100字范文 > 水文地质效应 hydrogeologic effect英语短句 例句大全

水文地质效应 hydrogeologic effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-07 00:25:53


水文地质效应 hydrogeologic effect英语短句 例句大全

水文地质效应,hydrogeologic effect

1)hydrogeologic effect水文地质效应

1.In this paper an approch ofhydrogeologic effect induced by underground Coalmining has been proposed.本文研究了煤矿开采诱发的水文地质效应。

2)non-level geologic effect非水平地质效应

3)Applied Hydrogeology应用水文地质学

4)hydrologic effect水文效应

1.Based on lots of data, from the view of environment and hydrology, this paper analyzes thehydrologic effect of the woods system, and demonstrates the necessity, probability and availability of the green project in the plain under the condition of fragile environment, then gives a way for implementation and puts forward problems.根据大量的资料,从环境水文学的角度分析了林带的水文效应,论证了脆弱环境平原绿色工程增源的必要性、可能性和现实性,并提出了实施意见及存在问题。

2.The mechanism of biotechnical slope protection was studied from three aspect of roots mechanical function,hydrologic effect of stem and leaf (includes dead branches and fallen leaves), and transpiration effect of plant.从植物根系的力学作用、植物的蒸腾排水效应、茎叶及枯枝落叶的水文效应3个方面,分析了公路边坡植物的护坡机理。

3.It analyzes thehydrologic effect from the aspects of rainfall interception of plants,splash erosion reduction and surface runoff control,analyzes the mechanical effect from the aspects of tensile strength of single.从植物的截留降水、削弱溅蚀和抑制地表径流等方面分析了植被护坡的水文效应,并从植物单根抗拉强度、根-土相互作用、根-土复合体及边坡稳定分析等方面分析了植物护坡的力学效应,最后探讨了植被护坡的发展方向。


parision of Hydro-effect of LUCC Based on BASINS System;基于BASINS系统的LUCC水文效应对比分析

2.Hydrological Effects of Seven Landscape Plants Litter in Guangzhou广州七种园林植物枯落物的水文效应

3.Study on Hydrological Effect of Water Conservation Forest in Lianhua Lake Reservoir Area;莲花湖库区水源涵养林水文效应的研究

4.Effect of Land Use and Cover Change on Groundwater in Arid Area;干旱区土地利用/覆盖变化的地下水水文效应

5.Study on Forest Hydrological Effects and Optimal Afforest Models of Artificial Water Conservation Forest人工水源涵养林水文效应与优化造林研究

6.Research on the Hydrological Effects of Soil and Water Conservation in the Qingjianhe River Basin of Loess Plateau黄土高原清涧河流域水土保持的水文效应研究

7.Application of SWAT Model in Basin LUCC Hydrological EffectsSWAT模型在流域LUCC水文效应研究中的应用

8.Distributed hydrological model and eco-hydrological effect of vegetation in Karst watershed喀斯特流域分布式水文模型及植被生态水文效应

9.Hydrological Effects and a Network Platform Establishment in Liuxihe Reservoir Area;流溪河水库集水区森林水文效应及网络化平台的建立

10.Solution to the Drought and the Hydrological Function of Forest Ecosystem in Zhanjiang City湛江市的干旱治理与森林生态系统的水文效应

11.Hydrological Effects on the Degeneration of eth Ecological Environment in the Tarim River Watershed, Xinjiang塔里木河流域生态环境恶化的水文效应

12.The Influence of Grazing Intensity on the Hydrological Effects of Stipa Grandis Steppe;放牧强度对大针茅草原水文效应的影响

13.Research on Hydrological Effect of the YiluoHe Catchment s Land Cover Change;伊洛河流域土地覆被变化水文效应的研究

14.Study on Hydrological Effect of Picea Schrenkiana var.tianschanica Forest in the Middle Location of Tianshan Mountain;天山中段天山云杉林森林水文效应研究

15.Studies on the Shelter Forest Hydrology Effect of Mountain Region of Stone Quality and Forest Composition Structure Disposing;石质山地防护林水文效应及林分结构配置研究

16.Research on Eco-Hydrological Effects of the Seabuckthorn Plant Flexible Dam in the Soft Rock Region;砒砂岩区沙棘植物柔性坝生态水文效应研究

17.Climate Change and Hydrological Response in Qinghai Lake from the Little Ice Age Based on GIS青海湖小冰期以来的气候变化及其水文效应

18.Study on Hydrological Effects and Evaluation of Different Vegetation in Western Sichuan, China川西亚高山不同植被类型林地水文效应及评价


non-level geologic effect非水平地质效应

3)Applied Hydrogeology应用水文地质学

4)hydrologic effect水文效应

1.Based on lots of data, from the view of environment and hydrology, this paper analyzes thehydrologic effect of the woods system, and demonstrates the necessity, probability and availability of the green project in the plain under the condition of fragile environment, then gives a way for implementation and puts forward problems.根据大量的资料,从环境水文学的角度分析了林带的水文效应,论证了脆弱环境平原绿色工程增源的必要性、可能性和现实性,并提出了实施意见及存在问题。

2.The mechanism of biotechnical slope protection was studied from three aspect of roots mechanical function,hydrologic effect of stem and leaf (includes dead branches and fallen leaves), and transpiration effect of plant.从植物根系的力学作用、植物的蒸腾排水效应、茎叶及枯枝落叶的水文效应3个方面,分析了公路边坡植物的护坡机理。

