100字范文 > 合同义务 contractual obligation英语短句 例句大全

合同义务 contractual obligation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-28 14:03:33


合同义务 contractual obligation英语短句 例句大全

合同义务,contractual obligation

1)contractual obligation合同义务

1.The former,which cann t becomecontractual obligation, is additional article of validity of a contract.“解除条件”是合同效力的附款,它本身不能成为当事人的合同义务,其成就合同效力自动终止。

2.A deep exploration of the basis of its occurrence, its relationship withcontractual obligations and paying obligations, its connotation, and its value target is worthwhile.于是,附随义务的产生依据,它与合同义务、给付义务的关系,它的涵义和价值目标等便值得进行深入探讨。

3.Quite going beyond the traditional sense ofcontractual obligation, modern contract law protects not only the contract itself, but also the entire course of transaction.在现代合同法上 ,传统的合同义务发生了扩张。


1.The Redeeming Responsibility Based on the Efficacy of the Preceding Contract Obligation;基于先合同义务的合同效力补正义务

2.The Connection between Prior-Contract Obligation and Other Related Duties of Contract;论先合同义务与相关合同义务之关系

3.Analysis on Extention of Contractual Responsibilities in Contract Law and Its Significance;试析《合同法》中合同义务的扩张及意义

4.Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligation关于合同义务法律适用的公约

5.Both parties shall fulfil their respective contract obligation.签约双方都应履行各自的合同义务。

6.On Liability Prior to contract --Regulations Against Faults in Contracting;论先合同义务责任——缔约过失制度

7.Legal Review on Regulation (EC) on the Law Applicable to Non-contractual Obligations《欧共体非合同义务法律适用条例》评析

8.Study on Director s Duty after Leaving the Post-in the Perspective of Post-Contract Obligation Theory;董事离任义务探析—以后合同义务理论为视角展开

9.Where a party failed to perform or rendered non-conforming performance, thereby causing loss to the other party,当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定,给对方造成损失的,

10.contractual liability, obligations, etc合同责任、 义务等.

11.non-contractual obligation非合同上的责任或义务

12.perform one"s contractual oBligations.履行合同规定的义务

13.In its broad sense, it refers to the agreement which offers all kinds of labor service.狭义的劳务合同仅指一般的雇佣合同。

14.Talking about the Contract Dispute and Contract Deceit from the Duties within the Contract Law;从“义务群”谈合同纠纷与合同诈骗

parison of the Expanded Contractual Obligations in the Principles of the International Commercial Contracts;《国际商事合同通则》合同扩张义务比较研究

16.They have failed to carry out their obligations under the contract.他们没有按照合同履行自己的义务。

17.Chapter Six: Discharge of Contractual Rights and Obligations第六章 合同的权利义务终止

18.Contract where the two parties each has duties to the other双方当事人都对对方承担义务的合同


contract obligation合同义务

3)post-contract obligations后合同义务

1.Onpost-contract obligations in estate trade;论房屋买卖的后合同义务

2.The hospitals, after having \{finished\} treating and other medical obligations, should abide by thepost-contract obligations such as to inform the patients or their family members of the points for attention, to keep secrets for the patients and to offer services for the patients to consult the concerning medical files and so on.医方在治疗行为结束、医疗服务合同的权利义务终止后,应严格遵守医疗服务合同的后合同义务,履行告知患者或其家属与治疗效果密切相关注意事项的告知义务、保守患者病情隐私的保密义务及病人依法查阅病历的协助义务等。

3.Before a contract is made,a litigant bears pre-contract duties,obligations provided in contract and contractual collateral obligations while fulfilling contract,andpost-contract obligations after contract is fulfilled.当事人在合同的成立前负有先合同义务,在履行中负有合同约定义务及附随义务,在合同终止后负有后合同义务。

4)pre-contractual obligation先合同义务

1.Thepre-contractual obligation,as the first constitutive element of the contracting fault liability,is of great significance to define the right and duty of the contracting parties before the contract becomes effective,to determine the establishment time of the contracting fault liability.先合同义务作为缔约过失责任的首要构成要件,对契约生效前契约双方的权利、义务的界定,以及对正确掌握缔约过失责任成立的时间段、缔约过失责任的性质等具有重要的意义。

2.The pre-contractual liability caused by infringing thepre-contractual obligation,and is always regarded as a faulty liability.缔约过失责任是一方因过失违反先合同义务产生的,往往被视为是一种过错责任,然而无论是学者的著述还是现行的立法都显示了缔约过失责任已经突破了过错责任的范畴,活跃在某些无过错责任领域。

5)pre-contract obligation先合同义务

1.Thepre-contract obligation exists in an invitation to be offered,for an invitation to be offered may infringe upon other peoples legitimate rights and interests.要约邀请阶段存在先合同义务,源于要约邀请可能侵害他人的合法权益。

2.Responsibility of contract culpa refers to the responsibility that party one violates the legal appendix obligation orpre-contract obligation causing loss to the other party,which are the protection of person s legitimate rights and interests and legal treaty of the transaction security.缔约过失责任是指缔约人违反先合同义务或附随义务向对方当事人应负的赔偿责任。

6)pre-contract liability先合同义务


