100字范文 > 水文地质 hydrogeology英语短句 例句大全

水文地质 hydrogeology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-15 11:04:40


水文地质 hydrogeology英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis ofhydrogeology for deep mining in Sanshandao Gold Mine;三山岛金矿深部开采水文地质浅析

2.Development of visual information management ofhydrogeology and application to prevention and control of mine flood;水文地质信息可视化管理系统的开发及其在矿井水灾防治中的应用

3.Effect of chemical water-rock interaction onhydrogeology and landslide of slope;水岩化学作用对斜坡水文地质及滑坡的影响


1.International Association of Hydrogeologists国际水文地质学家协会(水文地质协会)

2.Code for hydrogeological investigation of water supply供水水文地质勘察规范


4.The Situation of the Karst Hydrogeology and Assession of Water Resources in the Litang Area;黎塘地区岩溶水文地质及水资源评价

5.Preliminary Study on the Hydrogeological Characteristics of Water Source of Xilong River西龙河水源地水文地质特征初步研究

6.Class B: hydrogeology survey; engineering geology survey; environment geology survey.乙级:水文地质调查;工程地质调查;环境地质调查。

7.Class C: hydrogeology servey; engineering geology survey; environment geology survey.丙级:水文地质调查;工程地质调查;环境地质调查。

8.Effective of engineering geology and hydrologic regimeon the quality of project design工程地质、水文地质对工程设计质量的影响

9.Specification for operation of hydrographic geological drilling and digging for water-supply供水水文地质钻探与凿井操作规程

10.On Hydrogeological Features of Suqiao Mine Field and Prediction of the Outflow Amount;苏桥井田水文地质特征及涌水量预测

11.Research on hydrogeological features and prediction of yield of well of the Kanshang iron mine坎上铁矿水文地质特征及涌水量预测

12.A Study on Zhaoguanzhen Coalmine Hydrogeological Condition and Water Control赵官矿井水文地质条件及防治水研究

13.Base Water-bearing Stratum Hydrology Geological Feature Analysis of Taoyuan Coal Mine桃园矿底部含水层水文地质特征分析

14.Class B: areal geology survey; hydrogeology survey; engineering geology survey; environment geology survey.乙级:区域地质调查;水文地质调查;工程地质调查;环境地质调查。

15.Analysis of Hydrogeological Setting and Groundwater Resources Evaluation in Longdong Region陇东地区水文地质条件分析及地下水资源评价

16.hydrogeology of great sedimentary basins大型沉积盆地水文地质学

17.Analyses of hydrogeologic feature and structure in the Xinli seabed gold mine新立海底金矿水文地质特征及水文地质结构分析

18.Parameter Estimation for Confined Aquifers Using the Cooper-JacobMethod and Residual Drawdowns用水位恢复数据计算承压含水层水文地质参数


hydrological geology水文地质

1.Discussion thehydrological geology and engineering geology of Sanxikou hydroelectric station reservoir area;三溪口水电站库区水文地质与工程地质初探

2.Elementary introduction to application of mathematical model inhydrological geology of mine;浅谈数学模型在矿山水文地质中的应用

3.Solution mining in drilled wells is a new mining process which developed from the 1960s and 1970s of the 20th century,and the research on the regional geological structure,thehydrological geology character of the mine area and the geological character of the salt deposit etc.钻井水溶开采是二十世纪六、七十年代发展起来的新兴采矿工艺,矿床勘查时对矿区区域地质构造、矿区水文地质特征、矿床地质特征等研究不够,对开采中后期出现的问题无法预料。

3)hydrologic geology水文地质

1.The application of fluid inclusions in engineering geology andhydrologic geology;流体包裹体在工程地质与水文地质中的应用

2.In soft soil region, the metro and tunnel engineering meets the special geotechnical problem easier, including investigation project design plan, stratigraphic division and evaluation,hydrologic geology ( environment) exploration and eval.在呈线状分布的地铁、隧道工程中,岩土层是构筑物存在的环境,软土地区地铁、隧道更存在特殊的岩土工程问题,包括在勘察方案策划、地层单元体划分和评价、水文地质(环境)勘探和评价等。

3.This paper analyzes on the geology of the area of waterline of Zhangfeng reservoir from angles of the landform,the lithologic character of the stratum,thehydrologic geology,the geological structure and earthquake and the physicogeological phenomena.从地形地貌、地层岩性、水文地质、地质构造与地震及物理地质现象的角度出发,对张峰水库输水线路的区域地质进行了分析。

4)hydrology geology水文地质

5)geology and hydrogeology地质与水文地质

6)hydrogeological period水文地质期

1.Studies of tectonic movements, hydrodynamics and geophysical fields show that the aquifers have experienced differenthydrogeological periods.本文通过沉积环境、岩性组合、水化学、碳同位素等的论证,将川西拗陷上三叠统划分为须家河组须二段、四段、六段3个主要含水系统,须一段、三段、五段3个相对隔水系统;通过地壳运动、水动力条件、地球物理场等论证了各含水系统经历的水文地质期的次数和型式。

2.In this paper,with the Xihu depression in the East China Sea as an example,the problems how to divide water-bearing systems andhydrogeological periods are put forward,and five basic forms ofhydrogeological periods are divided.以东海西湖凹陷为例,从理论上分析了怎样划分含水系统和水文地质期,提出了含水系统的内涵,划分了5种基本形式的水文地质初,建立了西湖凹陷新生代沉积体系的层序和期序,并从宏观上概化了地下水成生演化的模式。


