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中朝关系 the relation between China and Korea英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-17 13:06:16


中朝关系 the relation between China and Korea英语短句 例句大全

中朝关系,the relation between China and Korea

1)the relation between China and Korea中朝关系


1.On Sino-Korean Ralationship from the Truce of Korea War Till the Cultural Revolution试论朝鲜停战至中国文革前的中朝关系

2.A Study on the Change of Relation between China and Korea after the First Sino-Japanese War (1895-1900);论甲午战后中朝关系演变(1895—1900)

3.Discussion on the Reasons of the Harmonious Development of China and Korea s Relations during the Qianlong Period;乾隆时期中朝关系和谐发展原因初探

4.On the Certain Deeds of Ruan Yuan in the History of Relations between China and Korea;阮元在中朝关系史上的若干事迹考述

5.Preliminary Discussion on the Sino-Korean Relationship under the Context of Predominating Foreign Policy;略论“一边倒”外交政策下的中朝关系

6.A Masterpiece of Ancient Sino-Korean Dynastic History-A Review of "A History of Sino-Korean Relations in the Ming Dynasty;一部古代中朝断代关系史的力作——读姜龙范、刘子敏教授合著《明代中朝关系史》

7.Korea-American Treaty of Amity and Commerce and Its Effects onthe Relations between China,Korea and Japan;《朝美通商条约》的签订及其对中朝日关系的影响

8.Study on Tributary and Canonization Relations of Governments in Korean Peninsular and Chinese Dynasties;汉唐时期朝鲜半岛政权与中原王朝的朝贡册封关系研究

9.On the Relations Between China, Japan and Korea Before the Eve of Jiawu War试论甲午战争前夜中、日、朝三国关系

10.British Invaded Burma and the Change of the Paying Tribute Relationship between China and Burma;英国侵略缅甸与中缅朝贡关系的变化

11.The Strategies for Further Advance of Trade Relations Among China,D.R.Korea and Korea;中朝韩经贸关系纵深发展的战略进路

12.Review on the Relations between Language and Meaning in Literature Thought of Han-Wei Times and Six Dynasties;汉魏六朝文学思想中的言意关系述论

13.On the Change of the Relationship Between Suzerain-Qiang and Vassal-Korea Combated in "Pu-DIng-Yang Incident;朴定阳事件"与中朝宗藩关系的变化

14.Viewing the Relations between Huns and the Central Plains Through "Records of the Grand Historian"《史记》所见匈奴和中原王朝的关系

15.Huaixi campaign was a decisive battle relating the existence of the royal court in the middle of Tang Dynasty.淮西战役是关系唐朝中期朝廷存亡的一场关键性平叛战役。

16.Improvement of Relationship between North Korea and South Korea:Influence on Trades between China and Korean Peninsular;朝鲜半岛南北关系的改善对中朝、中韩贸易的影响

17.The Nuclear Crisis and Cooperation of Related Countries to Improve the Relationship of Countries in the Korean Peninsula;朝核危机与朝鲜半岛国家关系中的各国合作解决途径分析

18.On the Illusiveness of Tributary System:a Case of the Tributary Relations between Ancient China and Southeast Asia;略论朝贡制度的虚幻:以古代中国与东南亚的朝贡关系为例


history of Sino-Korean relations中朝关系史

3)"A History of Sino-Korean Relations in the Ming Dynasty"《明代中朝关系史》

1.The book"A History of Sino-Korean Relations in the Ming Dynasty" by Jiang Longfan and Liu Zimin has filled the gap in the study of Sino-Korean dynastic history.姜龙范、刘子敏合著《明代中朝关系史》一书填补了中朝断代关系史研究之空白。

4)literary relationship between China and Korea"s Lee Dynasty中朝文学关系

5)the Sino-foreign tributary relations中外朝贡关系

6)subordinate relations between China and Korea中朝宗藩关系

1.This thesis mainly and systematically discusses the disintegration of thesubordinate relations between China and Korea in the modern times.本文主要系统论述了近代中朝宗藩关系的瓦解。


朝中措 寄云中完颜公 永乐大典一万四千三百【诗文】:何年仙节弭人寰。玉立紫云间。气吐虹霓千丈,辞源江汉翻澜。金门大隐,管中谁见,位列清班。看取酒酣风味,何如明月缑山。【注释】:【出处】:
