100字范文 > 中韩 China and South Korea英语短句 例句大全

中韩 China and South Korea英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-18 19:01:11


中韩 China and South Korea英语短句 例句大全

中韩,China and South Korea

1)China and South Korea中韩

1.Empirical Analysis on the Intra-industry Trade betweenChina and South Korea;中韩产业内贸易的实证分析——以工业制成品贸易为例

2.Analysis on Competition Tactics Application inChina and South Korea Female Short Ski 1000 Meters in the 20th Winter Olympic Games;二十届冬奥会中韩女子短道速滑1000m比赛战术应用的分析

3.The similarities about the Dragon Boat Festival betweenChina and South Korea;中韩端午节祭之关联性论略


1.The Effects on Agricultural Sector of the Future Korea-China FTA and the Main Issues;建立中韩FTA对韩国农业部门的影响

ment on the Cultural Exchange Between Qingdao and Korea after the Establishment of Sino-Korea Diplomatic Relations;中韩建交以来青岛与韩国的文化交流

3.US-Korea FTA Negoatioations and Its Influence on China-Korea FTA韩美FTA谈判及对中韩FTA的影响

4.Research on trade integration of China,Japan and South Korea from perspective of Sino-Japanese,Sino-South Korean bilateral trade;从中日、中韩双边贸易看中日韩贸易一体化

5.China-ROK Economic Council中韩民间经济协议会

6.First China And Korea Go Competition首届中韩围棋对抗赛

7.Translation Techniques between Korea and Chinese;中韩文化传播中韩汉翻译技巧分析及研究

8.The Investments of ROK in China and Prospects of Sino-Korean Economic and Trade Relations;韩国企业在中国的投资与中韩经贸关系展望

9.Ancient Korean Women"s Role and Function in the Cultural Communication Between China and Korea古代韩国女性在中韩文化交流中的地位与作用

10.The Korean Nationalism and the Affect on the Sino-ROK Relations in the Post-Cold War Era;冷战后韩国的民族主义及其对中韩关系的影响

11.Study on Chinese Textbooks Selection about Korea after 1992;中韩建交后韩国汉语教科书选用问题研究

12.Discussion about the Korean Nationalism and Sino-Korean Relationship under its Affection;论韩国民族主义及其影响下的中韩关系

13.An Analysis to the Preservation of Cultural Heritage in Korea and China through the Event of Dragon Boat Festival;从韩国端午祭申遗看中韩文化遗产保护

14.Korea Agricultural Trade Policy and the Countermeasures for China-Korea FTA韩国农产品贸易政策及中韩FTA建设的对策研究

15.The publication of Korean periodicals in China during the Sino-Korea cooperation years of war against Japan中韩合作抗战时期韩国在华期刊出版考

16.The Korean Words Loaned from Chinese and the Teaching of Chinese to Korean Learners;韩国语中的汉源词汇与对韩汉语教学

17.A Comparison of the Affixes between South Korean and Chinese;韩中词缀比较初探——以韩国语汉字词缀为中心

18.Two South Korean Prisoners of War Escape after 45 Years in North Korea韩两士兵韩战中被俘,被囚45年后逃离朝鲜


China and Korea中韩

1.The Cultural Factors Promoting Exchanges betweenChina and Korea;推动中韩两国交流的文化因素

2.Discuss the Motivation of the Cultural Exchange and Development betweenChina and Korea after Establishing their Diplomatic Relations;刍议建交后中韩文化交流发展的动因

3.To Discuss the Cultural Exchange BetweenChina and Korea after Recovery and Before Establishing Diplomatic Relations;光复后至建交前的中韩文化交流探讨


1.Research onSino-Korea Cooperation and Developing Organic Food Market;中韩合作开发有机食品市场的研究

2.Total sevenSino-Korea joint-venture ferry companies were founded successively in the 10 years from 1990 to 2000.中韩两国是海上近邻,两国经贸关系在1992年建交后得到迅速发展,从而带动了中韩间海运市场的发展。

3.This paper begins with trade status to explore the import and export volume, change in structure and trade balance onSino-Korea electromechanical products in recent years.本文从中韩机电贸易现状着手,探讨中韩机电产品最近几年在进出口总量、结构变化以及贸易平衡状况,通过实证分析中韩机电产品的比较竞争优势、贸易互补性和产业内贸易程度,进而提出一些政策建议。


1.OnSino-Korean Free Trade of Agricultural Products and Countermeasures;中韩农产品贸易自由化及其对策研究

2.OnSino-Korean economic interchange in the 7-9th centuries and its effect;论7-9世纪中韩经济交流及其影响

3.A Comparative Study ofSino-Korean Primary School Teacher Development and Curriculum Program;中韩两国小学教育师资培养与课程方案比较研究


1.Empirical study on the intra-industrial trade inChina-Korea agricultural products中韩农产品产业内贸易实证研究



顾闳中《韩熙载夜宴图》卷五代南唐画家顾闳中的存世名作。顾闳中(10世纪),南唐画院待诏,擅长画人物。此图绢本,设色,纵28.7厘米,横 335.5厘米。此图系奉后主李煜之命而画,描绘中书舍人韩熙载彻夜宴饮的景象。全卷共分 5个场面:首段"听乐",写韩熙载与宾客宴饮,倾听歌伎、教坊副使李家明之妹演奏琵琶;二段"观舞",画众人观赏家伎王屋山跳"六么舞",韩熙载亲擂羯鼓伴奏;三段"歇息",绘韩与家伎们在床上暂歇;四段"清吹",韩盘坐椅上,敞衣坦腹,听诸女伎合奏管乐;五段"散宴",表现夜宴结束,韩执鼓槌送别,三两亲近宾客仍与女伎在戏谑。作品生动地再现了夜宴的奢华、欢闹场面,也真实地刻画了主人公既放荡不羁、沉缅酒色,又失意消沉、落落寡欢的复杂内心。各段用屏风、隔扇分隔,似断又连,安排自然妥帖。人物个性鲜明,线条工整精细,色彩绚丽和谐,艺术上达到很高水平。图上无款印,但绘画风格近似宋人水平。本幅无款,引首篆书"夜宴图" 3字,署款"太常卿兼经筵侍书程南云题"。前隔水清高宗弘历一题,另有佚名宋人书残段 20字。后纸有 "韩熙载行实"一段,无署款,另班惟志书小楷七言长古一首,积玉(雪)斋主人记一段。后隔水王铎一题。有"绍勋"、"商丘宋犖审定真迹"、"蕉林书屋"、"王鹏翀"等收藏印记48方。《画鉴》、《庚子销夏记》、《平生壮观》、《石渠宝笈·初编》等书著录。现藏故宫博物院。历代著录的顾闳中《韩熙载夜宴图》尚有数本,如《铁网珊瑚》、《式古堂书画汇考》、《平生壮观》、《大观录》等,但均已失佚。
