100字范文 > 中外 Chinese and Foreign英语短句 例句大全

中外 Chinese and Foreign英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-30 03:52:05


中外 Chinese and Foreign英语短句 例句大全

中外,Chinese and Foreign

1)Chinese and Foreign中外

1.A Contrast of the Public Behavior inChinese and Foreign Technological SMEs;科技型中小企业中外公共行为比较

parative Study onChinese and Foreign Teaching Models of P.E. and the Imperfect Construction of Chinese Ones;中外体育教学模式比较研究及中国体育教学模式建构的缺失

3.Study of the Legal Matter about theChinese and Foreign Farmer Cooperative Economy Organization;中外农民合作经济组织的法律问题研究


1.There is no exception to this rule either in modern or in ancient times, in China or elsewhere.古今中外,没有例外。

2.Chinese and Overseas Architecture Magazine House《中外建筑》杂志社

3."three kinds of foreign-invested enterprises or ventures: Sino-foreign joint ventures, cooperative businesses and exclusively foreign-owned enterprises in China "三资企业(中外合资企业,中外合作企业,外商独资

4.The registration of Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures and foreign-capital enterprises中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业、外资企业

5.Foreign Missionaries as Interpreters and Translators for the Qing Government in its Dealings with Foreigners;清代充任中外外事活动翻译的外国传教士

6.Chinese and Foreign Scholars Standard Disparity on Modern Chinese Foreign Debt Research;近代中国外债研究中的中外学者本位差距

7.three kinds of enterprises with foreign investment: sino-foreign joint venture, contractual joint venture三资企业(中外合资合作、外商独资经营)

8.Invite famous M.C. and Chinese and Foreign Ritual Model.外请知名节目主持人,中外礼仪模特。

9.Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan on China"s Diplomacy唐家璇外长谈中国外交

10.external median area(膜翅目) 外中域

11.A Diplomatic History of China: 1911-1949中国外交史(1911-1949)

12.China s Foreign Aid in the Perspective of Its Foreign Policy for Peace;中国和平外交战略视野中的对外援助

13.alien customs; exotic plants in a greenhouse; moved to a strange country.外国的风俗;温室中的外来植物;搬去外地的城市。

14.offshore financial center境外金融中心;境外金融中心;离岸业务金融中心

15.Mr. Nakayama knows the ins and outs of mechanical engineering.中山先生精通机械工程学的里里外外。

16.A skirt or coat of mid-calf length.中长外衣长至小腿肚的裙子或外衣

17.Chinese People"s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries中国人民对外友好协会(对外友协)

18.Yuan Shikai"s Foreign Policy On Issueof the Autonomy in Outer Mongolia袁世凯在外蒙古自治中的外交政策


China and foreign countries中外

1.College sports tourism s education,major and course setting inChina and foreign countries;中外高等体育旅游教育专业与课程设置

2.The cultural exchange between China and Foreign countries has a long history, and the exchange in food culture is its important part.中外文化交流源远流长,饮食文化交流是重要组成部分,本文拟对元代中外饮食交流作综合研究,探讨中国古代饮食文化在海外的传扬过程与历史。


1.A Comparative Case Study ofSino-foreign College Education of Nurses;论中外本科护理教育之差异——以英、美、澳、新四国为例与我国对比研究

4)home and abroad中外

1.From points of intension and extension, this paper compares the similarities and differences between tradition and modernity in recognizing the concept of records fromhome and abroad, analyses their influence on theory and practice because of the different recognition.本文从内涵和外延两个层面,比较了中外对文件概念的传统和现代认识的异同,分析了不同认识对理论和实践的影响。


1.From the comparison of Chinese andforeign logistics seen China"s logistics trend从中外物流比较中看我国物流发展趋势

2.On the disposal comparison of Chinese andforeign group events中外群体性事件处置比较研究

6)domestic and overseas中外

1.Through a comparison ofdomestic and overseas chemistry education websites,it is found that there is little difference in terms of availability,but greater difference in terms of convenience.通过对中外两个化学教育网站的比较发现,中外化学教育网站在可用性方面相差不大,但是在便利性上中国的化学教育网站不如国外的化学学习网站。


中外1.表里,内心与外表。 2.宫内和宫外。 3.朝廷内外,中央和地方。 4.犹里外。 5.中原和边疆;中国和外国。 6.家庭内外,家人和外人。 7.指中表之亲。
