100字范文 > 言语行为动词 speech act verbs英语短句 例句大全

言语行为动词 speech act verbs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-25 14:24:20


言语行为动词 speech act verbs英语短句 例句大全

言语行为动词,speech act verbs

1)speech act verbs言语行为动词

1.Her study of the paraphrase ofspeech act verbs is innovative,systematic and unprecedented.Wierzbicka的自然语义元语言研究历经40多年,她的针对言语行为动词的释义研究成果具有很强的创新性、系统性和前瞻性,其自然语义元语言理论也备受专家学者推崇。

2.Research findings shows that there are few differences between English and Chinesespeech act verbs in the lexical meaning,lexical classification and the grammatical semantic cognitive structure,but there are clear differences in their syntactical structure.研究成果表明,英汉言语行为动词的词汇语义、词汇类别以及句法语义认知结构差异不大,但它们在句法表达结构上却有较为明显的差异。

3.This paper distinguishes the interactive speech act verb sand the unidirectional speech verbs, then focuses the discussion on the two aspects of the eight pairs of interactivespeech act verbs of English-Chinese.该研究先就“互向”类言语行为动词与“单向”类言语行为动词具有不同的信息传递认知结构作了简单区分,重点体现了八对英汉“互向”类言语行为动词的信息传递认知结构和语义认知特征以及它们的语用解释。


1.A Comparative Study of the Meanings between Chinese and Russian Speech Act Verbs;汉、俄语言语行为动词语义对比研究

2.The Interactive Speech Act Verbs and Their Interpretation of Semantic Cognition;“互向”类言语行为动词语义认知解释

3.On Cognitive Motivation of Polysemous Speech Act Verbs言语行为动词一词多义现象的认知理据

4.Cognition-based Semantic Analysis of Speech Act Verbs in English Passives and Chinese Bei Sentences;英汉言语行为动词被动(字)句语义认知分析

5.The Classification of English-Chinese Speech Act Verbs and Their Semantic Cognitive Interpretation英汉言语行为动词分类及其语义认知解释

6.Delocutive verbs in Chinese;从言语到言语行为——试谈一类词义演变

7.The part of speech that expresses existence, action, or occurrence in most languages.动词在大多数语言中表达存在、行为或发生的那部分词类

8.The Pronominal Personal Reference Shift in Light of the Speech Act Theory--Based on the Linguistic Data from the Previous 80 Chapters in A Dream of Red Mansions言语行动理论与代词式人物换称——以《红楼梦》前八十回语料为例

9.Deeds, not words.要行动,不要言词。

10.(linguistics) the grammatical relation of the subject of a verb to the action that the verb denotes.动词表示的行为和动词主语合乎语法的关系。

11.We should, therefore, put our words into action.因此,我们应该将言词化为行动。

12.A Study on Comparison of Dialect Glossary in Dreams in the Red Mansions, Branch Road Light, Unofficial History of Academic Circles --Taking Verbs before “Yuci” for Example;《红楼梦》、《歧路灯》、《儒林外史》方言词语比较——以予词前的动词为例

13.A Study on Comparison of Dialect Glossary in “Hongloumeng”“Qiludeng”“ Rulinwaishi”;《红楼梦》《歧路灯》《儒林外史》方言词语比较——以予词前的动词为例

14.the voice used to indicate that the subject of the verb is the recipient (not the source) of the action denoted by the verb.动词主语是动词所表示的行为的接受者。

15.Integration of Cognitive Linguistics and Ecolinguistics:Analysis of Feasibility with Reference to Lexical System;认知语言学与生态语言学的结合——以词汇系统为例的可行性分析

16."Conative Function"- Semantic Field and Speech Acts of "просьба/Requirement";“意动性”功能-语义场与“请求”类言语行为

17.offensive remarks, language, behaviour无礼的言语、 语言、 行为

18.opprobrious language, remarks, deeds辱骂的语言、 言语、 行为.


speech act verb言语行为动词

1.In this paper, we discussspeech act verbs of English and Chinese, the comparable cognitive features and the classification of the semantic structure of sentences.文章从语义认知角度对英汉言语行为动词进行了讨论。

3)THANK Speech Act Verbs感谢类言语行为动词

4)lexical behaviour词语行为

5)speech act言语行为

1.On thespeech act of criticism under the Chinese context;汉语语境下批评言语行为研究

2.Research on cultural implication of politespeech act;礼貌言语行为的文化内涵研究

3.A critical analysis of the responses to thespeech act of apology in Chinese;论汉语道歉言语行为的回应

6)speech acts言语行为

1.A New Way to Understand Speech Acts: "Do Things with Words" in Virtual Reality;言语行为新解——试析在虚拟现实中“用语言做事”

2.Humor and Gender: Humorous Speech Acts and Pragmatic Strategies;幽默与性别:幽默言语行为及语用策略

3.A Contrastive Analysis of the Speech Acts of Complimenting in American English and Chinese;中英恭维言语行为对比分析


说谎者非言语行为说谎者非言语行为nonverbal behavior of a liar说谎者非言语行为(nonverbal behaviorof a liar)谎言心理学研究指出,说谎者的非言语行为一般具有下列特点:(l)音调较高。(2)姿态缺乏热情。(3)讲话速率较慢。(4)体位距他人不够紧密。(5)目光接触较少。(6)姿势变换较多(以手托腮、撕扯指甲、脚无端地踢来踢去等等)。(7)口误较多。(8)点头次数较少。(9)表情持续时间过长(如人们微笑和惊诧的表情一般只维持4一5秒,时间过长则可能是假装的)、过分夸张、面部表情与手势不同步(如先拍桌子、然后才板起脸)等等。说谎者的非言语行为被称为“泄露线索”,它有助于人们识别说谎者。(林向前撰{巫国审)
