100字范文 > 水文地质勘察 hydrogeological investigation英语短句 例句大全

水文地质勘察 hydrogeological investigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-05 06:49:29


水文地质勘察 hydrogeological investigation英语短句 例句大全

水文地质勘察,hydrogeological investigation

1)hydrogeological investigation水文地质勘察

1.Discussion on the content ofhydrogeological investigation in underground engineering in Shanghai上海地区地下工程中水文地质勘察内容的探讨

2.Based onhydrogeological investigation,tunnel s hydrogeology character such as geological structure,development of surface water and underground water,recharge of surface water and groundwater is evaluated,and normal and maximum water yield are predicted in the way of groundwater runoff modulus.根据该隧道的水文地质勘察资料,分析评价了其地质构造、地表水的发育、地下水的发育、地表水及地下水的补给等水文地质特征,并采用径流模数法预测了隧道的正常涌水量和最大涌水量。

3.So it is very important to the safe construction and operation of tunnel to make an accuratehydrogeological investigation.综合考虑隧道的结构类型、隧道穿越的地层及地下水的赋存条件、运移特征等因素,进行水文地质勘察、试验,在此基础上对狮子洋隧道水文地质特征分段评价,并提出相应工程措施。


1.Code for hydrogeological investigation of water supply供水水文地质勘察规范

2.Study on the Hydrogeological Investigation Surveying Based on RTK基于RTK的水文地质勘察测量研究

3.Discussion on the content of hydrogeological investigation in underground engineering in Shanghai上海地区地下工程中水文地质勘察内容的探讨

4.The technique has been proved to beof importance in karst water exploration.证实该项技术在岩溶水水文地质勘察中具有重要作用。

5.For revising the national standard《 Hydrogeologic exploration specifications of water supply》 technical requirement for numerical method of groundwater resources evaluation is supplemented.在修订国家标准《供水水文地质勘察规范》中补充地下水资源数值法计算技术规定。

6.hydraulic engineering geological exploratory survey水利工程地质勘察测量

7.How to Solve the Problems In the Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology Investigation水文、工程地质勘察中几个常见问题处理的探讨

8.Strengthening Geological Exploration Management and Improving Geological Prospecting Level;加强地质勘察管理 提高地质找矿水平

9.ANALYSIS ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF GEOLOGICENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE --Exampling Guilin Hydrology Engineering Geology Survey Institute;地质工程施工企业经济发展浅析——以桂林水文工程地质勘察院为例

10.Code for geological investigation of water resources and hydropower engineering水利水电工程地质勘察规范

11.Code for geologic investigation in port engineering港口工程地质勘察规范

12.Code for survey of highway engineering geology公路工程地质勘察规范

13.Code for geologic investigation in canalization engineering渠化工程地质勘察规范

14.The Employer shall have made available to the Contractor such data on hydrological and sub-surface conditions as have been obtained by or on behalf of the Employer from investigations undertaken relevant to the Works雇主应向承包商提供向雇主或雇主代表根据有关该项工程的勘察所取得的水文地质资料

15.Application of the hydrogeologic cycles to hydrocarbon exploration in Linqing area水文地质旋回在临清地区油气勘探中的应用

16.Taking The engineering geological investigation of Shuangfeng Wanfuting large bridge as an example, this paper has studied the method of bridge site selection and bridge foundation investigation in karst area.本文以双峰万福亭大桥工程地质勘察为例,研究了岩溶地区选择桥位和桥基勘察的方法。

17.The study on hydro-geological problems and technical methods of exploration试论煤田(矿)水文地质问题及勘探技术方法

18.Application of TEM on Hydrogeological Exploration in Xinji No.1 Coalmine瞬变电磁法在新集一矿水文地质勘探中的应用


geological investigation地质勘察

1.Application of the electric sounding ingeological investigation of mountains;电测深物探方法在山区工程地质勘察中的应用

2.Requirements of foundation pit excavation designongeological investigation;基坑开挖设计中对地质勘察工作的要求

3.Brief talk on railway geological line selection and projectgeological investigation in loess area浅谈黄土地区铁路地质选线与工程地质勘察

3)Geological survey地质勘察

1.Some issues in need of special attention for engineering geological survey of mid-and small-scale hydropower stations in Guangxi;广西中小型水电站工程地质勘察需注意的一些问题

2.Some problems that develop with the geological survey of directionally drilled river are summarized and analysed.对管道定向钻穿越河流的工程地质勘察工作中出现的一些问题进行了总结和探讨,认为勘察钻孔工作量的布置应随场地条件而异,科学合理地安排,而不宜教条地执行规范、规程中的某些条款。

3.With the highway geological survey means more and more advanced,investigation methods have been greatly improved.公路地质勘察手段越来越先进,勘察方法也随之有所改进,就红土山段公路滑坡勘察综合现代勘察的手段,根据该地区的实际地质条件布设工作方法和工作量,结合图片判断出该区滑坡的主要要素,是解决疑难地质问题的有效手段。

4)Geological exploration地质勘察

1.Analysis of complicated stratum encountered in geological exploration of Leikou Bridge;磊口大桥地质勘察中复杂地层的分析

2.Research and Application of Information Model on Geological Exploration Based GIS;基于GIS的地质勘察信息模型研究及其应用

3.On application of rocks(mass) sonic wave measuring in engineering geological exploration谈岩石(体)波速测试在工程地质勘察中的应用

5)geologic reconnaissance地质勘察

6)geological reconnaissance地质勘察

1.The application of RS and GIS technology ingeological reconnaissance of railway engineering in high-cold mountainous areas;RS和GIS在高寒山区铁路地质勘察中的应用

2.Since 1950s, Changjiang Water Resources Commission as well as other scientific research units have carried out engineeringgeological reconnaissance for large-scale cross structures and the whole route,meantime,researched special subjects,such as special soils(expansive soil,loess),the canal section i.自20世纪50年代迄今,长江水利委员会及其它科研设计单位对中线工程全线及大型交叉建筑物进行了工程地质勘察,同时对特殊类土(膨胀土、黄土)、渠线过煤矿区、区域构造稳定性、砂土液化等专题进行了研究。


