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女篮 women basketball英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-26 14:10:31


女篮 women basketball英语短句 例句大全

女篮,women basketball

1)women basketball女篮

1.On differences of attack and defense ability between ChinaTeam and competitors from “Global-tone Cup” four-countrywomen basketball dual meet Luoyang ;从“全球通杯”洛阳4国女篮对抗赛看中国队与对手攻守能力的差异

2.Characteristics of attacking score of top 6women basketball teams and Chinese team in Athens Olympics;雅典奥运会女篮前六强与中国队进攻得分特点的对比研究

3.An Analysis on Women Basketball Final in Asian Games from aspects of Matches Between Korea and Brazil;从世锦赛韩巴之战析亚运女篮决赛


1.The Comparative Study between the Chinese Women s Basketball Team and the Excellent Women s Basketball Teams in the 28th Olympic Games;中国女篮与第28届奥运会女篮强队的比较研究

2.Assessment of Chinese women basketball team s competitiveness in 15th Women Basketball World Championship;第15届世界女篮锦标赛中国女篮比赛能力评价

3.Defense and attack ability of Chinese woman basketball team in 15th World Woman Basketball Championship;第15届世界女篮锦标赛中国女篮攻防能力分析

4.Skill Analyses On Fujian Women Basketball Team In WCBA League Matches (-);福建女篮在-WCBA女篮甲级联赛中技术分析

parison of Chinese Female Basktball Team and the Strongest Ones in the World;中国女篮与世界女篮强队攻防战术比较

6.Analysis on Technique and tactic Features of World Modern Excel lent Women-Basketball-Team and Chinese-Basketball-Team;现代世界女篮强队与中国女篮技战术特点分析

7.Statistical Analysis on Shooting Average of Chinese Women Basketball in Different Distance in Four-Country Women Basketball Competition;四国女篮对抗赛中国女篮不同距离投篮命中率的统计分析

8.Developing Condition of Woman and Man s Basketball Teams U17 in China;从全国U17男女篮球比赛谈高校篮球发展对策

9.Study of Differences between Shandong Women Basketball Team and Other Powerful Teams from 2002-WCBA Basketball Matches;从2002-WCBA篮球比赛看山东女篮与其他强队的差距

10.Progress of Chinese Women Basketball Team from the 28~(th) to the 29~(th) Olympic Group Games;从28届、29届奥运会女篮小组比赛的对比看中国女篮的进步

11.Study on Difference between Chinese Women Basketball Team and World Top Teams in 15th World Woman Basketball Championships;从第15届女子篮球世界锦标赛看中国女篮与世界强队之间的差距

12.On the Disparity between Chinese Women s Basketball Team and World Top Teams from the Olympic Women s Basketball Match in Athens;从雅典奥运会女篮比赛看中国女篮与世界强队的差距

13.The Distance between Chinese Women s Basketball and the World Advanced Basketball as Reflected in the 28th Olympics Game;从第28届奥运会看中国女篮与世界女篮实力的差距

14.A Comparative Analysis between Xinjiang Women s Basketball Team and the Excellent Players in the National Women s Basketball Team Taking Part in CUBA;参加CUBA的新疆女篮与全国女篮优秀队员的比较研究

15.Sustainable growth of Chinese Women s Basketb all Teamas seen from matches at 28th Olympic Games;从第28届奥运会女篮比赛析中国女篮的可持续发展

16.On Chinese Women Basketball Team in the 14th Women Basketball Championships --Developing Courtermeasures of the Chinese Women Basketball;中国女篮参加第14届世锦赛评析——兼论中国女篮的发展对策

17.The Distance of Chinese Female Basketball Team From the World s Best Team;透析中国女篮与世界强队的差距——第14届世界女篮锦标赛侧记

prehensive Evaluation of the Competitive Ability of China Women Basketball Players at the Final of the 14th World Women Basketball Championship;第十四届世界女篮锦标赛决赛阶段中国女篮比赛能力的综合评价


female basketball女篮

1.This paper mainly uses the methods of comparative and case study to find the questions among the training of Chinesefemale basketball point guards.运用对比法和个案分析法,探讨目前我国女篮核心后卫技术训练方面所存在的主要问题。

2.The writer analyzed the current physical condition of Jiangsu Provincefemale basketball members using the methods of literature,interviews and statistical etc.根据我省女篮体能特征以及女子篮球专项体能特点提出了解决目前体能问题的训练思路,经过一阶段的体能训练,江苏女篮在力量、速度跳跃能力和耐力等几项体能指标有明显的提高,结果表明所采取的训练思路在提高我省女子篮球队员体能上是有效的,较为科学的,从而为以后的体能训练提供借鉴。

3)women basketball players女篮

1.An investigation was made about thewomen basketball players injures of the ninth national sports meeting.对九运会女篮队员的伤病情况进行调查 ,分析女篮队员伤病的部位及受伤的原因 ,提出防止和预防伤病情况发生的对策。

2.The article,through literature and theoretic analyses,makes a study of Chinese and Americanwomen basketball players sense of defence and defence ability,with the result showing that they have different sense of defence,their defence abilty is remarkably different,and sense and abilty are closely related with each other.采用文献资料和理论分析等方法 ,对中美两国女篮防守理念和球员的防守能力进行探讨 ,旨在为提高我国女篮运动技术水平提供参考。

