100字范文 > 中外古都 Chinese and foreign ancient capitals英语短句 例句大全

中外古都 Chinese and foreign ancient capitals英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-28 23:16:44


中外古都 Chinese and foreign ancient capitals英语短句 例句大全

中外古都,Chinese and foreign ancient capitals

1)Chinese and foreign ancient capitals中外古都

2)China"s ancient capitals中国古都

3)Chinese science of capital geography中国古都学

1.Geographically,Chinese science of capital geography is an important branch of Chinese science of ancient capitals,which shares the object of study and historical periods of the former.中国都城地理学是地理学角度的古都学研究,是中国古都学的重要领域,其研究对象和时段与中国古都学是一致的。

4)ancient and modern times and China as well as foreign countries古今中外


1.There is no exception to this rule either in modern or in ancient times, in China or elsewhere.古今中外,没有例外。

2.She is the greatest figure skater of all time.她是古今中外最伟大的花式溜冰选手。

3.Order,Medal and Souvenir Badge of Chinese and Foreign militaries in Ancient and Modern Times;古今中外军事勋章、奖章、纪念章纵横谈

4.Review of the Initial Consonant System of Jianghuai Mandarin in Late Qing Dynasty;《古今中外音韵通例》声系的几个问题

5.There have been many revolutions, ancient and modern, in China and abroad; were they all due to over-population?古今中外有过很多的革命,都是由于人口太多吗?

6.Glittering Earrings and Women s Dream-Essay of Earrings Design;晶莹耳环女人梦——古今中外耳饰设计杂谈

7.He drew on the best military theories, both ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, and applied them in the Chinese revolutionary war.博采古今中外军事学术精华,运用于中国的革命战争。

8.He knew a great deal about the art of war. He drew on the best military theories, both ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, and applied them in the Chinese revolutionary war.他熟谙兵法,博采古今中外军事学术精华,运用于中国的革命战争。

9.The tactics we have derived from the struggle of the past three years are indeed different from any other tactics, ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign.“我们三年来从斗争中所得的战术,真是和古今中外的战术都不同。

10.Melting the Feeling of the poem at All Times and in Ail Lands to Cast the Noble Personality -On the Advanced Emotion Trainning in Poem;融古今中外诗情,铸高尚人格操守——诗歌教学中的高级情感培养刍议

11.If I were king and ultimately ended up becoming no king at all, I would indeed be the greatest king that had ever breathed since time immemorial.我若为王,将终于不能为王,却也真地为古今中外最大的王了。

12.If I were King (as a matter of fact, I could never be the king ) I would be the greatest king ever.我若为王,将终于不能为王,却也真的为古今中外最大的王了。

13."Corruption, as a social and historical phenomenon, has existed in many societies, both in the past and at present."腐败作为一种社会历史现象,古今中外许多社会都有。

14.In a war as a whole, too, quick decision is sought at all times and in all countries, and a long drawn-out war is considered harmful.在战争问题上,古今中外也都无不要求速决,旷日持久总是认为不利。

15.Quick decision is sought in campaigns and battles, and this is true at all times and in all countries.在战役和战斗上面争取速决,古今中外都是相同的。

16."Kexue": Concept of Transforming from Ancient to Modern and Jointing of Chinese and Foreign;“科学”:概念的古今转换与中外对接

17.A Brief Discussion of Reforming Chinese Painting Teaching;内外兼修 融会古今——谈中国画教学改革

18.Mixed East and West Together; Merged Tradition and Modern Together --On Hu Dasheng s Chinese landscape painting arts;融汇中外 鉴古开今——胡达生山水画艺术如是说


China"s ancient capitals中国古都

3)Chinese science of capital geography中国古都学

1.Geographically,Chinese science of capital geography is an important branch of Chinese science of ancient capitals,which shares the object of study and historical periods of the former.中国都城地理学是地理学角度的古都学研究,是中国古都学的重要领域,其研究对象和时段与中国古都学是一致的。

4)ancient and modern times and China as well as foreign countries古今中外

5)the Chinese ancient capital中国古代都城

1.The article researches the physical space form ofthe Chinese ancient capital with the help of the city image 5 factors that Kevin Lynch pointed for example of Tang Song capital.中国古代都城空间形态由路径、边界、区域、节点、标志物等要素构成,它们之间有着复杂的结构关系。

6)Xi" an-China" s Ancient Capital中国古都西安


中外1.表里,内心与外表。 2.宫内和宫外。 3.朝廷内外,中央和地方。 4.犹里外。 5.中原和边疆;中国和外国。 6.家庭内外,家人和外人。 7.指中表之亲。
