100字范文 > 中国女篮后卫 Chinese womens basketball guard英语短句 例句大全

中国女篮后卫 Chinese womens basketball guard英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-05 12:39:40


中国女篮后卫 Chinese womens basketball guard英语短句 例句大全

中国女篮后卫,Chinese women"s basketball guard

1)Chinese women"s basketball guard中国女篮后卫


1.The Research on the Offensive Capability of Chinese Women"s Basketball Guard in 29th Olympic Games29届奥运会中国女篮后卫进攻能力的研究

2.The Study of Attacking Ability of the Chinese Women s Basketball Team Guardsin the 28~(th) Olympic Games;对28届奥运会中国女篮后卫队员进攻能力的研究

3.Analysis on the Ability for Score of the Chinese Female Basketball Players in the Olympic Games,;对第28届奥运会中国女篮后卫队员得分能力的分析

parative Research on Data of Foward Player and Guard Player of the 15~(th) FIBA World Women Championship;第15届世锦赛中国女篮前锋后卫与世界强队比较研究

5.The Research of the Ability on Attacking and Defending of the Main Back Court Guard of Chinese Women"s Basketball Team in Beijing Olympic Games对中国女篮主力后卫在北京奥运会上攻、防能力的研究

6.Disparities Between Guards Of Chinese Men"s Basketball Team And Top 4th Teams From The 29th Olympic Basketball Contest从第29届奥运会篮球比赛看中国男篮后卫与前4强队后卫的差距

7.Study on Guards Intelligence Structure of Chinese Women s Basketball Team A;我国女篮甲级队后卫队员智力结构的研究

parison on Defensive and Offensive Ability of Back Guard between Chinese Basketball Team and World Top Teams;中国男篮后卫与世界强队后卫攻守能力比较——从后卫角度析中国男篮世锦赛失利原因

parative Study of the Attack Ability Between the Key Guards of Chinese Male-basketball Team and Foreign team in Athens Olympic Games;雅典奥运会中国男篮组织后卫与国外组织后卫进攻能力对比研究

10.Disparities between the Chinese guards and the foreign ones as seen from the 14th Men s Basketball Championship;从第14届男篮世锦赛看中国队后卫与外国队后卫的差距

11.The Chinese Basketball Guard s Offensive and Defensive Ability and Its Development Strategies Research;中国男篮后卫攻防能力现状及其发展对策研究

12.Research on the Chinese Men s Basketball Guard Attack Ability of the 28~(th) Olympic Games;第28届奥运会中国男篮后卫进攻能力研究

paratiue Analysis of the Training of Point Guard from the Technical Application Ability in Different Times in Chinese Top Female Basketball Players;不同时期我国优秀女篮核心后卫技术运用能力对比分析

14.Study on Passing of Offensive Guard in National Woman Junior Basketball LeagueA Match in ;全国少年女子甲组篮球赛组织后卫传球技术研究

15.A Study on Relationship between Intelligence and AtheleticSkills of Guards in Chinese Women s Basketball Team;我国女篮甲级队后卫队员的智力与若干运动技术能力的关系研究

16.Research on Technical Statistics Data of Guards between Chinese Woman Basketball Team and Foreign Teams in 14~(th) World Woman Basketball Championship;第14届世界女子篮球锦标赛中、外女子篮球队后卫运动员技术统计数据比较研究

parative Study of Ability of Rear Guard of China and Foreign Countries in the 14th World Championship for Women;第14届世界女子篮球锦标赛中外后卫能力的比较研究

18.Analysis on the Current Status of the Chinese Men s Basketball Guards in the Professional United Match;我国男子篮球职业联赛后卫现状分析


Chinese basketball guard中国男篮后卫

3)Chinese women basketball team中国女篮

1.Analysis of the technical gap betweenChinese women basketball team and world topnotch women basketball teams based on the 28~(th) Olympic Games;从第28届奥运会看中国女篮与世界强队的技术差距

2.Through technical statistics of the 14th WWBC, combining the performance of theChinese women basketball team, the paper discusses the competence ofChinese women basketball team by quantitative analysis, and existing problems.根据第14届世界女篮锦标赛相关技术统计数据,结合中国女篮的表现,对中国女篮的比赛能力进行分析,客观地评价其优势与不足,并提出相应的对策和建议,为今后的训练和比赛提供参考。

3.Through technical statistics of the 14th WWBC,combining the performance of theChinese women basketball team,the paper discusses competition competence ofChinese women basketball team by quantitative analysis,therefore,exposing existing problems and the corresponding suggestions are put forward.根据第14届世界女篮锦标赛相关技术统计数据,结合中国女篮的表现,对中国女篮的比赛能力进行分析,客观评价其优势与不足并提出相应的对策建议,为今后的训练和比赛提供参考。

4)Chinese women basketball中国女篮

1.Assessment ofChinese women basketball team s competitiveness in 15th Women Basketball World Championship;第15届世界女篮锦标赛中国女篮比赛能力评价

2.Statistical Analysis on Shooting Average of Chinese Women Basketball in Different Distance in Four-Country Women Basketball Competition;四国女篮对抗赛中国女篮不同距离投篮命中率的统计分析

3.In the 29th Olympic game,Chinese women basketball team defeat Czech team,Spanish team,New Zealand team and Mali team continually,and promote to front 8 winner,finally got the fourth position in the game,which is a prominent progress compared with the 28th Olympic game in Athens.中国女篮在29届奥运会女篮小组赛中连续战胜在捷克队、西班牙队、新西兰队、马里队,晋级8强,最后获得奥运会第4名,与雅典奥运会相比取得了显著的进步。

5)Chinese female basketball team中国女篮

1.This paper analyzes the game data aboutChinese female basketball team and top eight teams of the 28th Olympic Games.对第28届奥运会篮球比赛八强与中国女篮攻防技术统计数据进行分析,结果显示:与世界强队相比,中国队在篮板球的争夺方面有待提高;内线的进攻能力较弱;面对对手压迫性的防守时,进攻失误居高不下;没有能充分发挥外围的进攻优势;这些都是导致中国女篮未能实现竞赛目标的重要原因,同时也明确指出了国家女篮今后的努力方向。

2.Based on documentation 、observation、contrast and analysis ,this article pays a special attention to the behavior ofChinese female basketball team taking part in the world championships .运用文献、观察、比较、分析等研究方法,对中国女篮在2002年世界女篮锦标赛上的表现进行探究。

6)Chinese man and woman basketball中国男女篮

1.On these basis this article analyse the situation of subduing factors ofChinese man and woman basketball and find the main problems.本研究运用文献分析、调查、数理统计等方法,以系统科学为理论基础,研究竞技篮球制胜系统基本理论,构建竞技篮球制胜系统,并以此为基础,对中国男女篮制胜要素状况进行分析,找出了存在的主要问题,并提出了改善建议。


男篮男篮nán lán男指男子、男性;篮指篮球运动。男篮是对男子篮球运动的简称。历届男篮比赛时间及主办国时间 东道主1 届 1960 菲律宾2 届 1963 中国台北3 届 1965 马来西亚4 届 1967 韩国5 届 1969 泰国6 届 1971 菲律宾7 届 1973 日本8 届 1975 泰国9 届 1977 马来西亚10届 1979 日本11届 1981 印度12届 1983 中国香港13届 1986 马来西亚14届 1987 泰国15届 1989 中国16届 1991 日本17届 1993 印尼18届 1995 韩国19届 1997 沙特20届 1999 日本21届 2001 中国22届 中国23届 卡塔尔
