100字范文 > 古代中韩关系 ancient China and Korea relations英语短句 例句大全

古代中韩关系 ancient China and Korea relations英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-23 21:35:48


古代中韩关系 ancient China and Korea relations英语短句 例句大全

古代中韩关系,ancient China and Korea relations

1)ancient China and Korea relations古代中韩关系

2)China-ROK relations中韩关系

1.The prospect ofChina-ROK relationship will be bright,but the barriers should not be ignored.中韩关系发展的前景是极其光明的,但也不能忽视可能影响中韩关系继续发展的问题。

2.Since 1992,China-ROK relationship has grown strongly since the two countries established diplomatic ties 15 years ago.当然在中韩关系快速发展的同时也存在着不容回避的问题,包括经济摩擦,司法问题和历史认识差异等。


1.The Korean Nationalism and the Affect on the Sino-ROK Relations in the Post-Cold War Era;冷战后韩国的民族主义及其对中韩关系的影响

2.Discussion about the Korean Nationalism and Sino-Korean Relationship under its Affection;论韩国民族主义及其影响下的中韩关系

3.A Study on Establishment of the Sino-Korea Modern Relations(1895-1899)试论近代中韩关系的建立(1895—1899)

4.An Important Page in the History of Sino-Korean Relations: The Centralized Management and Repatriation of Koreans in Tianjin and North China after the Resistance War against Japan;中韩关系史上的重要一页——战后天津暨华北韩侨的集中管理与遣返

5.Sino-Korean Relation in the Multipolar World--In Commemoration of the Tenth Annversary of Establishment of Sino-Korean Diplomatic Relation;世界多极化结构与中韩关系——纪念中韩建交10周年

6.The Developing Relationship between China and Korea with Influence in Northeastern Asia;中韩关系的演变及其对东北亚局势的影响

7.The Investments of ROK in China and Prospects of Sino-Korean Economic and Trade Relations;韩国企业在中国的投资与中韩经贸关系展望

8.From Korean Sayings to Learn the Relationship between Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law in the Real Life in South Korea;从韩国俗语看韩国现实生活中的婆媳关系

9.China and South Korea Trade Ties Existence Question, Countermeasure and Prospect;中韩贸易关系存在的问题、对策与前景

10.The Impact of Contemporary Culture Exchanges between China and South Korea on Sino-ROK Relations;当代中韩文化交流对两国关系的影响

11.Discussing the Impacting Factors of Sino-Korean Economic Relations;论中韩经济关系的影响因素(1979-2001)

12.Study on China s Agricultural Economic and Trade Relations with Japan and Korea;中国与日韩两国的农业经贸关系研究

13.The Strategies for Further Advance of Trade Relations Among China,D.R.Korea and Korea;中朝韩经贸关系纵深发展的战略进路

14.The Developing Tendency of Economy and Trade Relation Between China and Korea(2002-);中韩经贸关系的发展趋势(2002-)

15.The Development and Prospect of Economy and Trade Relations Between China and South Korea中韩经贸关系的发展现状及前景展望

16.Ba-sentences in Chinese and Their Counterparts in Korean汉语“把”字句在韩语中的对应关系研究

17.Analysis on the Inward-FDI in China and the Sino-Korea Trade;韩国对华直接投资与中国对韩进出口关系的分析

18.Observing the Alliance of America and Korea through America s Economic Aid to Korea;从美国对韩经济援助看美韩同盟关系


China-ROK relations中韩关系

1.The prospect ofChina-ROK relationship will be bright,but the barriers should not be ignored.中韩关系发展的前景是极其光明的,但也不能忽视可能影响中韩关系继续发展的问题。

2.Since 1992,China-ROK relationship has grown strongly since the two countries established diplomatic ties 15 years ago.当然在中韩关系快速发展的同时也存在着不容回避的问题,包括经济摩擦,司法问题和历史认识差异等。

3)relationship between South Korea and China韩中关系

4)Sino-ROK Relations中韩关系

1.The Impact of Contemporary Culture Exchanges between China and South Korea onSino-ROK Relations;文化交流在中韩关系发展中扮演了极其重要的角色,在中韩两国关系的稳步发展中具有深远的影响和重大的意义,为今后两国在各个领域发展友好合作交流,开辟了广阔的前景。

5)relationship between modern Chinese and Korean literature中朝(韩)现代文学关系

6)ancient transactions between China and Korea古代中韩交往


