100字范文 > 中外超市 Chinese and Foreign Supermarkets英语短句 例句大全

中外超市 Chinese and Foreign Supermarkets英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-10 14:18:25


中外超市 Chinese and Foreign Supermarkets英语短句 例句大全

中外超市,Chinese and Foreign Supermarkets

1)Chinese and Foreign Supermarkets中外超市

2)Foreign Supermarkets外资超市

parative Research on Business Strategy of Domestic andForeign Supermarkets;中、外资超市经营战略比较研究


1.Large foreign supermarket using market advantage position"s legal restrition大型外资超市滥用市场优势地位的法律规制

2.Facing to the Competition of the Hypermarket Invested by Foreign Enterprise How Ours Set up the Development Strategy;我国大型超市企业应对外资超市竞争的发展战略研究

3.A Brief Analysis about Human Resource Management Development and Trend of Qingdao Foreign-invested Supermarkets;浅析青岛市外资超市人力资源管理的发展进程及趋势

4.Supermarket Investment in Chinese Market;外国超市投资中国市场的财务风险分析与管理

5.Currently, there are more than 10,000 foreign merchant investment corporations in the entire city, and foreign capital of about 16 billion US dollars, among which US capital is ranked second.目前全市外商投资企业超过一万家,外国资本约一百六十多亿美元,其中美国资本占第二位。

6.Foreign Acquisition,Investor Protection and the Abnormal Returns of Target Firms外资并购、投资者保护与目标企业的超常收益——89件外资并购中国上市公司案的研究

7.outside the planned market超出国家计划市场之外

8.Discussion on the Developing Countermeasures of Taiyuan Supermarket from the Advantages of the Foreign Supermarket;从国外超市的优势看太原超市零售业发展对策

9.New Measures of Making Use of Foreign Fund--Foreign Fund Merges and Purchases Listed Company;利用外资的新举措—外资并购上市公司

10.The total amount of guaranty provided by a listed company to any other party shall not exceed 50% of net assets in the combined accounting statement of the recent accounting year.上市公司对外担保总额不得超过最近一个会计年度合并会计报表净资产的50%。

11.Jiangnan Foreign Investment Zone of Linhai City临海市江南外商投资区

12.Taizhou Municipal Administration of Foreign Investment台州市外商投资管理局

13.Listing and Capital Raising of Foreign-funded Enterprises in Chinese Capital Market;外商投资企业在中国资本市场的上市融资

14.basic pay,ie without extras such as overtime payments基本工资(不包括超时费等额外收入)

15.The Super Rapid Expansion of FDI in Distribution is Worth of Vigilance;外资在流通业超速扩张值得高度警觉

16.Current Situation and Suggestion of Ultra National Treatment to Foreign Capitals on Our Country;我国对外资的超国民待遇现状及建议

17.The once exotic fruit now can be found in most supermarkets.这种外来水果现在大多数超市均有售。

18.The Developing Trend of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Operation in Overseas Supermarkets;国外超市生鲜水果蔬菜经营发展趋势


Foreign Supermarkets外资超市

parative Research on Business Strategy of Domestic andForeign Supermarkets;中、外资超市经营战略比较研究

3)small and medium supermarket中小超市

1.Which brings about enormous challenges tosmall and medium supermarkets.面对日益发展的大卖场,中小超市面临严峻考验,要想在市场上占据一席之地就不得不在物流上寻求突破,所以挖掘物流环节的“第三利润源泉”实属当务之急。

4)China"s Supermarket中国超市

5)supermarket society大中型超市

1.By analyzing commercial characteristics and functions of city society,we proposed that three points must be taken into consideration in promoting marketing capability of large and middle scalesupermarket society.通过分析城市社区商业的特点和功能,提出了提升大中型超市社区营销功能应做好如下工作:一是提高超市社区责任的价值认识;二是周密调查,精心策划;三是构建社区商业配套化服务体系;四是积极构建或融人社区信息局域网。

6)small and medium-sized supermarkets中小型超市

1.The improvement of people\"s living standard,improve rural purchasing power andsmall and medium-sized supermarkets provides opportunities in the domestic large supermarket.中小型超市具有自身的经营特点,它地理位置优越,需要资金少,操作简单。


