100字范文 > 装运义务 Shipping Obligation英语短句 例句大全

装运义务 Shipping Obligation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-24 20:57:33


装运义务 Shipping Obligation英语短句 例句大全

装运义务,Shipping Obligation

1)Shipping Obligation装运义务

2)Duty of Navigation航运义务

3)the athlete"s obligation运动员义务

4)Carrier"s obligations承运人义务


1.Economic Analysis on the Carrier s Obligation and Liability in International Carriage of Goods by Sea;国际海上货物运输承运人义务和责任的经济分析

2.Whether the obligation to make the vessel seaworthy is carrier s overriding obligation?;论适航义务是否是承运人的首要义务

3.Responsibilities, Obligations and Rights of the Carrier and the Shipper: Comparative Analysis;承运人与托运人的责任、义务与权利之比较研究

4.Discussion on Carrier s Obligations and Liabilities in Air Transportation Agreement;论航空运输合同中承运人的义务与责任

5.On carrier s obligation to give notice of arrival of goods under an ocean bill of lading;承运人在海运提单项下的到货通知义务

6.A Study on Influences of ISPS Code on Rights and Obligations of the Carrier and the Countermeasures;ISPS规则对承运人权利、义务影响及对策研究

7.An Essay on the Newest Development and Strategy Research of Carrier"s Seaworthy Obligation论承运人适航义务的最新发展与对策研究

8.Influence of ISPS Code on the Carrier s Obligation of Seaworthy under International Carriage of Goods by Sea;ISPS规则对国际海上货物运输承运人适航义务的影响

9.On the Doctrine of Overriding Obligation Under Hague Rules --And Commentary on the Provision of the Basis of the Liability Under the UNCITRAL Draft Instrument on Transport Law;论《海牙规则》“首要义务”原则——兼评UNCITRAL运输法承运人责任基础条款

10.17 Tenant obligation to pay utilities, cleaning of premises, and refuse removal.2承租人支付个人份额所占房东的运营费用的义务。

11.Preliminary comments on the carrier"s obligation on delivery of goods under straight B/L and other relevant legal issues浅议记名提单下承运人的交货义务及相关法律问题

12.Must include shipper cargo commitment and carrier rate and service commitments.必须包括托运人货量承诺,承运人运价和服务承诺。

13.The shipper"s obligation: Paying the freight and other charges as the contract to the carrier.托运方的义务:按约定向承运方交付运杂费。

14.release sb from a promise, duty, undertaking, etc不要某人履行诺言、 尽义务、 承担任务等

15."Where there are obligations attached to testamentary succession or legacy, the successor or legatee shall perform them."遗嘱继承或者遗赠附有义务的,继承人或者受遗赠人应当履行义务。

16.The trustee undertakes to trust the obligation to the client, including faithful obligation and attention obligation.受托人对委托人承担信赖义务,包括忠实义务和注意义务。

17.A duty, a promise, or another obligation by which one is bound.义务加在某人身上的责任、承诺或别的义务

18.Contractors include persons offering professional services.承运人包括各种提供专业性服务的人。


Duty of Navigation航运义务

3)the athlete"s obligation运动员义务

4)Carrier"s obligations承运人义务

5)transportation contrast obligation客运合同义务

6)A voluntary afforestation campaign (movement)义务植树运动


