100字范文 > 间接言语行为 indirect speech act英语短句 例句大全

间接言语行为 indirect speech act英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-22 09:58:02


间接言语行为 indirect speech act英语短句 例句大全

间接言语行为,indirect speech act

1)indirect speech act间接言语行为

1.A cognitive approach toindirect speech act;对间接言语行为的认知阐释

2.Indirect Speech Act-an Effective Pragmatic Strategy;间接言语行为——有效的语用策略


1.Indirect directives and their inspiration to communicative strategies指令类间接言语行为及言语交际策略

2.Pragmatic and Cognitive Approach to Metaphor and Indirect Speech Act;隐喻与间接言语行为的语用─认知分析

3.Implications of Indirect Speech Act Theory for Japanese Teaching间接言语行为理论对日语教学的启示

pare the Indirect Nature of Language of Euphemism with Indirect Speech Behavior;委婉语与间接言语行为的语言间接性研究之比较

5.Searles Indir-ect Speech Act Theory and It s Linguistic Philosophy;论塞尔的间接言语行为理论及语言哲学观

6.Factor Analysis of the Use of Indirect Speech Action of a Joke;笑话中间接言语行为使用的因素分析

7.On Teachers’ Strategies of Indirect Error Correction;论教师间接言语行为的“纠错”策略

8.Indirect Speech Acts and the Development of Oral Communication Ability in College English Education间接言语行为与大学英语口语交际能力培养

9.Indirect Speech Act and Communicative Functions of Euphemism;从间接言语行为看英语婉语的交际功能

10.Indirect Speech Acts--For Literal Meaning and Connotation日语中的非规约性间接言语行为——以言内之意和言外之意为中心

11.Presentation of Indirect Speech Acts in College English Textbook;间接言语行为在大学英语教材中的体现

12.A Study of Indirect Speech Act Theory and Listening Teaching in Chinese Secondary School English Class;间接言语行为理论与中学英语听力教学研究

13.The Function of Indirect Speech Act in Communicative Teaching;间接言语行为在英语交际教学中的作用研究

14.Application of the Theory of Indirect Speech Acts to TCFL;间接言语行为理论在对外汉语教学中的应用

15.Pragmatic Functions of Indirect Speech Acts in Politness Strategy;论间接言语行为在礼貌策略中的语用功能

16.Metonymic Study on Indirect Speech Act from Pragmatic-cognitive Perspective认知语用视域下间接言语行为转喻研究

17.The Context Analysis of Indirect Speech Act in the Story of Red Mansion《红楼梦》对话中的间接言语行为的语境分析

18.The illustrations of pragmatic inference from two perspectives--Relevance Theory and metonymy in cognitive linguistics;间接言语行为语用推理的两种阐释——联理论和认知语言学的转喻观


indirect speech acts间接言语行为

1.From language teaching perspective, this paper first discusses the necessary apparatus to interpretindirect speech acts by Searle: mutually shared background information, both linguistic and non-linguistic; certain general principles of cooperative conversation and the ability of the hearer to make inference.文章从语言教学的角度 ,首先评述了塞尔对理解间接言语行为的阐释 :交际双方所共有的语言和非语言背景知识 ,会话原则及双方的推理能力 ;接着重点探讨了这些必备条件对大学英语教学的启示。

2.From language teaching perspective,this paper first discusses the necessary apparatus to interpretindirect speech acts by Searle: mutually shared background information,both linguistic and non-linguistic;certain general principles of cooperative conversation and the ability of the hearers to make inference.从语言教学的角度,评述了塞尔对理解间接言语行为的阐释:交际双方所共有的语言和非语言背景知识,会话原则及双方的推理能力。

3.More recently,Thornburg and Panther study this language phenomenon from the perspective of cognition and propose their metonymic interpreting theory which reveals the metonymic nature ofindirect speech acts.作为一个重要的语言现象,间接言语行为引起了语言学家的普遍关注,但传统的理论研究却没能对其做一个令人满意的解释。

3)indirect speech act theory间接言语行为

1.Indirect Speech Act Theory and Its Linguistic Philosophy间接言语行为及其哲学意蕴

2.This paper is based on theindirect speech act theory of Searle and the face theory put forward by Brown and Levinson.文章以"语篇补全测试"为工具,依据赛尔的间接言语行为理论及布朗和莱文森的面子论,讨论教师在批评言语行为中所采用的策略,并就各策略的使用频率进行统计分析;在通过问卷调查了解学生对教师批评策略的不同接受程度的基础上,提出选择恰当批评策略在教学中的积极意义。


5)indirect speech act间接性言语行为

6)direct/indirect speech acts直接/间接言语行为


说谎者非言语行为说谎者非言语行为nonverbal behavior of a liar说谎者非言语行为(nonverbal behaviorof a liar)谎言心理学研究指出,说谎者的非言语行为一般具有下列特点:(l)音调较高。(2)姿态缺乏热情。(3)讲话速率较慢。(4)体位距他人不够紧密。(5)目光接触较少。(6)姿势变换较多(以手托腮、撕扯指甲、脚无端地踢来踢去等等)。(7)口误较多。(8)点头次数较少。(9)表情持续时间过长(如人们微笑和惊诧的表情一般只维持4一5秒,时间过长则可能是假装的)、过分夸张、面部表情与手势不同步(如先拍桌子、然后才板起脸)等等。说谎者的非言语行为被称为“泄露线索”,它有助于人们识别说谎者。(林向前撰{巫国审)
