100字范文 > 中西古代 China and the West in ancient times英语短句 例句大全

中西古代 China and the West in ancient times英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-03 11:40:22


中西古代 China and the West in ancient times英语短句 例句大全

中西古代,China and the West in ancient times

1)China and the West in ancient times中西古代

1.Wealth distribution and consumption thought ofChina and the West in ancient times论中西古代财富分配思想与消费思想


1.The influence of social and cultural characteristics of China and the west on th eir ancient poems;中西社会文化特征对中西古代诗歌的影响

2.Ethics wealth thought of ancient China and scientific wealth thought of the ancient west;中西古代“伦理”与“学理”财富思想比较

3.Five Dimensions Consistent in Ancient Chinese and Western Wealth Thoughts;论中西古代财富思想暗合的五个维度

4.Wealth distribution and consumption thought of China and the West in ancient times论中西古代财富分配思想与消费思想

5.The Literature of Western Modern School and the Ancient Chinese Subjective Imagism;西方现代派文学与中国古代意象理论

parison Between Chinese Ancient Design and West Modern Design;中国古代设计与西方现代设计之比较

7.The Characters of Chinese Tourism and Occidental Tourism Respectively in Ancient,Modern and Post-Ancient Times;中国与西方旅游的古代、现代和后现代特征

8.Preface to the Cambridge History of Ancient China;西方汉学的古史研究——《剑桥中国古代史》序言

9.Investigation on the Ancient Ruins in the Western Sandy land of Minqin County残存在民勤县西沙窝中的古代遗址

10.The Fusion and Unity of Psychological Thought in China and the West;古代中西方心理学思想的融合与统一

11.The Middle Ming Dynasty Reception of the WestChamber and the Restorative Trend;复古思潮与明代中期的《西厢》接受

12.On the Development of West China and the Teaching and Research of Chinese Classical Literature;西部开发与中国古代文学教学及研究

13.Different attitudes towards knowledge and morality in China and the West in ancient times;古代中西方对知识与德性的不同态度

14.The Use of Colored Glaze in the Buildings ofAncient Northwest Minorities;古代西北少数民族建筑中琉璃的应用

prisons between the Cultural Patterns of School Physical Education in Ancient China and in Ancient Western Countries;古代中西学校体育的文化模式之比较

16.To Analyze and Compare Ancient Chinese Literature Theories with Western Theories用西方理论解析和比较中国古代文论

17.The time-space-transcending mind wandering of the ancient Chinese;古代先民跨越时空的心灵远游——中国古代文学中“东”与“西”的文化解读

18."Zou Xi kou" and the Modern Social Ecological Deterioration in the Middle and West Part of Inner Mongolia“走西口”与近代内蒙古中西部社会生态的恶化


Ancient Buildings in China and the West中西古代建筑

3)harmonious concepts between China and westem physical education中西方古代体育

4)ancient civilization of China and the West中西古代文明

5)ancient Chinese and Western arts古代中西美术

6)the Chinese and western scientific system in ancient times古代中西科技体系


