100字范文 > 非规约性间接拒绝言语行为 unconventional indirect refusal speech acts英语短句 例句大全

非规约性间接拒绝言语行为 unconventional indirect refusal speech acts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-01 12:41:09


非规约性间接拒绝言语行为 unconventional indirect refusal speech acts英语短句 例句大全

非规约性间接拒绝言语行为,unconventional indirect refusal speech acts

1)unconventional indirect refusal speech acts非规约性间接拒绝言语行为

2)conventional indirect refusal speech acts规约性间接拒绝言语行为

3)non conventional indirect speech act非常规性间接语言行为


1.Schematic Explanation to Searle s Example for HisNon-Conventional Indirect Speech Act;Searle非常规性间接语言行为示例的图式解释

2.Indirect Speech Acts--For Literal Meaning and Connotation日语中的非规约性间接言语行为——以言内之意和言外之意为中心

3.On a Dialogical Understanding of Non-conventional ISA from the Angle of Speaker and Hearer;从言者和听者的角度理解非规约性间接言语行为

4.Non-conventional Indirect Negation: Speech Act as a Pragmatic Strategy非规约间接否定:作为语用策略的言语行为

5.Language Conventions and Communication Norms of Directive Indirect Speech Acts in English;英语指示性间接言语行为的语言规约与交际准则

pare the Indirect Nature of Language of Euphemism with Indirect Speech Behavior;委婉语与间接言语行为的语言间接性研究之比较

7.Indirect directives and their inspiration to communicative strategies指令类间接言语行为及言语交际策略

8.Linguistic,Non-Linguistic Context and Words Unusual Collocation;语言及非语言语境与词语非常规搭配

9.On Negative Effects of Indirect Speech Act in Politeness Theory s Application;间接性言语行为在礼貌原则应用中的消极作用

10.Cognitive and Metonymic Inference of Indirect Speech Act and Its Practicality Analysis间接言语行为认知转喻推理及其实践性分析

11.The Speech Act of Indirect Refusal in Contemporary Chinese;现代汉语中“间接拒绝”言语行为研究

12.Pragmatic and Cognitive Approach to Metaphor and Indirect Speech Act;隐喻与间接言语行为的语用─认知分析

13.Implications of Indirect Speech Act Theory for Japanese Teaching间接言语行为理论对日语教学的启示

14.Searles Indir-ect Speech Act Theory and It s Linguistic Philosophy;论塞尔的间接言语行为理论及语言哲学观

15.Factor Analysis of the Use of Indirect Speech Action of a Joke;笑话中间接言语行为使用的因素分析

16.On Teachers’ Strategies of Indirect Error Correction;论教师间接言语行为的“纠错”策略

17.Indirect Speech Acts and the Development of Oral Communication Ability in College English Education间接言语行为与大学英语口语交际能力培养

18.Indirect Speech Act and Communicative Functions of Euphemism;从间接言语行为看英语婉语的交际功能


conventional indirect refusal speech acts规约性间接拒绝言语行为

3)non conventional indirect speech act非常规性间接语言行为

4)non-conventionally indirect speech act非规约性言语行为

1.Using the theory of indirect speech acts by Searle in the analysis of some typical sentences in Mandarin,this paper discusses the different utterance features between conventionally indirect speech acts andnon-conventionally indirect speech acts.文章以语言哲学家Searle的间接言语行为理论为依据,在对现代汉语中的一些典型例句进行分析的基础上,阐述规约性言语行为和非规约性言语行为不同的表述特点,并尝试探索运用间接言语行为理论更有效地理解汉语话语中言外之意的方法,以便顺利跨越间接言语行为带来的理解障碍。

5)direct refusal speech acts直接拒绝言语行为

6)refusal speech act拒绝言语行为

1.An OT account of Chinese and Americanrefusal speech act中美拒绝言语行为的优选论分析

2.On the one hand, both languages employ the three directness types, namely the directrefusal speech act, ability of negation and indirectrefusal speech act, and prefer indirect refusals.对汉语和美语中的拒绝行为的直接性层面的调查研究得出以下结论:像其它言语行为一样,拒绝言语行为受情景和文化因素的制约,不同文化之间的拒绝言语行为有相同之处,也有差异。

3.This thesis will make an analysis of the category ofrefusal speech act through a study of Chinese native speakers.拒绝言语行为作为语用学施为性言语行为中重要的一种言语行为之一,同样具有与原型范畴相似的特征属性,并表现出原型结构。


