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中韩贸易 China-Korea trade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-27 17:38:49


中韩贸易 China-Korea trade英语短句 例句大全

中韩贸易,China-Korea trade

1)China-Korea trade中韩贸易

1.The basic status ofChina-Korea trade is that there is vast China s adverse balance,which exceeds the export amount of Korea in some years.中韩贸易的基本状况是:中方逆差总额巨大,在有些年份中超过对韩出口额。

2.The continuously lowered tariff under theChina-Korea trade agreement promotes the trade scale to grow.中韩贸易协定下的关税持续降低进一步促进了两国贸易规模增长的速度,但随着两国贸易的纵深发展,中韩两国以环境标准为依托的贸易摩擦不断加剧。


1.China and South Korea Trade Ties Existence Question, Countermeasure and Prospect;中韩贸易关系存在的问题、对策与前景

2.Bilateral Real Exchange Rate of RMB and Sino-Korea Trade Balance;人民币双边实际汇率与中韩贸易收支

3.Sino- South Korea Trade Pattern Alternation: From Mutual Complement to Competition;中韩贸易模式的变迁:从互补到竞争

4.Non-integrative Trade Diversion of Sino-South Korea Trade: Mechanism, Process and Effect;中韩贸易中的非一体化贸易转向:机制、过程与结果

5.A Study on Trade Dispute Problem between China and Korea (Focus on Trade Correlation Problem and Business Dispute and Anti-Dumping Dispute);中韩贸易纠纷问题研究:贸易相关性问题、商务纠纷及反倾销纠纷

6.Research on trade integration of China,Japan and South Korea from perspective of Sino-Japanese,Sino-South Korean bilateral trade;从中日、中韩双边贸易看中日韩贸易一体化

7.Research on Economic and Trade Effects of Establishing Sino-Korea Free Trade Zone;建立中韩自由贸易区的经贸效应研究

8.Economics and Trade Cooperation Between China and Korea and the Construction of East Asian Free Trade Area;中韩经贸合作与东亚自由贸易区构建

9.Analysis of the Agricultural Produce Trade Problems in the FTA of China, Japan and South Korea;中日韩自由贸易协定中的农产品贸易问题分析

10.A Positive Study on Trade Effects of CJKFTA;中日韩自由贸易区贸易效果的实证分析

11.Research on Corporate Governance of Southeast Asian Corporations中韩两国之间产业内贸易的贸易利益研究

12.Korea Agricultural Trade Policy and the Countermeasures for China-Korea FTA韩国农产品贸易政策及中韩FTA建设的对策研究

13.The Comparisons of the Competitiveness of Services Industry among China, Korea and Japan;中韩日服务贸易国际竞争力比较研究

14.Chinese-Japanese-Korean Intra-Industry Trade and Northeast Economic Community;中日韩产业内贸易与东北亚经济联合

15.The Empirical Analysis of the Trade and Investment Integration between China and South Korea;中、韩贸易与投资一体化的实证分析

16.On the Reason and Countermeasure of China and South Kores s Cultural Trade Deficit;中韩文化贸易逆差的原因与对策探析

17.On Sino-Korean Free Trade of Agricultural Products and Countermeasures;中韩农产品贸易自由化及其对策研究

18.The Inclination--An Analysis of the Adverse Balance of Trade between China and Korea;天平的倾斜——中国对韩贸易逆差浅析


trade between China and South Korea中韩贸易

1.The relationship of internationaltrade between China and South Korea during the period of transfornation;中韩贸易关系现状及相关对策

3)Sino-ROK trade中韩贸易

1.The paper probes into the approaches to promoteSino-ROK trade like fabricating the strategic cooperative relations of economy and trade, establishing free trade area,eliminating trade friction,improving commodity .本文从构建战略性经贸合作关系、建立自由贸易区、消除贸易摩擦、改善商品贸易结构、减少贸易逆差等方面探讨了促进中韩贸易的途径。

4)Sino-Korea trade韩中贸易

1.Sino-Korea trade imbalance problem has influenced upon the further development ofSino-Korea trade.韩中贸易不平衡的问题影响两国贸易的进一步发展。

5)Sino-Korea agricultural products trade中韩农产品贸易

1.In the foundation of inspecting the present characteristics and friction ofSino-Korea agricultural products trade,this paper analyzes the comparative advantage of agricultural product which shows the complementar.近年来中韩农产品贸易规模虽不断增加但速度较缓且波动较大,贸易纠纷频发,这必然影响双边农产品贸易合作的进展以及两国自由贸易协定议程。

6)China-Korea Free-Trade中韩自由贸易

1.The Process of the Building theChina-Korea Free-Trade Area;析评中韩自由贸易区建设进程


