100字范文 > 中外女篮大前锋 Chinese and foreign womens basketball power forwards英语短句 例句大全

中外女篮大前锋 Chinese and foreign womens basketball power forwards英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-03 10:34:54


中外女篮大前锋 Chinese and foreign womens basketball power forwards英语短句 例句大全

中外女篮大前锋,Chinese and foreign women"s basketball power forwards

1)Chinese and foreign women"s basketball power forwards中外女篮大前锋


1.A Comparative Analysis on the Attacking and Defense Ability of Chinese and Foreign Women"s Basketball Power Forward in the 29~(th) Olympic Games第29届奥运会中外女篮大前锋攻防能力比较分析

2.The Comparative Research on the Active Defense Technique of Excellent Domestic and Overseas Man Basketball Power Forwards;中外男篮优秀大前锋队员攻击性防守比较研究

3.The Comparative Research on the Usage of Offense and Defense Technique of Domestic and Abroad Excellent Men Power Forward;中外男篮优秀大前锋队员攻防技术现状的比较研究

4.Offensive characteristics in the 13~(th) world Women s basketball championships;第13届世界女篮锦标赛大前锋进攻的特点

parison between the offense capabilities of centers of Chinese and foreign women basketball teams participating in the 28th Olympic Games;第28届奥运会中外女篮中锋进攻能力的比较

6.Study on Characteristics of Basketball Holding Structures in Attacking of Elite Big Forwards;优秀男篮大前锋进攻中持球动作结构特征分析

7.Basketball Game of the Offensive Power Forward and Characteristics Means浅析篮球比赛中大前锋的进攻手段和特点

8.Research on the Chinese and Foreign Women s Basketball Center Attack and Defense Athletics Strength Comparison of the 28~(th) Olympic Games;第28届奥运会中外女篮中锋攻防竞技实力的比较研究

parative Research on Data of Foward Player and Guard Player of the 15~(th) FIBA World Women Championship;第15届世锦赛中国女篮前锋后卫与世界强队比较研究

parative Study on Defensive and Offensive Ability of Forward Players of Chinese Woman Basketball Team in 29th Olympic Games第二十九届奥运会中国女篮前锋队员攻防能力的比较研究

11.Analysis on personal attacking ability of center among Chinese team and the first three teams in 28th Olympic Games;28届奥运会我国女篮中锋与前三名队伍中锋个人强攻能力对比研究

12.Research on the Chinese and Foreign Excellent Vanguard Attacking Ability of the 15th Men s FIBA World Championship;第15届男篮世锦赛中外优秀前锋进攻能力比较研究

13.The center threw the basketball to one of the forwards, who calmly sank the winning basket.中锋把球传给一个前锋,这个前锋沉着地把球投入篮圈。

14.CUBA Female Center Forward Physical Training on the Status Quo and Countermeasures;CUBA女篮中锋体能训练现状与对策研究

15.the person who plays the position of forward on a basketball team.在篮球队型中打前锋位置的队员。

16.A Comparative Analysis of the Quick-offense Ability of Center Players between the Chinese Women s Basketball Team and the First Three Teams in the 28th Olympic Games;第28届奥运会我国女篮与前三名队伍中锋参与快攻能力的对比分析

17.A comparative study on the youth women’s basketball centers in the 3rd CBA and CUBA duel meet;第3届CBA-CUBA青年对抗赛女篮中锋的比较研究

18.Analysis on Technical Tendency of Modern World Female Basketball Center Players;现代世界女篮中锋技术发展趋势的分析


centers of Chinese and foreign women basketball teams中外女篮中锋

parison between the offense capabilities ofcenters of Chinese and foreign women basketball teams participating in the 28th Olympic Games;第28届奥运会中外女篮中锋进攻能力的比较

3)power forward篮球大前锋

1.Technical movement of modern basketballpower forward and its application;现代篮球大前锋队员的主要技术动作及运用

4)Female basketball center女篮中锋队员

5)basketball forward男篮前锋

6)center forward男篮中锋

1.In modern basketball,center forward is the main scorer, rebound catcher the whirlpool point and playing a decisive role in the match.针对中锋在比赛中的特殊地位和重要职责,采用文献综述法、调查法、录像观察统计法、逻辑分析法、数理统计法对现代优秀男篮中锋进攻特点加以研究,从中揭示现代优秀男篮中锋在比赛中的进攻特点,找出我国优秀男篮与世界优秀男篮中锋存在的差距与不足,为今后男篮中锋教学和训练提供参


中外1.表里,内心与外表。 2.宫内和宫外。 3.朝廷内外,中央和地方。 4.犹里外。 5.中原和边疆;中国和外国。 6.家庭内外,家人和外人。 7.指中表之亲。
