100字范文 > 适航义务 seaworthiness obligation英语短句 例句大全

适航义务 seaworthiness obligation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-31 12:34:23


适航义务 seaworthiness obligation英语短句 例句大全

适航义务,seaworthiness obligation

1)seaworthiness obligation适航义务

1.The framework is that carrier\"s duty of care of goods,excepted perils andseaworthiness obligation are subject to different allocation of burdens of proof,so as to attain three presumptions which both reflects the fault liability system and balances the ship and cargo interests.其基本构成是:管货义务、除外风险和适航义务实行不同的举证责任分配,达到三个推定的目的,既体现过错责任制度,又平衡了船货双方的利益。


1.Whether the obligation to make the vessel seaworthy is carrier s overriding obligation?;论适航义务是否是承运人的首要义务

2.An Essay on the Newest Development and Strategy Research of Carrier"s Seaworthy Obligation论承运人适航义务的最新发展与对策研究

3.Influence of ISPS Code on the Carrier s Obligation of Seaworthy under International Carriage of Goods by Sea;ISPS规则对国际海上货物运输承运人适航义务的影响

4.The regulations for the airworthiness of civil air-craft shall be formulated by the State Council.民用航空器适航管理规定,由国务院制定。

5.Convention on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations扶养义务法律适用公约

6.Charterers Duty and Obligation in Voyage Charter航次租船承租人责任和义务

7.Charter Owners Duty and Obligation in Voyage Charter航次租船出租人责任和义务

8.Aeroengine General Predictive Decoupling Control Based on Fuzzy Adaptive Inference Network航空发动机模糊自适应广义预测解耦控制

9.British Civil Airworthiness Requirements [BCAR]英国民航机适航性要求

10.Airworthiness Office [Civil Aviation Department]适航标准组〔民航处〕

11.Convention sur la loi applicable aux obligations alimentatires envers les enfants儿童抚养义务法律适用公约

12.Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligation关于合同义务法律适用的公约

13.The confidential obligation shall not apply to the information which保密义务不适用于下列信息

14.On the Application of the Law in Violating Safetyguards Obligations;违反安全保障义务法律适用问题研究

15.Just-In-Time Financial Monitoring Mechanism: Its Meaning, Characteristics and Structure;适时财务监控机制的涵义、特性及结构

16.Legal Review on Regulation (EC) on the Law Applicable to Non-contractual Obligations《欧共体非合同义务法律适用条例》评析

17.Discussion on Carrier s Obligations and Liabilities in Air Transportation Agreement;论航空运输合同中承运人的义务与责任

18.Research on Semantic Service Discovery and Service Composition for Pervasive Computing普适计算语义服务发现与服务组合研究


Duty of Navigation航运义务

3)Due Diligence适当注意义务

1.A Study of Attribution andDue Diligence in State Responsibility;论国家责任中的归责原则与适当注意义务学说

4)Portio debita适宜份额,义务份


1.Theairworthiness certification process on coupon level which is the most fundamental in the building block approach forairworthiness certification of composites was expounded.本文概述了民机复合材料适航背景及发展沿革,阐明了复合材料积木式适航取证方法中最基础的试样级适航取证程序,并以T700/BA9916环氧复合材料体系的适航取证研究工作来进一步说明试样级适航取证程序所涉及的具体试验内容,从而为积木式方法中更高级的复合材料适航取证奠定基础。

2.Manyairworthiness standards,specifications and regulations for initial or continualairworthiness were learned from the aviation accident lessons.许多适航标准、技术和管理规则,无论初始适航还是持续适航,都来自于航空事故的教训。

3.Safety analysis is an important method of compliance demonstration forairworthiness regulation.安全性分析是适航符合性验证的重要方法。


1.The Warranty of Seaworthiness in Marine Insurance;论海上保险中的船舶适航保证

2.The Ship-inspection and the Judgment of Ship s Seaworthiness;船舶查验与船舶适航的判断

3.The author discusses the Code s influence on the new addition of theseaworthiness content,the increment of the shipowner s liability,the great change of the traditional distribution of the liability inseaworthiness, and also points out that with the improvement of the marine safety management, the Code puts the shipowner in a hard situation.笔者就规则对船舶适航内容的增加、对船东适航保证要求的提高以及对传统适航中各方责任分担的改变所产生的积极影响进行了论述,并指出由于规则的实施,在使船舶安全管理水平上了一个新台阶的同时,也过分增加了船东的适航保证责任。


