content Change before and after Combined with Different Proportions of Thorn Pear Juice by HPLCHPLC法比较与不同比例刺梨汁配伍前后银杏酸的含量变化

17.Research on Compatibility of Scutellaria and Goldthread by sub-frying相须药对黄芩与黄连分煎液配伍后主要成分含量变化规律研究

18.Analysis of Diversify in Matched Pair of Polygala Tenuifolia Willd.and Acorus Tatarinowii Schott by HPLC经典药对远志-石菖蒲配伍前后指标成分的变化分析


optimization blends优化配伍

1.Aim To study the influence of different dosages of blends of paeonol and hawthorn flavanone on TC of the little hyperlipemia mice to provide basis foroptimization blends.目的研究丹皮酚、山楂黄酮不同剂量配伍对高脂血症小鼠胆固醇(TC)的影响,为优化配伍提供依据。

3)Chemistry compatibility化学配伍

4)compatability chemistry配伍化学


1.Determination of Loganin,Gallic Acid and Schisandrin Contents before and after the Combination of Fructus Corni with Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis;高效液相色谱法测定山茱萸与五味子配伍前后马钱苷、没食子酸及五味子醇甲的含量

2.Analysis of Domperidone Used in Combination with Other Drugs;多潘立酮与其它药物的配伍应用分析

3.Effects of ZhiGanCao Decoction,Its Effective Ingredients and Their Combinations on Triggered Activity of Isolated Myocardium Induced by Ouabain and High Ca2+;炙甘草汤及其有效成分配伍对哇巴因所致心肌触发活动的影响


1.Cluster analysis of the impact of dry-cleaning on thecompatibility of face and auxiliary materials of apparel;干洗对服装面辅料配伍性影响的聚类分析

2.Study on thecompatibility of gatifloxacin for injection with ornidazole sodium chloride injection;加替沙星与奥硝唑氯化钠注射液配伍的稳定性

3.Influence ofcompatibility on paeoniflorin in Huangqin Decoction;黄芩汤不同配伍对芍药苷溶出率的影响


气候要素日变化和年变化气候要素日变化和年变化diurnal variation and annual variation of climatic elementsq ihou yaosu ribianhua hen一anb一anhua气候要素日变化和年变化(diurnal varia-tion and annual variation of elimatieelements)由地球自转和公转所引起的以l」、年为周期的气候要素变化。日变化以气温为例,其日变化与地面加热状况直接有关,最高值在14一15时出现,最低值在日出前后测点的纬度、海拔高度、下垫面条件、季节以及人气干湿状况都可影响气温日变化,但不改变其主要性质)干旱地区夏季的气温日变化最显著,日较差(最高温度与最低温度之差)最大。气温日较差人小对农作物生长有收要意义,是农业气候分析的项目之一水汽压的日变化决定于地面加热条件、地面湿润状沉和湍流交换强弱。在充分湿润的地区和季节.水汽压最高值是午后最大,玄青晨最小,在其它地区,水汽压日变化曲线人多旱双峰型,两个高值分别出现在9时和「1落前后,两个低值发生在日出前和午后〔如图所示、风速日变化上要取决于近地层中湍流交换的日变化,11间因湍流加强,地面风速也增大,午后风速达最大值,夜间风速最小。沿海的海陆风现象及山区山谷风现象也属风的日变化,它们的速度和方向均有周日变化。年变化气候要素年变化与太阳辐射年变化有关最明显的是气温年变化,在北回归线以北的北半球大陆上,l月气温最低,7月最高,气温年变曲线比之天文辐射年变曲线约有一个月的位相落后。在海洋l比日︸1一一 。dq\汉俐田仁书5言 1 2 16时间/h20 24水气压的日变化上气温年变曲线的位相落后更多。从各地气温年变化特点就可看出海陆影响的程度(见大陆度)。降水的年变化也很明显,中国东部地区因受季风影响,夏季6一8月降水最多,冬季最少,干湿季竹交替明显地中海沿岸降水年变化具有冬季降水充沛,夏季少雨的特点,形成特殊的地中海气候。在英lfil各地,全年各月降水墩分配相当均匀,年变化较小,反映出典型的海洋性气候相对湿度的年变化与气温年变化相反,一般是夏季小冬季人。气温、降水、相对湿度等要素年变曲线的配置特点,可反映出各地气候的特点(翁笃鸣)
