100字范文 > 首要义务 overriding obligation英语短句 例句大全

首要义务 overriding obligation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-01 08:54:45


首要义务 overriding obligation英语短句 例句大全

首要义务,overriding obligation

1)overriding obligation首要义务

1.Whether the obligation to make the vessel seaworthy is carrier soverriding obligation?;论适航义务是否是承运人的首要义务


1.Whether the obligation to make the vessel seaworthy is carrier s overriding obligation?;论适航义务是否是承运人的首要义务

2.A human being"s first responsibility is to shake hands with himself. --Henry Winkler一个人的首要义务就是自己握手。——温克勒

3.On the Doctrine of Overriding Obligation Under Hague Rules --And Commentary on the Provision of the Basis of the Liability Under the UNCITRAL Draft Instrument on Transport Law;论《海牙规则》“首要义务”原则——兼评UNCITRAL运输法承运人责任基础条款

4.These people place high regard for their immediate families, then relatives, then clans and then regions or religious groups.很多人的首要义务是忠于他的近亲,然后扩至家族、部族、地域的或宗教集团。

5.Standardizing supervision day book was first responsibility and duty of supervisors规范监理日记是监理人员的首要职责和义务

6.The person having prime responsibility for an obligation as distinguished from one who acts as surety or as an endorser.当事人对某一义务负首要责任的人,区别于担保人或背书转让人

7.Developing Productivity Spannedly,the Principal Task of Constructing Socialistic Harmonious Society;构建社会主义和谐社会的首要任务是生产力的跨越发展

8.First we need financial statements.首先需要财务报表,

9.President Bush and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown agree fighting terrorism is a top priority.美国总统布什与英国首相戈登?布朗共同表示打击恐怖主义是目前首要任务。

10.The duties of all are the great duties.大众的义务是重要义务。

11.On Legal Status and Liability of the Foreman in a "Hehui";论“合会”会首的法律地位及其义务设计

12.The position or office of a head or leader;primacy or command.首领或领导人的地位或职务;首要地位或指挥权

13.While first and foremost, this fight will be in the best interests of pursuing a healthy development of China"s publishing industry and a wholesome cultural这首先是维护中国文化出版事业健康发展的自身需要,也是中国应该履行的国际义务。

14.The primary task in the socialist period is to develop the productive forces and gradually improve people"s material and cultural life.社会主义的首要任务是发展生产力,逐步提高人民的物质和文化生活水平。

15.Provisions of Tax Service as the Primary Task of Tax Authority;论税务机关的首要任务是提供纳税服务

16.I favor as a practical policy the putting of first things first.我建议,作为可行的策略、首要事务先行。

17.The first thing to be sure of is whom science should serve.首先要明确的是科学应该为谁服务。

18.The Important Task of Building Harmonious Society: Democracy & Government by Law民主法治是构建和谐社会的首要任务


doctrine of overriding obligation首要义务原则

1.Thedoctrine of overriding obligation is central regarding the relationship between the exonerations from the liability and the obligation of the carrier.首要义务原则是处理承运人义务条款与承运人免责条款之间关系的一个关键理论,《海牙规则》确定适航义务为首要义务。

3)first task首要任务

1.Perfecting urban green space system planning, increasing quantities of variousgreen space and raising measurement values of urban green space will be thefirst task onraising the level of landscape architecture in Nanning.是南宁市进一步提高园林绿化水平的首要任务。

4)liability of the foreman会首义务

5)The primacy of justice正义首要性

6)require performance of an obligation要求履行义务


首要1.为首的主要人物。 2.摆在第一位的;最重要的。