3.It analyzes thehydrologic effect from the aspects of rainfall interception of plants,splash erosion reduction and surface runoff control,analyzes the mechanical effect from the aspects of tensile strength of single.从植物的截留降水、削弱溅蚀和抑制地表径流等方面分析了植被护坡的水文效应,并从植物单根抗拉强度、根-土相互作用、根-土复合体及边坡稳定分析等方面分析了植物护坡的力学效应,最后探讨了植被护坡的发展方向。

5)hydrological effect水文效应

1.Analysis onhydrological effect of Bambusa oldhami provenances;绿竹种源的引种水文效应分析

2.Woodlandhydrological effects of spruce plantations and natural secondary series in sub-alpine region of western Sichuan;川西亚高山人工云杉林和自然恢复演替系列的林地水文效应

3.Analysis ofhydrological effects from litter of Picea crassifolia forests in Qilian Mountains;祁连山青海云杉林枯落物层水文效应分析

6)hydrological effects水文效应

1.Distribution patterns andhydrological effects of moss and litters in Abies fabri forests on eastern slope of Gongga mountain.;贡嘎山东坡峨眉冷杉林地被物分布及其水文效应初步研究

2.The author analyzedhydrological effects of principal soil and water conservation measures,including forest and grass,basic farmland and channel engineering measures,and impacts of these measures on surface water resources.分析了主要水土保持措施,如林草措施、基本农田和沟道工程措施的水文效应及其对水资源的影响。

3.Thehydrological effects of water and soil conservation measures were studied with parallel comparative analysis method.以黄土丘陵沟壑区内相邻的 2条支沟 (羊道沟和插财主沟 )为研究对象 ,采用横向平行对比分析途径 ,研究了小流域水土保持措施的水文效应。


森林水文效应森林对蒸发、降水、径流等水平衡要素及河流、地下水、泥沙等水文情势的影响。又称流域森林影响。对蒸发影响 森林地区的降水,为林冠枝叶和林下枯枝落叶层截留。截留作用主要发生在降雨初期,一次降雨最大截留量有一定的数值。林冠枝叶截留的雨量最终消耗于蒸发,它与散发量(通过根、茎、叶向大气逸散的水量)、林内地面蒸发量共同构成林地蒸散发。林地蒸散发中散发量占很大比重,地面蒸发量较小。气候湿润,有充沛水分供给蒸发的地区,森林对流域的蒸散发影响不大;气候干燥,水分供应不足的地区,林区蒸散发比非林区大。对降水影响 各家看法出入很大,一般认为由于林冠大量蒸腾,林区上空水汽含量增多,湿度大;大气中水平气流经森林阻碍被迫抬升等,都有利于降水;林区内多水平降水。苏联卡明草原58年观测资料表明,森林地区降水量比空旷地区大 9%。中国的野外调查及实验资料也有这样的现象。但亦有不少资料表明,森林对降水没有影响或影响甚微。林下土壤的下渗强度一般比非林地要大得多。这与林地落叶层能减缓地表径流流速、森林土壤中根系发育、土壤中有机质多、团粒结构发育等有关。据中国科学院地理研究所在陕西省黄龙林区的测定,林地的稳渗率比周围的耕地和草地都大。对径流影响 包括对洪水、枯水、年径流量和径流年内分配等的影响。对于一次孤立的洪水,森林有明显的降低洪峰、减少洪水流量、延缓洪水过程的作用。对于连续洪水,林区洪水流量通常比非林区大。在一般情况下,流域内林区枯季径流量比非林区大,年内分配也较均匀。森林对年径流的影响比较复杂。森林流域年径流量比无林流域小,森林砍伐后会使年径流量增加。大面积森林随气候和下垫面性质不同,其结果也大不相同。苏联在喀尔巴阡山南北坡36个流域内的调查表明,年径流量随林率的增大而增加。中国通过对比流域分析表明,北方干旱地区年径流量随林率增大而减小(石质山区除外),南方湿润地区则相反。从热带到温带,年径流量均因森林砍伐而增加,造林后则使年径流量减少。对地下水影响 较为复杂,一般认为山区森林下渗的水量对地下水补给有利;平原森林对地下水影响随气候条件不同而异。对生态环境影响 森林能防止土壤侵蚀。流经林区的河流通常含沙量低,水质好。森林砍伐后河流含沙量、有机物等增加,主要表现在硝酸盐含量大为增加。森林对人类生态环境的显著作用,已越来越引起人们的重视。森林水文效应的研究对开发和营造森林,对环境质量的控制和改善均有重要的意义。20世纪初,瑞士、美国和日本等国就开始进行有林地和无林地的对比试验及森林砍伐对径流影响的研究。中国除进行试验流域对比分析外,还采用了流域模拟等方法。森林水文效应涉及到森林、水文、气象、土壤等多方面的问题,关系复杂,不同自然条件差别甚大,很难以一概全。尤其是在精确的实验测定基础上得出的局部地区的水文效应,很难推广。今后会通过对各地区、各种自然条件下的水文效应实测资料,在水量平衡的基础上进行综合分析,找出一般规律,为改善人类生态环境,提供依据。参考书目R.Lee,Forest Hydrology,Columbia Univ.Press,New York,1980.