4)women basketball女子篮球

1.Through comparative analysis on the quick attack between Chinese and world top teams of Women Basketball Matches in the 28th Olympic Games,the paper summarizes the new characteristic of quick attack development ofwomen basketball in the world and finds out the problems existing in Chinesewomen basketball team s quick attack.通过对第28届奥运会女子篮球比赛世界强队和中国队的快攻情况进行对比研究,试图从中归纳出世界女篮快攻发展的新特点,并找出中国女篮快攻中存在的问题,为中国女篮备战奥运会提供一些有益的理论参考。

2.The subjects of this study were 12women basketball teams participating in the 27th Olympic Games.以参加第27届奥运会的12支女子篮球队为研究对象,对当前世界各国女子篮球实力、技术风格及打法特点等进行分析,旨在为提高我国女子篮球技战术水平,为中国女子篮球队备战28届奥运会提供理论参考。

3.By methods of literature consultation, questionnaire investigation and technical statistics on the spot, the technical and tactical style and characteristics of the first 6women basketball teams in the 9th National Games of China were studied in order to find ways to develop thewomen basketball of China in future.采用文献资料法、问卷调查法和临场技术统计法,对参加第九届全运会女子篮球决赛前六名队伍各队的技战术风格特征进行了研究,以探讨中国女子篮球的未来发展之路。

5)Chinese women basketball team中国女篮

1.Analysis of the technical gap betweenChinese women basketball team and world topnotch women basketball teams based on the 28~(th) Olympic Games;从第28届奥运会看中国女篮与世界强队的技术差距

2.Through technical statistics of the 14th WWBC, combining the performance of theChinese women basketball team, the paper discusses the competence ofChinese women basketball team by quantitative analysis, and existing problems.根据第14届世界女篮锦标赛相关技术统计数据,结合中国女篮的表现,对中国女篮的比赛能力进行分析,客观地评价其优势与不足,并提出相应的对策和建议,为今后的训练和比赛提供参考。

3.Through technical statistics of the 14th WWBC,combining the performance of theChinese women basketball team,the paper discusses competition competence ofChinese women basketball team by quantitative analysis,therefore,exposing existing problems and the corresponding suggestions are put forward.根据第14届世界女篮锦标赛相关技术统计数据,结合中国女篮的表现,对中国女篮的比赛能力进行分析,客观评价其优势与不足并提出相应的对策建议,为今后的训练和比赛提供参考。

6)Women"s Basketball of Korea韩国女篮


女子篮球在男子篮球发展起来以后,女子篮球大约在19前后开始出现。最早的女子篮球,规则与男子的有很大区别,场地划分为前、中、后3个区,每队上场9人,每区3人,不准越区活动,进攻队员持球不得超过3秒钟。19以后,比赛场改为两个区,每队上场 6人,前场3人只管进攻,后场3人只管防守,仍不许越区活动,直到1948年才实行与男子相同的规则。中国女子篮球是19从上海的女青年会、体育师范学校和爱国女校开始发展起来的。同年在扬州举行的江苏省运动会上,爱国女校第 1次举办了女子篮球表演赛。1924年全国运动会的女子篮球比赛是非正式比赛项目,只给奖品而无锦标。1930年的全运会,女子篮球被列为正式比赛项目。同年,上海两江女子体育专科学校篮球队到北平、天津、广州和武汉等地进行了巡回比赛。1931年该队去日本,回国后又到沈阳、大连和青岛进行比赛。1934年间,两江和东亚体育专科学校、广东华南体育会和厦门群惠女校的女子篮球队,还先后去过东南亚一些国家,与当地华侨女队进行友谊比赛。1935年前后,全国各地相继有了女子篮球活动,其中以上海、北平、广州、厦门等地的球队水平较高。早期的中国女子篮球运动,由于规则的限制,运动员不会跑动投篮,在篮下也是用双手头上立定投篮,离篮稍远有时采用双手胸前投篮,传球大多采用单手、双手低手传球,还经常用地滚传球。那时规则规定,接球后只许拍1次,因此长期不会运球,进攻和防守战术也极简单。1948年与男子使用同样规则之后,逐渐有了变化。中华人民共和国成立后,中国女子篮球随着篮球运动的广泛开展而得到迅速发展和提高。(见彩图)1976年第21届奥林匹克运动会,首次将女子篮球列入比赛项目,并规定为 6个队参加,产生办法是:上届世界篮球锦标赛前 3名;世界性选拔赛前两名和主办国。采取单循环制进行比赛。1980年第22届奥运会的女篮比赛仍用此办法。世界篮球锦标赛的女子篮球比赛是1953年开始举办的,与男子比赛分别举行。每届比赛间隔时间不定,一般是4年1届。历届世界女篮锦标赛的参加办法大致相同,都是由各大洲预选赛或锦标赛的冠军队、主办国和邀请国队(规程规定主办国可邀请1~2个国家的球队)参加。比赛办法,自1965年第4届锦标赛后,都是分3组进行预赛,各组前2名和主办国共7个队进行决赛。
