100字范文 > 言语行为特点 Speech Act Characteristics英语短句 例句大全

言语行为特点 Speech Act Characteristics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-28 14:51:07


言语行为特点 Speech Act Characteristics英语短句 例句大全

言语行为特点,Speech Act Characteristics

1)Speech Act Characteristics言语行为特点


1.A Study on the Speech Act Characteristics of Commercial Advertising Slogans对商业广告标题语的言语行为特点研究

2.An Analysis of the Criminal Linguistic Characteristics of the Net Youngsters" in Virtual Communities网络虚拟社区青少年网民群体犯罪言语行为特点分析

3.The Types and Characteristics of Talk Strategy in Japanese Speech Act of Refusal;日语言语拒绝行为中谈话策略的类型和特点

4.On Hypothetical Space Structuring and Its Characteristics in Performing Commissive Act;承诺类言语行为假设空间的建构及特点

5.(of behavior or especially language) characterized by obscenity or indecency.(指行为或者特别是指语言)以淫秽或者下流为特点。

6.On the Features of Catchwords and Its Linguistical and Psychological Explanations;流行语的特点及语言学、心理学解释

7.Linguistic Characteristics of Customary Law:From Perspective of Basic Linguistic Elements论民间法语言的特点——以语言基本要素为视角

8.An Analysis of Pragmatic Features of There Be Construction in the Perspective of Speech Act Theory;用言语行为理论分析There be句式的语用特征

9.Analysis on the Characteristics and Expression Forms of Modern Vogue English;现代英语流行语的特点及语言表现形式

10.A Contrastive Study of Female Language Features in Speech Act between English and Chinese;言语行为中女性语言特色英汉对比研究

11.characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation.以非正式说出的语言或者交谈为特点。

12.offensive remarks, language, behaviour无礼的言语、 语言、 行为

13.opprobrious language, remarks, deeds辱骂的语言、 言语、 行为.

14.In the Jewish religion, we focus more on deeds than words.而犹太教,我们重点是看行为,超过语言。

15.the genius of the English language, of the age英语语言的、 时代的特点.

16.The Characteristics in the English in Commercial Advertisements for Females;以女性为对象的英语商业广告的语言特点

17.On Listening and Speaking of Chinese Language Teaching as a Second Language;论作为第二语言的汉语听、说教学的特点

18.An Analysis of the Discourse Patterns and Pragmatic Characteristics of Apologizing in Chinese;道歉行为的话语模式与语用特点分析


language behavior characteristic语言行为特点

1.To analyze thelanguage behavior characteristic of speech disabled patients and provide reference for their rehabilitation training.分析言语残疾患者的语言行为特点,指导其语言康复治疗。

3)the feature of official documents国家行政公文言语行为特点

4)speech act言语行为

1.On thespeech act of criticism under the Chinese context;汉语语境下批评言语行为研究

2.Research on cultural implication of politespeech act;礼貌言语行为的文化内涵研究

3.A critical analysis of the responses to thespeech act of apology in Chinese;论汉语道歉言语行为的回应

5)speech acts言语行为

1.A New Way to Understand Speech Acts: "Do Things with Words" in Virtual Reality;言语行为新解——试析在虚拟现实中“用语言做事”

2.Humor and Gender: Humorous Speech Acts and Pragmatic Strategies;幽默与性别:幽默言语行为及语用策略

3.A Contrastive Analysis of the Speech Acts of Complimenting in American English and Chinese;中英恭维言语行为对比分析

6)speech act语言行为

1.Mood,modality andspeech act in modern English;现代英语中的语气、情态和语言行为

2.he gender difference ofspeech act is discussed from the perspective of language structure and use level with language and pragmatic theory.文章从语言结构层次和语言使用层面出发,基于语言本体及语用视角,对语言的性别化差异进行全面探讨,多层次的呈现男性和女性语言行为的差别,并试图从生理因素、角色定位、社会地位三方面分析造成这些差异的原因。

3.He concludes and criticizes three theories of meaning in analytical philosophy,that is,Grice’s intentional semantics,Frege’s truth semantics and Wittgenstein and Searle’sspeech act theory,holding the universification of efficiency.他认为,语言行为不仅能行事,而且可以作为其它行为协调机制,而言说者是提出怎样的有效性要求、如何提出的有效性要求以及为什么会提出有效性要求的,是其交往行为理论的核心内容。


