100字范文 > 矿井水文地质 mine hydrogeology英语短句 例句大全

矿井水文地质 mine hydrogeology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-06 09:26:46


矿井水文地质 mine hydrogeology英语短句 例句大全

矿井水文地质,mine hydrogeology

1)mine hydrogeology矿井水文地质

1.0 to develop and exploit the hydrogeology information system( HIS), makes Geological Information System achieve as many functions as collecting, depositing, handling and analyzing themine hydrogeology information and the calamity information.0研制开发了水文地质信息系统(HIS),使水文地质信息系统实现了对矿井水文地质信息及灾害信息的采集、存储、处理和分析等多种功能,详述了水文地质信息系统酌灾害预测预报基本原理和方法,并应用水文地质信息系统中的多源信息回归预测法对具体矿井水文地质灾害进行预测和预报。

2.How to distinguish the source of mine water inrush exactly and quickly is not only the major content ofmine hydrogeology works,but also the important foundation of mine water prevention.能否准确快速地判别矿井突水水源,不仅是矿井水文地质工作的主要内容,而且是煤矿防治水工作的重要基础。


1.A Study on Zhaoguanzhen Coalmine Hydrogeological Condition and Water Control赵官矿井水文地质条件及防治水研究

2.Application Approach of HIS in the Mine Hydrogeology Calamity;HIS在矿井水文地质灾害中的应用探讨

3.Discussion about the changes of mine hydrogeology conditions after mine field developing刍议井田开发后矿井水文地质条件的变化

4.Mine Hydrogeologic Information Management and Water-Disaster Prediction System;矿井水文地质信息管理与水害预测系统

5.The Hydrogeologic Condition and Water Hazard Control of the Second Division of Yang Chang Wan Coal Mine羊场湾二分区矿井水文地质条件及水害防治

6.Analysis of Hydrogeological Characters and Forecast of Inflow in One Mine某矿井水文地质特征分析及涌水量预测

7.Study of Mine Hydrogeologic Information Management System Based on GIS;基于GIS的矿井水文地质信息管理系统研究

8.Exploitation and Application of Mine Hydrogeologic Information Management;矿井水文地质信息管理系统开发与应用

9.Coal Mine Hydrogeological Information System Based on VB and MapObjects基于VB和MapObjects的矿井水文地质信息管理系统

10.Application of transient electromagnetic method to the exploration of hydrogeology in coal mine瞬变电磁法在矿井水文地质勘探中的应用

11.Hydro-Geological Characteristics and Mine Water-filled Factors of Dongrong No.1 Coal Mine东荣一矿水文地质特征与矿井充水因素分析

12.Hydrogeological Conditions and Prediction of Out-flow of Water in Shaft Test Area in Dongzhouyao Coal Mine东周窑煤矿井检区水文地质条件及涌水量预测

13.Hydro-geological Characteristics and Mine Water-filled Factors of Hanzhuang Coal Mine in Henan河南天瑞集团韩庄矿水文地质特征与矿井充水因素分析

14.Hydrogeological Characteristics and Mine Water Analysis in Fengjigou Coalmine, Ningxia宁夏冯记沟煤矿水文地质特征及矿井水利用分析

15.The Application of CSAMT Method in Solving Deep Mine Hydrogeological Issues under the Thick CenozoicCSAMT法在解决厚层新生界下矿井深部水文地质问题中的应用

16.Hydrogeological Characteristics and Impacts on Mining in Shaopu Minefield, Zhijin Mining Area, Guizhou Province贵州省织金矿区少普井田水文地质特征及其对开采的影响

17.This paper studies the possibility of full-water of mining by the way of analysising hydrogeological conditions when the coal seams is mined, and taking further analysising the geological structure on which affect underground water.本文通过对水文地质条件的分析,揭示矿井充水的可能性,进一步分析构造对地下水的控制作用。

18.Specification for operation of hydrographic geological drilling and digging for water-supply供水水文地质钻探与凿井操作规程


mining hydrogeological exploration矿井水文地质勘探

1.So, detecting top/bottom aquifers , water in abandoned-mine and underground watercourse and providing credible information for reasonable development of mine become the main task ofmining hydrogeological exploration.因此,探测矿井顶(底)板含水层的富水性、老窑积水和导水通道,为矿产资源的合理开发、利用以及安全生产提供可靠依据,成为矿井水文地质勘探的主要任务。

3)mine composite hydrogeological map矿井综合水文地质图

1.Themine composite hydrogeological map has been made successfully with MAPGIS and MAPHYDRO and an effective way for making hydrogeological maps with the aids of computer is provided.利用功能强大的MAPGIS系统,根据水文地质图的编制特点,笔者利用VisualFoxpro开发了MAPGIS数据接口程序MAPHYDRO,成功地编制了矿井综合水文地质图,为机助编制各类水文地质图提供了一条可行的途径。

4)hydrologic well-drilling machine水文地质钻井机

5)mine geology矿井地质

1.Strengtheningmine geology work and promoting coal mine safety production;加强矿井地质工作 促进煤矿安全生产

2.Strengtheningmine geology work and lifting resources recovery;加强矿井地质工作 提高资源回收率

3.Based on the actuality of high yield and high efficiency mine and the de- velopment level of science and technology,from the point ofmine geology work and mining production, the authors advanced some strategies and advices to solve the mining geological problem.以矿井地质构造为主线,分析了当前林南仓矿达产过程中地质问题突出的原因。

6)mining geology矿井地质

1.In China,mining geology has undergone 50 years for its founding, developing andsystematization.中国的矿井地质工作历经50年的创业、发展和完善,已成为煤矿建设生产中无可替代的一门边缘和应用学科。


